I will purchase the first you mention:,aps,136&sr=8-4
So should I just start taking these? Or should I wait to see a doctor and get iron levels checked and have something prescribed?
I ask because I want to alleviate the symptoms (breathlessness and chest tightness) ASAP. I don't want to wait longer than I have to.
It's going to take a while to build up your iron stores, but you should also do labs as well to see the severity of your deficiency. You may need to supplement 3x daily until you get iron into a healthy range, then start a maintenance daily dose.
The reason I recovered so quickly (4 weeks) is because all I needed was vitamin C, so by also supplementing iron, I was now absorbing twice as much iron do to correcting the vitamin C deficiency which lead to the iron deficiency in the first place.
Madman makes a good point, your lose the metabolism boosting properties of thyroid hormones when ferritin is <70 further contributing to your weakness and tiredness.