My wife owns a med spa where she offers Gainswave treatment. The feedback from her clients has been almost universally positive. The "sticker price" is $3,000 for 6 treatments or $5,000 for 12. Whether you do 6 or 12 depends on how you score on an ED questionnaire. The benefits last 2-3 years unless you do the recommended maintenance protocol of 1 session every three months, in which case you should see no decline in function. For even better results you can supplement it with mesenchymal stem cell injections into the penis (at an extra cost of course). The general rule of thumb is if you respond well to drugs like Cialis or Viagra then you are a good candidate for Gainswave. She has turned away a few people whose underlying medical conditions made them unlikely to see any benefit from it. While the treatment seems pricey, a good machine (there are several options on the market) will cost about $40,000 or so, and the provider has to recoup that cost. So yes, from our experience Gainswave is a very viable treatment. I don't know how effective the inexpensive home devices are, but I am skeptical. If you try the home device be sure to cover the perineum area. She did about 4 treatments on me when she was new to it, and I would describe it as very uncomfortable but not painful.