Starting TRT: Treatment options

Today I feel amazing.
Muscle soreness all over my body and neck is gone. I feel better than I did when I was 20. I feel strong, focused, calm and confident.

Good deal. Go a little while before you start to mix the hCG in, just to see if you develop any sides on the Test alone. If you wait a month or so then start with the hCG, and those positive effects subside and negatives ones appear you can pinpoint your problem.

As your HPTA becomes suppressed by the introduction of exogenous test, you will notice some changes too. Right now, you are adding Test on top of what your body is already producing, so keep that in mind.

TL;DR glad you feel great, let this ride for awhile without changing anything and keep us updated.
I think they want to start me on 250 units of HCG 2x/wk starting in a few weeks in addition to the 100mg of test 1x/wk and keep me on that until they take labs to see how I'm doing.

That doesn't sound like a lot.
On my 3rd week at 100mg/wk test cyp. Feels amazing.

It will take 6 weeks for blood levels to stabilize as at week 3 not only are your levels in flux but on top of the exogenous testosterone you are injecting your hpta has not fully shutdown yet so do not be alarmed if the feeling does not last as you are experiencing what we call the honeymoon period which is short live and common when starting trt.

Once the hpta is fully shutdown and T levels have stabilized at 6 weeks only than you will truly know how the 100 mg/week of test effects your TT/FT and e2 among other health markers but it will also take some time to truly gauge how your body responds to said dose of testosterone and you may very well end up needing a protocol adjustment (dose/injection frequency).

For many starting trt can feel great at first but you may end up hitting some bumps along the way as it can take time to find what is optimal for you and testosterone's full benefits do not happen overnight.
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. It's doubtful any insurance would cover TRT above 300 ng/dL, going private would be your only option.

no way are you getting TRT above 300 ng/dL under insurance.

My insurance covers it. My initial labs was 349 ng/dl, my doctor said 350 was the cut off for Blue Cross. They have been paying for it all but a $20.00 co-pay every 3 months the past 16 months. Different insurance companies may have different limits I guess.
So it's been almost 1 month of 100mg/wk test cyp, feeling great throughout.

Just started the HCG, took 500iu today, noticed two things:
1. felt better during the day but I can't quite describe why.
2. At night BANG! My libido went through the stratosphere tonight.

Now, the test alone made my erections harder and last longer but this first dose of HCG absolutely amplified that and boosted sexual desire. Probably out of the ~4wks of this experience, this was the peak for libido, the same day of the first HCG injection.
My insurance covers it. My initial labs was 349 ng/dl, my doctor said 350 was the cut off for Blue Cross. They have been paying for it all but a $20.00 co-pay every 3 months the past 16 months. Different insurance companies may have different limits I guess.

Hi Lee, does your insurance cover HCG too? I'm only paying $40/mo on the test, the HCG was like $150 for a 2 month supply. My medical provider told me no insurances cover HCG.
So it's been almost 1 month of 100mg/wk test cyp, feeling great throughout.

Just started the HCG, took 500iu today, noticed two things:
1. felt better during the day but I can't quite describe why.
2. At night BANG! My libido went through the stratosphere tonight.

Now, the test alone made my erections harder and last longer but this first dose of HCG absolutely amplified that and boosted sexual desire. Probably out of the ~4wks of this experience, this was the peak for libido, the same day of the first HCG injection.

Do you mind if I ask what brand of HCG you’re using?

And what’s your HCG protocol? Are you going to continue to inject 500iu once or twice a week?
Anyone else get high BP when starting HCG?
My BP was in the normal range for the past 6 months, I have the readings in my home meter. A few days after starting HCG it went up to about 157/92 and my heart rate is elevated to 90bpm.

I'm also sick though, got some kind of sore throat and was getting very poor sleep the past couple nights. I'm going to keep reading bp a couple times a day and monitor.
Here's my latest labs on trough day (1 week after test cyp injection):

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Overall I feel pretty good. Morning erections every day. Libido still high. Focused, and relaxed. I can work out everyday if I want to and every workout is a good workout.
My body composition has definitely improved.

