Started Nandrolone.


Active Member
Hello Everyone,

I've posted here a few times, and I've been following for a little over a year. I've really struggled to feel good on test since my first three week honeymoon on cream ended. The struggle seems to be E related and I will pass through days with good results, but for the most part I am always at some level of dis-satisfaction with my results. Anyhow, I have severe joint pain (did the pain clinic thing for a while) and I was looking for an alternative to the pain clinics we have in Tennessee when I read about nandralone. Well, I took my first shot today. I hope it will help with the joints and allow me to reduce my T dosage to about 50mg a week in hopes that my E will remain low. Anyone with experience, is this a realistic expectation? This will put me at 50 mg of T a week and 100 mg of Nandralone. I've tried reducing the T to low levels before, but then it did not have a theraputic effect, so it was kind of a waste.
As a side note my blood thickness becomes an issue at about 140mg of T a week.

Over the past year:
98 mg T per week puts me at 650 T and 20 free t- daily doses/tested 24 hours later
120mg T per week puts me at 900 t and 30 free t- daily doses/ "" """
140 mg "" """ "" 1000 """" 40 48 hours after the dose
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I agree, I hope you have good results with your new protocol. Most threads talk about using more T then N. Your protocol of 50 mg of T a week and 100 mg of Nandralone, goes against the grain. I understand your reasons, from your previous postings. Good luck.
Hello Everyone,

I've posted here a few times, and I've been following for a little over a year. I've really struggled to feel good on test since my first three week honeymoon on cream ended. The struggle seems to be E related and I will pass through days with good results, but for the most part I am always at some level of dis-satisfaction with my results. Anyhow, I have severe joint pain (did the pain clinic thing for a while) and I was looking for an alternative to the pain clinics we have in Tennessee when I read about nandralone. Well, I took my first shot today. I hope it will help with the joints and allow me to reduce my T dosage to about 50mg a week in hopes that my E will remain low. Anyone with experience, is this a realistic expectation? This will put me at 50 mg of T a week and 100 mg of Nandralone. I've tried reducing the T to low levels before, but then it did not have a theraputic effect, so it was kind of a waste.
As a side note my blood thickness becomes an issue at about 140mg of T a week.

Over the past year:
98 mg T per week puts me at 650 T and 20 free t- daily doses/tested 24 hours later
120mg T per week puts me at 900 t and 30 free t- daily doses/ "" """
140 mg "" """ "" 1000 """" 40 48 hours after the dose
are you still on the cream?
Hello Everyone,

I've posted here a few times, and I've been following for a little over a year. I've really struggled to feel good on test since my first three week honeymoon on cream ended. The struggle seems to be E related and I will pass through days with good results, but for the most part I am always at some level of dis-satisfaction with my results. Anyhow, I have severe joint pain (did the pain clinic thing for a while) and I was looking for an alternative to the pain clinics we have in Tennessee when I read about nandralone. Well, I took my first shot today. I hope it will help with the joints and allow me to reduce my T dosage to about 50mg a week in hopes that my E will remain low. Anyone with experience, is this a realistic expectation? This will put me at 50 mg of T a week and 100 mg of Nandralone. I've tried reducing the T to low levels before, but then it did not have a theraputic effect, so it was kind of a waste.
As a side note my blood thickness becomes an issue at about 140mg of T a week.

Over the past year:
98 mg T per week puts me at 650 T and 20 free t- daily doses/tested 24 hours later
120mg T per week puts me at 900 t and 30 free t- daily doses/ "" """
140 mg "" """ "" 1000 """" 40 48 hours after the dose

