I love opposing ideas. It’s how we learn and grown. But life is always about balance, and the answers to everything usually always lies in balance between opposing ideas. Ferritin takes a long time to build up. It’s something that can be depleted very quickly, but takes a long time to build back up. So i think u might accidentally be backing up Morley’s claims. If ur ferritin was 8-9, and u were supplementing and started feeling better after one week, where do u think ur ferritin was? I would say I’m the teens at absolute best. And after 2 months I would say best case scenario ur ferritin was most likely in the 20’s. Which is exactly where Morley recommends. Same with ur friend. Idk where his ferritin was prior to supplementing, but his could of been as tanked as urs. But even if his was higher than urs, after only a month of iron supplementation, I can’t imagine his ferritin level going up more than 10 points. So wherever his ferritin was before when he felt horrible, I would imagine his ferritin was only around 10 points higher when he felt better. Maybe he went from 10 to 20. Or 20 to 30. Or even 30-40. But most likely he was in the low range for ferritin, and still is, but is just at a slightly higher level that works for him better.
I also tanked my ferritin the same way basically. Getting blood work done too frequently, and doing a ton of labs each time. And then donated blood one time and ferritin came back very low. Low teens I believe.
Have u had ur ferritin level checked since feeling better? Any idea where ur friends ferritin level was/ is currently?
Are u still supplementing with iron?