Active Member
My wife complains that when j start anything new, I go 110% in on all aspects
Make no mistake, now that I am using CPAP, she may be right. After one week of use, my HGB went down 4 points to 176. More blood panels are coming, but issues with HCT and HGB on TRT, may require a wholistic approach.
Make no mistake, now that I am using CPAP, she may be right. After one week of use, my HGB went down 4 points to 176. More blood panels are coming, but issues with HCT and HGB on TRT, may require a wholistic approach.

Does obstructive sleep apnea increase hematocrit? - PubMed
This study assessed the relationship between hematocrit levels and severity of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and examined how this relationship was affected by the degree of hypoxia as well as by possible confounding factors. Two-hundred sixty three subjects (189 men and 74 women) underwent...