Go for it and tell us how you feel along the way. The only way to know for sure is to try it and see.
I wouldn’t recommend lowering your T to 50 mg. What were your E2 levels prior and why are you concerned? Do you have symptoms? No reason to lower E unless you have clinical symptoms. We have since learned that it’s more the ratio of total T to E2 that counts and there are plenty of guys with E2 over 100 with total T over 1,000 that feel fine.
In any case, if you did lower T, I would do 75mg with an equal amount of Nandrolone or 80 mg T / 60 mg nandrolone. For me the sweet spot was 80 mg nandrolone although I have run 50-60 mg with 80-100 mg of test with no issues, and no AI
Hello Everyone,

I've posted here a few times, and I've been following for a little over a year. I've really struggled to feel good on test since my first three week honeymoon on cream ended. The struggle seems to be E related and I will pass through days with good results, but for the most part I am always at some level of dis-satisfaction with my results. Anyhow, I have severe joint pain (did the pain clinic thing for a while) and I was looking for an alternative to the pain clinics we have in Tennessee when I read about nandralone. Well, I took my first shot today. I hope it will help with the joints and allow me to reduce my T dosage to about 50mg a week in hopes that my E will remain low. Anyone with experience, is this a realistic expectation? This will put me at 50 mg of T a week and 100 mg of Nandralone. I've tried reducing the T to low levels before, but then it did not have a theraputic effect, so it was kind of a waste.
As a side note my blood thickness becomes an issue at about 140mg of T a week.

Over the past year:
98 mg T per week puts me at 650 T and 20 free t- daily doses/tested 24 hours later
120mg T per week puts me at 900 t and 30 free t- daily doses/ "" """
140 mg "" """ "" 1000 """" 40 48 hours after the dose

I'm doing much higher levels. Just experimented with Nandrolone decanoate with a 20 week cycle (500mg/wk). This was paired with 400mg test cypionate. Not too convinced I benefited from it as far as size. I had no negative symptoms from this trial although thinking back not any joint issues in the last 20 weeks of lifting hard. Now that I'm off it we'll see if joint pain occurs.
I'm doing much higher levels. Just experimented with Nandrolone decanoate with a 20 week cycle (500mg/wk). This was paired with 400mg test cypionate. Not too convinced I benefited from it as far as size. I had no negative symptoms from this trial although thinking back not any joint issues in the last 20 weeks of lifting hard. Now that I'm off it we'll see if joint pain occurs.
That’s a bodybuilder cycle. We’re you taking any AI or Caber for estrogen or prolactin? Also, curious how your bloods looked if you have them.
In the 80s I did 250mg of both Test and Deca - awesome stack. No AI and no sides that I remember (except when I came off - we didn’t PCT back then)
I'm doing much higher levels. Just experimented with Nandrolone decanoate with a 20 week cycle (500mg/wk). This was paired with 400mg test cypionate. Not too convinced I benefited from it as far as size. I had no negative symptoms from this trial although thinking back not any joint issues in the last 20 weeks of lifting hard. Now that I'm off it we'll see if joint pain occurs.

I put on 20 lbs of lean mass in 13 weeks of 250 mg nandrolone. If your avatar is you, perhaps you’ve already reached your peak ability to carry muscle mass without insane dosages of AAS.
Stopping Nandralone...insane levels of tingling and pain in forearms and hands. Anyone every experience this? Like carpel tunnel on blast?
I never experienced or heard anything like that from Deca. What was your dose and what else were you running? Doesn’t seem to fit the side effects profile for that drug. One of your notes farther up indicated you had bad joint pain previously- I guess these symptoms were different, or could they be what you had before? Deca takes a few weeks to kick in, so if something hurt previously and you start the drug and experience pain, it’s likely you didn’t give it enough time to work.
Interested in use, but still on deca dick redflag. Big no-no to candidate myself for ed experiment. How was your experience?
I’m currently using 200mg of deca, 42mg of test, and 500iu’s of HCG. Haven’t experienced any tingling or pain in forearms, or any other body part. I talk to a guy constantly that’s been on 250mg deca, 50mg test, and 500iu’s of HCG. He’s been on this protocol for a while now, and he also doesn’t report anything like that. He has reported that sometimes he’ll get muscle pumps that make it painful to workout.

