Hello all!
Been lurking around here awhile studying, now my current protocol has been as follows
50mg test cyp MWF
Made my own aromasin dropper with 1ml of vodka to 12.5 mg arom because even a quarter pill had me feeling like a wet paper bag and just mentally bad! I take 1-2 drops on M an F. I have shitty/spotty erections no/low libido if I wait to take a shot for a few days I noticed I feel better look leaner and have ok libido and decent eq.
(CBC) I had donated blood a week prior to test did a power red (double red) at Red Cross
WBC- 5.2 range 3.4-10.8 x10e3/ul
RBC- 4.62 range 4.14-5.8 x10e6/ul
Hemoglobin- 14 range 13-17.7 g/dl
Hematocrit- 41 range 37.5-51
Glucose- 75 range 65-99 mg/dl
BUN- 11 range 6-20 mg-dl
Creatinine- 1.05 range .76-1.27 mg/dl
bun/Creatinine ratio- 10 range 9-20
Sodium- 144 range 134-144 mmol/L
Potassium- 4.9 range 3.5-5.2 mmol/L
Chloride- 104 range 96-106 mmol/L
Carbon Dioxide Total- 26 range 20-29 mmol/L
Calcium- 9.4 range 8.7-10.2 mg/dl
Protein total- 6.9 range 6-8.5 g/dl
Albumin- 4.7 range 3.5-5.5 g/dl
Globulin total- 2.2 range 1.5-4.5 g/dl
A/G Ratio- 2.1 range 1.2-2.2
Bilirubin- .3 range 0-1.2 mg/dl
Alkaline Phosphatase- 59 range 39-117 IU/L
AST- 19 range 0-44
ALT- 19 range 0-44
(Lipid panel)
Cholesterol Total- 132 range 100-199 mg/dl
Triglycerides- 80 range 0-149
HDL- 45 range >39 mg/dl
LDL- 71 range 0-99
VLDL- 16 range 5-40 mg/dl
(Thyroid Panel w/TSH)
TSH- 1.640 range .450-4.5 uIU/ml
T4- 6.3 range 4.5-12 if/dl
T3 Uptake- 27 range 24-39 %
Free Thyroxine Index- 1.7 range 1.2-4.9
(Testosterone Free/Total equili)
Testosterone, Serum- 790 range 264-916 ng/dl (mind you my last shot was 50mg on Fri and took test the following Tuesday without taking shot on mon or wed morning(until after blood draw)
Testosterone, Free- 12.17 range 5-21 ng/dl
% Free T- 1.54% range 1.5-4.2
1.1 range 0-4 ng/dl
232- range 115-355 ng/ml
(Estradiol Sensitive)
20.6 range 8-35 pg/ml
46.6 range 16.5-55.9 nmol/L
Thanks for any help!
I’d love to hear your thoughts
Nelson Vergel as your highly respected.