Starting TRT - Tips , Advice , Experience

Hey guys, I’ve been on and off this thread for quite a while now. I’ve been suffering low-T symptoms for a few years. Finally decided to take the dive and start TRT.

I’m going to use this thread as an update to keep track of my experience, to seek advice and help anyone see a timeline of what TRT is like for the first few months.

I’m hoping this thread stays positive, and I look forward to updating you guys once my initial labs are in.
My best advice for you coming from a long term trt user is to start as low as possible and work your way up slowly very slowly.
My starting dose was 70 MG of testosterone cypionate twice a week along with 500 iu of hCG twice a week. No AI. I injected both on the same day.
I’d recommend no more than 80mg. I feel my best in the 60-80mg range. I’ve tried as high as 200mg per week and felt awful in every aspect. It’s a lot easier to work your way up then to start too high, get side effects and come back down.
I’d recommend no more than 80mg. I feel my best in the 60-80mg range. I’ve tried as high as 200mg per week and felt awful in every aspect. It’s a lot easier to work your way up then to start too high, get side effects and come back down.
So you recommend 60-80mg twice a week or are you saying in total?
What’s your guys thoughts on adjusting dosages throughout TRT?

I plan on getting labs at month 3, 6 and 1 year.
Would you recommend waiting for labs before any adjustments or is it okay to tweak it after a few weeks of feeling it out?
You didn't mention if you are working with a doctor? While its great to get a bunch of suggestions from guys on a forum, you should probably listen to his/her advice first. If it seems like a poor protocol, then its time to double check. Plus, unless you are going rogue, they are the one writing the prescription.

And no, wait at least 6-8 weeks on a dosage before you do testing. It takes awhile for your body to stabilize. Don't mess with dosing based on initial symptom relief (or lack thereof).
You didn't mention if you are working with a doctor? While its great to get a bunch of suggestions from guys on a forum, you should probably listen to his/her advice first. If it seems like a poor protocol, then its time to double check. Plus, unless you are going rogue, they are the one writing the prescription.

And no, wait at least 6-8 weeks on a dosage before you do testing. It takes awhile for your body to stabilize. Don't mess with dosing based on initial symptom relief (or lack thereof).
Right on, thanks for the feedback. Yeah unfortunately there is no doc on the ride. Hence why I’m on here trying to soak up all the information I can get and make some determination!
What levels TT does 70mg twice a week put you?
I couldn’t find my first protocol. Here’s my second one.

80mg of testosterone cypionate and 500iu of hcg every 3 1/2 days - no AI

testosterone, serum 1059ng/dl 348-1197
free testosterone direct 28.9 pg/mL 6.6-18.1
dhea-sulate 214.9 ug/dL 48.9-344.2
estradiol, seneitive 27.3 pg/mL 8.0-35.0
I couldn’t find my first protocol. Here’s my second one.

80mg of testosterone cypionate and 500iu of hcg every 3 1/2 days - no AI

testosterone, serum 1059ng/dl 348-1197
free testosterone direct 28.9 pg/mL 6.6-18.1
dhea-sulate 214.9 ug/dL 48.9-344.2
estradiol, seneitive 27.3 pg/mL 8.0-35.0
Nice! Now correct me if I’m wrong, those numbers look pretty good for 160mg/week right?
How does the HcG effect the numbers? (higher or lower)

I’m going to start off just Cypionate, once Dialed in I would like to start HcG as well.
Nice! Now correct me if I’m wrong, those numbers look pretty good for 160mg/week right?
How does the HcG effect the numbers? (higher or lower)

I’m going to start off just Cypionate, once Dialed in I would like to start HcG as well.
HCG does increase the testosterone levels. I started injecting 500 IU of hCG twice a week right from the gecko. I like having full testicles and also believe it keeps my libido strong. Some members cannot tolerate HCG, but on average I think most enjoy how it makes them feel. I would hate to inject just testosterone and not hCG.
HCG does increase the testosterone levels. I started injecting 500 IU of hCG twice a week right from the gecko. I like having full testicles and also believe it keeps my libido strong. Some members cannot tolerate HCG, but on average I think most enjoy how it makes them feel. I would hate to inject just testosterone and not hCG.
Great info. Yes I’d ideally like to start HcG but with my current situation there is no way I can afford it! Im hoping down the road to find a doc and get all my essentials through them.. I’m with you though Vince, As soon as possible I’m gonna grab HcG and let the testes hang! For fertility too!
Well, my doc started me on 120mg per week... enanthate here (Delatestryl) ... and I failled to follow up properly... and cruised way too high... both my T anf Free T were super physiological and my E was pretty high too.. So, after a year went back for yearly... and discovered that... Since then lowered my dose to 100mg per week... and feel MUCH better... like a stress left my body... I am not an overly anxious guy, but it was like someone removed a burden off my shoulders...

Now I felt great, just a little too ... difficult to say... anxious is the only word that comes to mind but it's not exactly that... it was just too much. I also was having palpitations... which went away by magic when I lowered the dose...

So Start slow... Test, keep your total T in a physiological level where your free T is good... and you will feel like a million dollars... I do not do AI, HCG... or anything else... I keep it simple and kind of like my juvenile looking ball sack... lol

One thing I also learned is that I feel best at an EOD protocol... So currently, this is .14ml Every Other Day... I do subq, easy at those low doses...

You could start at 80 or 100 mg per week... divided into preferably at least 2 doses ... Test after 8 weeks... adjust... considering how you feel also.

The other factor you have to consider if using UG Lab Test... is quality of the product and the actual dose accuracy. It might be good to test yourself more often mayby to make sure you are consistent...

I don't know if others have noticed that too... but the more consistant I am, the better I feel and the better the libido is too... Seems that when you cruise at an even level, your body addapts and normalizes the other hormones and factors...

Godspeed... TRT gave me my life back, hope you get as much benefit as I did...
Nick , long term trt guy here. I had bad luck in the beginning of my journey I stopped and started a few times . Here’s what I would tell a new trt user. Pick a dose and stick with it whatever it is for six weeks get blood tested and go from there do not add hCG until you are stable with your Trt Dose. Hcg aromatizes fast and can cause e2 sides.
start low with multiple shots a week If you’re using a cypionate and I use a propionate and do daily shots 17 to 20 mg depending on how I feel. You have to pay attention to your body but remember this Testosterone is all natural and it should make you feel better but it is not a magic Bullet you still have to get enough sleep to feel better than next day you could still get tired and angry all that other stuff. With a cypionate I would start with 50 - 60 mg 3 times a week mwf. Get tested in 5 - 6 weeks. Adjust dose up or down and test again in 5-6 weeks. But you need to go by how you feel not all these guys on this board metabolize test in the Sane manner. So it you feel better at a 1200 test level then great some guys feel better at a 600 test level.

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