And as far as deca and ED, obv it can happen, but my erections have been great. Libido has been pretty good as well. I think my E2 is in the low side tho. Had it tested yesterday. Just bumped up my test and HCG doses to increase E2. I’m hoping the boost in E2 will bring up libido a bit more. The guy I talk to that’s on the above protocol also has great erections, and says his libido is through the roof. No ED with him either.
I’m currently using 200mg of deca, 42mg of test, and 500iu’s of HCG. Haven’t experienced any tingling or pain in forearms, or any other body part. I talk to a guy constantly that’s been on 250mg deca, 50mg test, and 500iu’s of HCG. He’s been on this protocol for a while now, and he also doesn’t report anything like that. He has reported that sometimes he’ll get muscle pumps that make it painful to workout.

And as far as deca and ED, obv it can happen, but my erections have been great. Libido has been pretty good as well. I think my E2 is in the low side tho. Had it tested yesterday. Just bumped up my test and HCG doses to increase E2. I’m hoping the boost in E2 will bring up libido a bit more. The guy I talk to that’s on the above protocol also has great erections, and says his libido is through the roof. No ED with him either.
Glad you finally decided to do this protocol. How’re you feeling on it mentally?
Glad you finally decided to do this protocol. How’re you feeling on it mentally?

Ya been on it since 2-20-20. Feel pretty good overall. Feel a little flat sometimes, and sometimes a little more irritable than I know I should. I’m assuming these are due to my E2 not being high enough. In the past, I’ve experienced similar symptoms when my E2 was too low when using too much ai. Zero depression or anxiety tho. Like legit zero. Mood wise doing very good. Still have some brain fog, but have had that the whole 6-7 years I’ve been on HRT. It was the main reason that I started HRT. It’s gotten a ton better on HRT, but still lingers a bit. I think it’s due to black mold that was in the house I was living in for years. Only got out of that house about 4-5 months ago. Takes time to recover from black mold exposure. So not expecting it to go away overnight.

But overall really happy with the way things are going. Was just really worried about everything going to hell with making such a drastic change. Especially with mood and erections. Luckily both of those things haven’t been an issue at all. Looking forward to my E2 lab coming back, and looking forward to seeing if bumping the test and HCG up a little makes a positive difference.
@Gman86 Some questions out of interrest:
What is your Nandrolone ester, injection frequency and dosing?
How is your BP and HR since on this protocol?
Do you experience any BP peaks and/or HR changes throughout the day?
Have you experienced any muscle cramping or a sense that the muscles close to the ligaments can cramp up at any moment?
@Gman86 Some questions out of interrest:
What is your Nandrolone ester, injection frequency and dosing?
How is your BP and HR since on this protocol?
Do you experience any BP peaks and/or HR changes throughout the day?
Have you experienced any muscle cramping or a sense that the muscles close to the ligaments can cramp up at any moment?

Ya questions are always welcomed. Ask away. I’m a nurse, and am working right now. Just took my BP with a machine and it was 120/68. Pulse was 74. Just had a physical less than a month ago, and it was around the same. Think it was 118/72 at my physical. I check my BP a few times a week, and it’s pretty consistent with the readings above. Doesn’t seem to fluctuate much. Pulse is usually high 60’s to high 70’s. That doesn’t seem to spike much either. Definitely don’t subjectively ever feel like my BP or pulse ever go too high.

And no, I haven’t experienced any muscle cramping at all since starting nandrolone.

I take nandrolone decanoate from Empower. I inject my deca, test and HCG EOD. All in the morning at the same time. Deca and test injected IM in my thighs. HCG injected sub Q in my belly fat

Previous dosing was as follows:
58mg of deca EOD
12mg of test cyp EOD
150iu’s HCG EOD

Current dosing as of 2 days ago:
58mg of deca EOD
18mg of test cyp EOD
180iu’s HCG EOD
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