Starting HCG monotherapy

10 the shot this week of 1000 units of HCG. Felt good all week. Still room for improvement. Definitely think this will be a good stop gap until starting trt. Wife and I are trying for first kid over the next couple weeks. We will see how it goes as she has PCOS.
So, as I said before was feeling good Sunday-thursday. Woke up Friday after 8 hours of sleep. Feeling tired, no libido, low motivation ect. Same thing has carried on into today. Thinking it's because HCG is quickly metabolized. Any thoughts?
Contemplating breaking up one of 1000 units a of hcg. so my routine would like Sunday 1000 units, Tuesday 1000 units, Thursday 500, Saturday 500.
I personally think HCG mono therapy is unsustainable. It'll drive your E2 through the roof. Then the AI game kicks in & the "whack a mole" game begins
I agree. Figured my mood and mind state can all be effects from elevated estradiol. Seem to have added a couple lbs into the midsection as well. I too believe that the alternative therapies to trt should only be temporary solutions, as they seem to be more difficult to manage in comparison to testosterone. Right now I just want to maintain fertility and feel okay until I am able to get on the injections. thanks
That's a good question, just a few years ago it seems like everyone on TRT used an AI. I wonder what percent of men on TRT used on AI today.

And what is the reason for this decrease in use of AIs with TRT? Protocols with more frequent injections leading to less aromatization?
I am 25 years of age and looking to maintain fertility while raising testosterone. I have battled low t since 2012. I had success on paper with clomid raising t from 338ng/do to 778ng/do. Free t was 29 on a 10-30 range if I remember correctly. Total estrogen was 131 so pretty high. Clomid helped with some symptoms but has crushed my libido. My dose was low 12.5mg Ed and anastrozole 0.5mg twice weekly. I discontinued clomid for 4 months. I saw a new urologist and he has prescribed me HCG 1000units 3x week and keep anastrozole the same. He has no concerns about densensitizing leydig cells. Says it has not happened and he has had men on it for years. My issue is insurance does not cover the HCG. The vial that I am getting is 10000 units. So a vial will last me about 3 weeks. It costs $120 per vial through compounding pharmacy. So I will be dishing out around $2000 a year. My wife and are going to begin attempting to conceive our first child in the upcoming months. My ideal choice would be to go on weekly testosterone injections with low dose HCG after we conceive and then for further children down the line come off testosterone when the time comes and up the HCG +/- clomid. I'll be posting in this forum my response to hcg. I would appreciate any input.

Did anyone answer your question on where to get cheaper hCG?

You can have your doctor fax your prescription to
[FONT=&quot](832) 678-4419 at Empower Pharmacy

I think their price is under $80 for 2 bottles of 5000 IU
Blood results in.

Total t 697ng/dl
Free t 21.6 pg/ml
Estradiol came in high at 48pg/ml.
Think once my MD adds in an aromatase inhibitor my testoterone numbers will increase and I will feel better.
Going to give Empower a try. Called Akina yesterday to re-up on my HCG. They called today and informed we they don't know if and when they will carry HCG again. If I end up going without HCG for a week I may take 12.5mg of clomid twice a week until I get my prescription issue fixed.
Currently awaiting my HCG from empower. Was significantly cheaper around 80 bucks. Thanks Nelson. Also had my follow up appointment last Wednesday. Placed on 0.25mg anastrozole twice a week. Any thoughts on when is the best time to take it?. Also my uro told me that once my wife is pregnant he is going to put me on t injections with lower dose HCG as it is more affordable than $80 every 3 weeks.
Hey guys.
If you are not aware I a have a new thread called New Protocol. HCG alone wasn't doing it for me and my doctor was open minded to trying to Lipshultz HCG protocol. So I inject testosterone cypionate 100mg every Sunday. I do 500iu of HCG eod. 50 units of fsh m,w,f . Anastrozole 0.5mg on Monday and Thursday. I am due for labs in about 3 weeks. I am also going to get a semen analysis done around the same time. I have been doing this for 3 weeks and I am already noticed significant improvement in every facet of life. I have the sex drive I had before all this happened, my erections are bigger and firmer, I am putting on muscle like I used too in highschool, and my mood is so much better. Depression is gone. I handle stress rather easily at work (ER nurse), better rested. Most importantly my wife is a very happy lady as of late.
Off topic question but it is for Nelson. I am a registered nurse with a background in emergency department medicine. I am curious as to how I could get involved in research regarding TRT.
Dikow, clomid is still... ... I would like to continue with HCG as I like the bio-identical component as an alternative for trt.
How is hCG a "bioidentical component" ? Did someone tell you that hCG is bio-identical to LH? Was this the same person who started you on 1mg anastrozole per week?

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