Okay so total test was 144 nd/dL .
Doc wanted to put me on gel, but I told him about the cream and he said okay.
I showed him the chart on this page https://www.lawleybasecamp.com/media/pdf/pi/androforte-5-pi.pdf
I said that I was concerned dosing just once a day would leave me with mostly low-ish levels throughout the day, but he said it falls like that in nature so it doesn't really matter and he said something like "these are people that aren't on it for a while" and that he expects my levels to be better. After pressing a bit more he said we could do an extra blood test before an application to see, as well as one 4-6 hours after.
He prescribed 2ml once in the morning, and didn't seem to care whether I put it on the scrotum or torso. I think he started with 2ml because the official dr stuff you pull up here only talks about torso of 2ml, where as the scrotum stuff usually says 1ml.
I'm 4 days in so far.
There's only one option for cream here, which is the one in that link. It is 50mg per ml. Whenever you guys talk about clicks, am I correct that's 0.25ml? If so, then this cream is 4x less potent.
I am conflicted on what to do because... What comes back on those blood tests will determine whether I get given a higher amount or not, and damnit knowing you guys are on 200mg, and that this cream is less potent too, I really might end up needing more. If the 6hours after says 1300ng/dL and the just-before says 480ng/dL, he might want to cut my dose or keep it as is. And also, I really don't like the idea of sticking to 2ml once a day for the next 5 weeks. I've been doing 1ml twice a day instead for now.. I'm wondering, should I maybe go without ANY the day before the test, then dose just 1ml and get it tested? But then I might have to keep up that fib the whole way and I'll never get accurate bloodwork.
I honestly doubt 2ml gives double of 1ml, because 1ml is a lot of cream anyway, 2ml is pretty greasy, there has to be a limit on what can absorb down there. I feel like 2ml twice a day is probably bang on what I should be dosing just from everything I'm reading, but even that "200mg" might be less potent due to the amount of cream it's dispersed in.
Have a look at the chart on that pdf, and let me know what you think. I do want to be optimised 24/7. I've lived a shell of a life I need to make up for lost time. Sorry if I'm getting too ahead of myself, I just don't want to get stuck not feeling as good as I could feel.
Doc wanted to put me on gel, but I told him about the cream and he said okay.
I showed him the chart on this page https://www.lawleybasecamp.com/media/pdf/pi/androforte-5-pi.pdf
I said that I was concerned dosing just once a day would leave me with mostly low-ish levels throughout the day, but he said it falls like that in nature so it doesn't really matter and he said something like "these are people that aren't on it for a while" and that he expects my levels to be better. After pressing a bit more he said we could do an extra blood test before an application to see, as well as one 4-6 hours after.
He prescribed 2ml once in the morning, and didn't seem to care whether I put it on the scrotum or torso. I think he started with 2ml because the official dr stuff you pull up here only talks about torso of 2ml, where as the scrotum stuff usually says 1ml.
I'm 4 days in so far.
There's only one option for cream here, which is the one in that link. It is 50mg per ml. Whenever you guys talk about clicks, am I correct that's 0.25ml? If so, then this cream is 4x less potent.
I am conflicted on what to do because... What comes back on those blood tests will determine whether I get given a higher amount or not, and damnit knowing you guys are on 200mg, and that this cream is less potent too, I really might end up needing more. If the 6hours after says 1300ng/dL and the just-before says 480ng/dL, he might want to cut my dose or keep it as is. And also, I really don't like the idea of sticking to 2ml once a day for the next 5 weeks. I've been doing 1ml twice a day instead for now.. I'm wondering, should I maybe go without ANY the day before the test, then dose just 1ml and get it tested? But then I might have to keep up that fib the whole way and I'll never get accurate bloodwork.
I honestly doubt 2ml gives double of 1ml, because 1ml is a lot of cream anyway, 2ml is pretty greasy, there has to be a limit on what can absorb down there. I feel like 2ml twice a day is probably bang on what I should be dosing just from everything I'm reading, but even that "200mg" might be less potent due to the amount of cream it's dispersed in.
Have a look at the chart on that pdf, and let me know what you think. I do want to be optimised 24/7. I've lived a shell of a life I need to make up for lost time. Sorry if I'm getting too ahead of myself, I just don't want to get stuck not feeling as good as I could feel.