Hello. So little history, I had few month run with arimidex only over a year ago for trying to boost lowish T which was a terrible mistake. Since then (even months and months after quitting) I've had persistent symptoms which consist of for example almost constant sweating/hot flashes type thing, breast tenderness, dark circles under eyes that won't go away no matter how much I sleep, almost constant fatigue, hair loss etc. I connect these symptoms starting after AI usage because they fit the timeline. Life is pretty miserable right now. Labs have come pretty normal so I am speculating this might be some type of receptor issue.
So right now I've found a doc that wants me to try HCG monoteraphy to see if it would somehow fix this and balance things out somehow. He prescribed me HCG 2500 IUs twice a week which feels a bit excessive? My control labs will be in about a month to see where I am at and if my symptoms have improved. One thing I am concerned about is the possible E2 spike with that much HCG but then again I don't want to mess much with aromatase inhibitors anymore since they are what got me to this state in the first place (and even then they wouldn't help much with HCG induced intratesticular aromatization?) My labs doesn't indicate high E2 even though I've read that high e2 could also cause hot flashes (?) and with my breast tenderness there could be something going on but the labs tell the opposite. E2 has never been out of the range. So this is all really strange indeed.
This whole thing is a mystery and this is just a shot in the dark but it is worth trying as the symptoms have not improved whatsoever.
Here are my most recent labs taken about two weeks ago, feel free to ask for more labs if you want to know.
FSH: 2.3 U/l (1.5-12)
LH: 4.8 U/l (1.8-8.6)
Prolactin: 240 mU/l (80-320)
TSH: 1.8 mU/l (0.3-4.2)
fT4: 19 pmol/l (11-22)
Total testosterone: 17 nmol/l [490 ng/dl] (10-38 nmol/l)
SHBG: 44 nmol/l (18-54)
Free calculated testosterone: 226 pmol/l (ref ranges varies, lowest I've seen is 155 and highest ~230)
Estradiol E2 (non sensitive assay): 0.038 nmol/l (<0.13), this would be around 10 pg/ml
Also my DHT has been at the very bottom end of the range in past bloodwork. One thing I am also looking forward is how would HCG affect my DHT.
I just think that the dose is pretty excessive, should I somehow split it or lower it? I just wish I didn't mess with the AI monoteraphy in the first place, don't understand how my symptoms havent resolved since discontinuation.
So right now I've found a doc that wants me to try HCG monoteraphy to see if it would somehow fix this and balance things out somehow. He prescribed me HCG 2500 IUs twice a week which feels a bit excessive? My control labs will be in about a month to see where I am at and if my symptoms have improved. One thing I am concerned about is the possible E2 spike with that much HCG but then again I don't want to mess much with aromatase inhibitors anymore since they are what got me to this state in the first place (and even then they wouldn't help much with HCG induced intratesticular aromatization?) My labs doesn't indicate high E2 even though I've read that high e2 could also cause hot flashes (?) and with my breast tenderness there could be something going on but the labs tell the opposite. E2 has never been out of the range. So this is all really strange indeed.
This whole thing is a mystery and this is just a shot in the dark but it is worth trying as the symptoms have not improved whatsoever.
Here are my most recent labs taken about two weeks ago, feel free to ask for more labs if you want to know.
FSH: 2.3 U/l (1.5-12)
LH: 4.8 U/l (1.8-8.6)
Prolactin: 240 mU/l (80-320)
TSH: 1.8 mU/l (0.3-4.2)
fT4: 19 pmol/l (11-22)
Total testosterone: 17 nmol/l [490 ng/dl] (10-38 nmol/l)
SHBG: 44 nmol/l (18-54)
Free calculated testosterone: 226 pmol/l (ref ranges varies, lowest I've seen is 155 and highest ~230)
Estradiol E2 (non sensitive assay): 0.038 nmol/l (<0.13), this would be around 10 pg/ml
Also my DHT has been at the very bottom end of the range in past bloodwork. One thing I am also looking forward is how would HCG affect my DHT.
I just think that the dose is pretty excessive, should I somehow split it or lower it? I just wish I didn't mess with the AI monoteraphy in the first place, don't understand how my symptoms havent resolved since discontinuation.