I definitely do not feel as crazy good as I did the first week when I had my endogenous testosterone in addition to the exogenous testosterone and a fully open hpta axis. During that first week my muscles felt like they were growing on an hourly basis and my focus and confidence were through the roof almost too much.

In fact I may want to ask them to up my dose a little at my next appointment to see if I can get closer to the feeling of the first week.

My clinic told me pregnyl is expensive from regular pharmacies and much cheaper from compounding pharmacies. It cost me about 170 for a 8-week supply from a compounding pharmacy.
Overall I feel pretty good. Morning erections every day. Libido still high. Focused, and relaxed. I can work out everyday if I want to and every workout is a good workout.
My body composition has definitely improved.

I definitely do not feel as crazy good as I did the first week when I had my endogenous testosterone in addition to the exogenous testosterone and a fully open hpta axis. During that first week my muscles felt like they were growing on an hourly basis and my focus and confidence were through the roof almost too much.

In fact I may want to ask them to up my dose a little at my next appointment to see if I can get closer to the feeling of the first week.

My clinic told me pregnyl is expensive from regular pharmacies and much cheaper from compounding pharmacies. It cost me about 170 for a 8-week supply from a compounding pharmacy.

Ya your testosterone could probably use a little boost. Nothing crazy, as those are your numbers at trough, so they’re obv higher at peak. But a little boost in testosterone dosage might be a good idea. You have plenty of room in regards to HCT. Also make sure they run free testosterone next time you get labs done.

Glad you’re still feeling so good. So do you think your libido and sexual function is still higher while on HCG than it was at the beginning on testosterone alone?

And in regards to Pregnyl pricing, sounds like your compounding pharmacy is the one that’s more expensive. It only comes in one size, which is 10ml. So if you’re paying $170 for a bottle of Pregnyl, it’s a 10ml vial, which would last you 10 weeks. It says Pregnyl on the bottle?

And it’s actually cheaper to get it at a local pharmacy near you. You just have them order it, and then use a GoodRX coupon. It will be around $108-$113 for the same bottle you’re paying $170 for.
Pregnyl Prices and Pregnyl Coupons - GoodRx
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Overall I feel pretty good. Morning erections every day. Libido still high. Focused, and relaxed. I can work out everyday if I want to and every workout is a good workout.
My body composition has definitely improved.

I definitely do not feel as crazy good as I did the first week when I had my endogenous testosterone in addition to the exogenous testosterone and a fully open hpta axis. During that first week my muscles felt like they were growing on an hourly basis and my focus and confidence were through the roof almost too much.

In fact I may want to ask them to up my dose a little at my next appointment to see if I can get closer to the feeling of the first week.

My clinic told me pregnyl is expensive from regular pharmacies and much cheaper from compounding pharmacies. It cost me about 170 for a 8-week supply from a compounding pharmacy.

Sure you can look into possibly increasing your dose slightly but do not expect to replicate the feeling one tends to experience when first starting (honeymoon phase) as it is short lived simply because the body will eventually adapt to those new levels.

It is very common for most to experience this bliss period when first starting or any time T dose is increased but it is always short lived and temporary.

Many are always chasing this feeling and comparing how they felt during this time and although when you find your so called zone where you feel positive benefits regarding energy/mood/libido/erectile function/body composition/recovery and overall well being it will reach a point where it becomes the new norm and you feel like a normal healthy male again.

Too many get caught up in trying to chase this feeling let alone expect that when one is using exogenous testosterone that they should wake up every day with tons of energy, stellar mood, raging libido, titanium like erections, and transform into the hulk muscular and strong with wolverine like recovery abilities when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.

An effective trt protocol resulting in healthy hormonal levels will result in positive improvements/changes in ones energy/mood/libido/erectile function/body composition and recovery for most but up to a point where one feels like they should before they had low T expect that one should feel like superman 24/7 is a losing battle.

When you find your zone it should feel like night/day compared to pre-trt but do not get caught up in this trying to mimic how one feels when they first start trt (honeymoon phase) or how good they may have felt every time T dose was increased which is usually temporary.

The body will always adapt to those new T levels.

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