SHBG Changes after Keto


Active Member
Started the Keto Diet October LY. A1c 6.0, fasted Glucose 128, BP 140/85. 20 lbs over weight. Doc was alarmed with my steady increase in certain blood markers and possible insulin resistance and encouraged me to act.

Fast forward I guess the results are what you would typically expect to see….lost 20lbs. Body fat now 17%, fasted glucose 82, A1c 5.2, BP 115/70. All good things…..the surprise has been the increase in SHBG. Mine has been in the teens since introducing trt. I heard prior to starting the Keto diet that it would raise SHBG and that being the only variable I have changed, it appears to be valid for me. October labs 16 SHBG…..February labs 29. Surprising to see that type of jump after only 5 months. Any of you low SHBG guys ever try Keto and see similar results?
October labs 16 SHBG…..February labs 29.
Do you feel any different (better/worse) that you notice? I'm sure if their are positive effects, it could be from better blood markers, fat loss, etc. from the keto diet itself.
I'm wondering if a going from a lower shbg (like myself) to a higher shbg made any impact on how you feel on TRT (fat loss, muscle gain, sexual benefits)?
Was this a strict keto, very low carb? Did you eat vegetables? Also did you limit protein?

Low carb……25g max a day. I am following the higher protein Keto diet of 60% fat, 35% protein and 5% carbs that make up my macros. 35% protein gives me 1g per pound of lean muscle mass to try and limit muscle loss as I lose the fat.
I get most of the low carbs I do eat from veggies, cheese, and nuts.

I use the carb manager app to track….very helpful and intuitive.
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Do you feel any different (better/worse) that you notice? I'm sure if their are positive effects, it could be from better blood markers, fat loss, etc. from the keto diet itself.
I'm wondering if a going from a lower shbg (like myself) to a higher shbg made any impact on how you feel on TRT (fat loss, muscle gain, sexual benefits)?
It is really hard to say exactly what is driving the way I feel as so much has positively changed since I started the Keto Diet…..not just SHBG. A host of changed variables at play. I am sure the improved blood markers, lowered BP, positive mental vibe with the weight loss are all a part of the impact for sure.

I feel great, sex has never been better on trt, lots of energy now, and mental clarity is strong. Once I became Keto adapted my energy in the gym came back very strong.
I have never been this vascular in my life even though I have never been obese by any stretch. I have lifted weights for decades and have a very thick build for my height.
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I feel great, sex has never been better on trt, lots of energy now, and mental clarity is strong. Once I became Keto adapted my energy in the gym came back very strong.
That's awesome to hear, I'm glad you are feeling better!
What was/is your TRT protocol, specifically have you ever used an ai? Since your shbg has been low while on TRT, have you ever had estrogen related problems?

I've had low shbg since starting trt as well, and it's hypothesized that guys with low shbg commonly have estrogen related problems (as I have). Raising shbg as you have, could possibly be an alternative solution (instead of using an ai) for guys that run into problems.
That's awesome to hear, I'm glad you are feeling better!
What was/is your TRT protocol, specifically have you ever used an ai? Since your shbg has been low while on TRT, have you ever had estrogen related problems?

I've had low shbg since starting trt as well, and it's hypothesized that guys with low shbg commonly have estrogen related problems (as I have). Raising shbg as you have, could possibly be an alternative solution (instead of using an ai) for guys that run into problems.
I inject daily TCyp 14mg.
Honestly, I have had E2 issues throughout the 6 years I have been on trt and I do take a very low dose AI of .12 wk micro-dosed daily. I will monitor and attempt to eliminate the AI as I progress.

When I have been able to achieve a closer range of E2/SHBG ratio, I seem to feel/function better…..May not be a scientifically proven rationale, but very real in MY case. My last labs SHBG is 29 now and sensitive E2 is 31 for what it is worth. This will spur debate here, but for me after 6 years of trial and error, when I have a close ratio of the two, I find a sweeter spot in my response to trt.
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Started the Keto Diet October LY. A1c 6.0, fasted Glucose 128, BP 140/85. 20 lbs over weight. Doc was alarmed with my steady increase in certain blood markers and possible insulin resistance and encouraged me to act.

Fast forward I guess the results are what you would typically expect to see….lost 20lbs. Body fat now 17%, fasted glucose 82, A1c 5.2, BP 115/70. All good things…..the surprise has been the increase in SHBG. Mine has been in the teens since introducing trt. I heard prior to starting the Keto diet that it would raise SHBG and that being the only variable I have changed, it appears to be valid for me. October labs 16 SHBG…..February labs 29. Surprising to see that type of jump after only 5 months. Any of you low SHBG guys ever try Keto and see similar results?
I'm going to try this. My SHBG is always lower teens which I think makes TRT less effective or at least more difficult to find a sweet spot. Do you feel better on TRT with higher shbg?
I'm going to try this. My SHBG is always lower teens which I think makes TRT less effective or at least more difficult to find a sweet spot. Do you feel better on TRT with higher shbg?
My SHBG dropped like a rock shortly after starting TrT and settled in the teens. Has remained there for years. I have not had SHBG at this new level long enough to totally evaluate yet. I feel the best I have ever felt on trt at this point in time and will see how it progresses over the longer term.
My SHBG dropped like a rock shortly after starting TrT and settled in the teens. Has remained there for years. I have not had SHBG at this new level long enough to totally evaluate yet. I feel the best I have ever felt on trt at this point in time and will see how it progresses over the longer term.
Good for you. I'm hoping for the same results.
TRT increases SHBG in diabetic people, me included. My SHBG doubled (11->24) on TRT without a keto diet.
Have you ever read an article that backs up your claim?
Cuz as far as I know testosterone definitely lowers shbg. I believe your increase in shbg was related to the massive weight loss you've had.
I'm going to try this. My SHBG is always lower teens which I think makes TRT less effective or at least more difficult to find a sweet spot. Do you feel better on TRT with higher shbg?
Started the Keto Diet October LY. A1c 6.0, fasted Glucose 128, BP 140/85. 20 lbs over weight. Doc was alarmed with my steady increase in certain blood markers and possible insulin resistance and encouraged me to act.

