Start again with labs and info, hopefully more clear this time


New Member
Ok, let me see if I can make this more understandable and easier to read.I apologize if it was scatter brained before, I was trying not to make it so cumbersome, but probably made it worse in the process.
Sorry Vince Carter and Johndoesmith, thanks for patience

I am 54, and have been on TRT since oct 2013. My dr has been my PCP for number of years and is an internal medicine dr. So he has never ordered what I have come to discover from this site all of the labs we should have been doing. Initial labs in sept 2013 were
Total T 251
LH of 1.2
prolactin 3.7
RBC 5.55
WBC 7.2
HGB 16.5
HCT. 49.8
platelets 159
glucose 112

I do not have free T or fsh numbers. I have had vasectomy.

We tried axrion first with free office sample. Total T went to 975 and I was punching holes in the wall mad all the time, or else running around chasing my wife! So we backed off and things came back into line, I do not have the numbers for that. Due to cost of Axiron and ins not covering we opted for a local pharmacy compounding a cream. This did not bring my levels even into the 300 range. So by early summer 2014 I went to Test Cyp. Dose was the standard 200mg every two weeks.

Since that time my labs have been averaging as shown below.
This would be from early summer 2014 thru nov 2016

Total T 283
Free T was never ordered
Estradoil never ordered
SHBG never ordered
RBC 6.32 It climbed from 5.86 prior to T cyp to 6.31 in first year and stayed above, generally climbing on each subsequent lab work
WBC 6.7
HGB 18.9 from 16.7 prior to T Cyp to 17.7 6 months later and then always above 19
HCT 56.2
Again these are averages over a period of 2 1/2 years. Generally I felt fine, decent energy, sex 2 x week, good cognitive functioning, no anxiety issues. Symptoms of pre TRT went away. Yes maybe I could have been feeling better and putting on more mass in gym, but the RBC's were climbing. No mention of blood donations ever mentioned.
My labs in Late Oct came back with a HCT of 62.1 and total T of 291. This was a labI never used before, and it seems odd to me that my HCT jumped from 56 to 62 in 6 months without any change in anything. But dr wanted me to stop T completely and go on Clomid. This is when I began taking my own health into my hands and found you guys.

I did not go on clomid. I did contact Defy. They would not take me as a patient until I got HCT down to 52 range. They did however give me a script to do monthly phlebotomy.
A brief conversation on phone with them and talk here I decided to switch my dose to 40 mg every 3.5 days. After 4 weeks below are the results.

Total T 883 348-1197
Free T 30.38 5-21
DHEA 107.3 71-375
sensitive e 30.9 8-35
HCT 59.8 37.5-51

So T went way up as did HCT. This was only dosing 160 mg over same 2 week period as 200 mg, obviously the threshold remained high so I new a lower dose could be used.
I went in for Phlebotomy a week later and red cross HGB showed 20.7!! so 62.1 again! I understand their little in office test is not as accurate as lab, regardless it had climbed .

A few weeks later after (2) 1 pint donations and not being on T cyp or anything

Total T 49
Free T 1.5
Sensitive E 3.8
HCT 55.2

So yes I felt like total poop. No morning wood , or any wood for that matter. No energy. anxiety issues came back and all the other things of no T But hct came down

Forward to mid march 7 days after last blood donation

Total T 364
Free T 6.4
LH 3.1
FSH 2.3
HCT 52.0
Did not order estradiol this point

So T is climbing and LH higher than original I do test at trough and always 7-8 in the morning.

I have a new TRT dr in Obsidian mens health, specializes in TRT, ED, vasecotomies...they ordered a bunch of tests for PV, leukemia, Jak2b genetic mutation.... since my UCT has never been lower than 49 for the last 20 years. New dr ordered those tests to clear those nasty things, I meet him next week for second appt

I do seem to be sensitive to T creating rbc quickly. Hematologist was stated a study saying with all other good blood work, HCt in TRT patients can be as high as 56, which is where have lived for past 3 years. When it got to 59 I was short of breath and could not work out! New dr wants it below 54. I am fine with occasional donations, although the best is not to have to do that as everything is going up and down, not so much homeostasis.

So I can go back to 200 mg every two weeks which kept me 55-56.5.
I can try to rework a new T Cyp program
I can try topical as I understand they do not effect HCT as much
Or I was wondering if HCG and climbed might be enough to help support my endogenous T production

I hope the read is not too long, and complete enough
Also my PSA is never above >5 and TSh has not been checked in a couple of years but is alway in low range.
Iron is actually still a bit high after 3 donations over 3 month period
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Also my spa is never above >5 and TSh has not been checked in a couple of years but is alway in low range.
Iron is actually still a bit high after 3 donations over 3 month period

Had to do a double take, wondering if you're talking about your jacuzzi or something?? I think your intent was prob PSA LOL?

When you say Iron .. Do you have iron serum labs? TIBC, saturation? Is hemochromatosis a factor in your family?

Don't put all ye faith into the TSH lab? It's a good marker to use for comparison purposes, but if you want to know the status of your thyroid gland you need Free T4, Free T3, Reverse T3, and both antibodies TPO & TgAb. Then depending on those results it can get a bit deeper into other components, i.e., your iron.
HA, Yes I am not in my spa, but was talking PSA!
TIBC 364 250-450
Uibc 183 111-343
Iron serum 181 38-169
Saturation 50 15-55

There is no hemochromatosis in family. The hematologist tests cam back negative and he was not concerned about this

I am hoping that a HCG and climbed could get my T up to 600 or so without having to go back on the T cyp. Do you think that is possible. If not back to the T and a new protocol dealing with regular donations. Not the end of the world by any means, I just prefer things to be stable and not up and down like it is with donations

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