Split Ampule into 50mg doses.


New Member
I am in Thailand and I'm starting to inject testosterone. I've had labs done and I am low in T.

I can only buy the 1cc ampules with 250mg Testosterone.

My question is how do I best divide the ampule up to stick as closely as I can to the recommended starter dose of 50mg twice a week.

I can't buy testosterone in any other form where I am.

Is it possible to divide it into 5 50mg doses and keep them fresh for 2 and a half weeks.

What syringes and needles do I need and how many of each.
Yeah you can split them up, there’s a few ways, what I do now is I have some syringes and sterile caps for them, draw into the syringe then cap them off til ready to use.

Size of syringes and needles depends on your injection method. I use a 3mL syringe, but my doses are 125mg/0.5mL. You might be better with a smaller syringe if you can get it. I inject IM into the quad, and use a 25g 1” needle to do that, but you will likely need a heavier gauge needle to draw the testosterone into the syringe (from memory I was using 21 gauge). I honestly can’t remember and I discovered this morning I’d run out! Drawing into the syringe with the 25g needle worked ok eventually but was slow and annoying.
split into five syringes, 0.2ml each. store them in a safe place. or you can transfer amps into empty sterile vials, thats what i do.

draw with 21-23g any length.
inject with 25-27g either 5/8 or 1/2
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Right.... thanks.
I would have thought the would be no drawing just injecting.
Just get 4 empty syringes.Inject each with 20ml and leave 20ml in the ampule and inject that straight away. But I must be missing something.

Then how long can I store them for.
OK disregard the last post. I now know what an ampule is.
So get 5 syringes and draw 2ml into each one.

So 2 questions
1 Why not pour the T into the syringes and
2 How long can I keep the the syringes for when are filled.
Pouring is messier and more more of a pain in the arse than just drawing using a syringe. I've used pre filled syringes up to a month after filling (on many occasions) with no ill effects. I suppose it depends on how much of a hypochondriac you are whether you balk at the idea of injecting with pre-filled syringes. There are some on here who believe you will immediately fall dead if done.
OK so 2 weeks is fine..... Because you would take the 5th dose on the 14th day..... Right......

As Im resaercbing I'm seeing that an 18 gauge filtered needle is best for drawing and an unfiltered half inch 30 gauge needle is good for injecting.

Does that sound right.
I both draw and inject with a 27g 10mm or 12.5mm insulin syringe, though I inject subq so no requirement for a longer needle.

Draw and inject as you see fit or with whatever syringes and needles you have available. Lots of ways to skin a cat.
I use 25G 5/8" easy to draw and inject. I tried smaller syrings but I have to pressure very hard for the oil to get in that I start shaking meaning the needle starts to move and takes too long time to draw.
OK disregard the last post. I now know what an ampule is.
So get 5 syringes and draw 2ml into each one.

So 2 questions
1 Why not pour the T into the syringes and
2 How long can I keep the the syringes for when are filled.

Not 2ml, but rather 0.2ml
0.2ml x 5 = 1cc or 1ml

Pouring the ampule into the syringe to fill it is a mind field of problems. I can think of half a dozen off the top of my head. The worst my be just the juggling act trying to get the plunger back into the syringe with the test inside. With the needle end pointing down you can't insert the plunger because that action would immediately push test through the needle, so obviously the next coarse of action would be to tilt the syringe back, but oops, now the test wants to run out, so you'd have to try to do a quick flip and pop the plunger in. It could probably be done, it would take a real delicate touch, but even then your back to all the other problems associated with that practice like greater chance of contaminating the syringe, mistreating the plunger head, poor measuring etc.

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