Fast forward I guess the results are what you would typically expect to see….lost 20lbs. Body fat now 17%, fasted glucose 82, A1c 5.2, BP 115/70. All good things…..the surprise has been the increase in SHBG. Mine has been in the teens since introducing trt. I heard prior to starting the Keto diet that it would raise SHBG and that being the only variable I have changed, it appears to be valid for me. October labs 16 SHBG…..February labs 29. Surprising to see that type of jump after only 5 months. Any of you low SHBG guys ever try Keto and see similar results?
Great report! I'm on Carnivore Diet with that expectation as well.
Definitely when you can control insulin everything changes. You've gone from insulin resistance to insulin sensitivity, which means that insulin has stopped anabolic fat cells and your body now uses your food much more effectively to build muscle and speed up your metabolism.
Shbg increases and leaves less excess free test, which results in less conversion to e2.
What makes me upset is having been to 6 doctors during my 7 years on TRT and none of them knowing this: TRT in men with low shbg causes insulin resistance and in men with higher shbg, it improves sensitivity.
Started the Keto Diet October LY. A1c 6.0, fasted Glucose 128, BP 140/85. 20 lbs over weight. Doc was alarmed with my steady increase in certain blood markers and possible insulin resistance and encouraged me to act.

Fast forward I guess the results are what you would typically expect to see….lost 20lbs. Body fat now 17%, fasted glucose 82, A1c 5.2, BP 115/70. All good things…..the surprise has been the increase in SHBG. Mine has been in the teens since introducing trt. I heard prior to starting the Keto diet that it would raise SHBG and that being the only variable I have changed, it appears to be valid for me. October labs 16 SHBG…..February labs 29. Surprising to see that type of jump after only 5 months. Any of you low SHBG guys ever try Keto and see similar results?
I would love to see your insulin before and after. I think it crashed.
Have you ever read an article that backs up your claim?
It’s well known type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome decreases SHBG, so by lowering glucose and improving diabetes, SHBG increases.

Maybe not to the same degree as improving diabetes without TRT.
I believe your increase in shbg was related to the massive weight loss you've had.
The weight loss is directly linked to the lowering of glucose and improving metabolic syndrome, because your body converts excess glucose into fat.

TRT decreases fat mass and increases lean muscle mass and improves and in some cases reverses (cures) type 2 diabetes.
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This is the information I’ve been looking for. Thank you for saying this. Do you have any sources I can look into?
I [23M] am natty and very insulin sensitive and I have sky high SHBG. Do you think this is a problem or is it ok?

Fasting Insulin: 4.28 (2-29)
Fasting Glucose: 87 (65-99)
Total Test: 1,030 (240-950)
Free Test: 181 (53-207)
SHBG: 71.5 (13-90)
IGF-1: 108 (91-442)
DHEA-S: 143 (35-569)
Pregnenolone: 60 (33-248)

Just got labs done again the other day with E2 so I’ll see what that is so I can assess my E2:SHBG ratio.
Your SHBG is high but below the upper limit. About the studies, search Pubmed for "SGBH TRT" there are many studies on improvement in patients with high SHBG, but virtually nothing on TRT in low SHBG. Both testosterone and the DHT derivative considerably decrease SHBG, increasing Free Testosterone. I personally believe that it is much easier to manage patients with higher SHBG.
But it doesn't seem to be your case, you have excellent TT, FT, glycemia and insulin numbers. Your insulin is perfect! It has everything to benefit from a high carbohydrate diet combined with weight training. You missed measuring your Estradiol.
Do you have any symptoms?

Here are some natural suggestions for lowering SHBG.

"1) Dietary Changes​

High-protein diets were associated with reduced blood SHBG levels in a study on over 1,500 men [95].

In a clinical trial on 36 women, one cup of red wine daily reduced blood SHBG levels, while white wine did not [96].

2) Supplements​

The following supplements were found to decrease SHBG production and/or reduce its interaction with sex hormones, though further clinical studies are needed before these findings can be considered conclusive:

Shbg increases and leaves less excess free test, which results in less conversion to e2.
... decrease SHBG, increasing Free Testosterone. ....
The myth that won't die. Changing SHBG in isolation does not affect free testosterone in normal situations, except transiently. It is total testosterone that responds to such changes. SHBG binds testosterone, so more SHBG means more total testosterone, not more free testosterone.

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