Severe Testicular Atrophy and Want to Try HCG


hey everyone..
SO , I am on 100mg of Cyp. a week , been about 2.5 years. Since then , the severity of my Testicular atrophy has gotten pretty bad. I want to start an HCG cycle to help, but my Endo wont work with me. He said "sure you can take HCG, or Clomide but, you have to stop Testosterone , and switch to one or the other. He went on to say its unethical to give HCG along with TRT....

I know thats bull shit , as I see so many doctors giving legally to their paitients....

I live IN NORTH NEW JERSEY , and was wondering If anybody else is from the area and knows of any doctors that would be willing to work with me ...

I am on a low income budget right now and do use Medicaid for doctors but am willing to Pay out of Pocket for a new Endo if its realistic in my budget...

I did reach out o lowtnation . com and am going to call them, but would rather an in person doctor...

any help would be great!

thanks guys , blood results from the beginning of the month


In person Dr is going to be what holds you up here. If you can't get past that requirement you've just hamstrung yourself, as it were. Many guys buy thru, among other sources, and Defy Medical (at least used to) have an HCG support program for guys that only needed that and had problems getting it.
You can always buy from a trusted overseas pharmacy. I’m not sure what the rules are here so I won’t mention any by name. But there are a few Indian overseas pharmacies that carry HCG. Good luck.
And just so you're aware, you don't need much if it's just for atrophy. That's what i use it for and i only need 350iu/week. I preload pins and then freeze them because reconstituted hcg only lasts about a month unless frozen.
I was hoping I would need to much ...
.. Big QUESTION will my doctor see it in my blood and know that in taking HCG from another source?? I have 1 option so far I'm considering .
Most likely he won't notice because they probably won't be testing for it. It can look on a test like your balls are still active (which they shouldn't be from the TRT) but it's not a smoking gun that you're using HCG. Plus any doctor who thinks you can't be on test and hcg at the same time likely doesn't understand the HPTA enough to know what they're looking at or interpret blood tests properly beyond simple test and e2 values.
In person Dr is going to be what holds you up here. If you can't get past that requirement you've just hamstrung yourself, as it were. Many guys buy thru, among other sources, and Defy Medical (at least used to) have an HCG support program for guys that only needed that and had problems getting it.

I use Defy for HCG and Anastrozole well as their expertise. Worth every penny. I get my T from my hematologist as it is covered by my insurance. I did not cover my HCG usage with My hematologist and he runs bloods on me every 6-8 weeks. Has never came up in my visits with him.
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hey everyone..
SO , I am on 100mg of Cyp. a week , been about 2.5 years. Since then , the severity of my Testicular atrophy has gotten pretty bad. I want to start an HCG cycle to help, but my Endo wont work with me. He said "sure you can take HCG, or Clomide but, you have to stop Testosterone , and switch to one or the other. He went on to say its unethical to give HCG along with TRT....

I know thats bull shit , as I see so many doctors giving legally to their paitients....

I live IN NORTH NEW JERSEY , and was wondering If anybody else is from the area and knows of any doctors that would be willing to work with me ...

I am on a low income budget right now and do use Medicaid for doctors but am willing to Pay out of Pocket for a new Endo if its realistic in my budget...

I did reach out o lowtnation . com and am going to call them, but would rather an in person doctor...

any help would be great!

thanks guys , blood results from the beginning of the month
Did you ever get your hcg? And if so how did you get on and wat protocol did you use
I did .
I was prescribed 500iu 2x a week. No Ai until 6 weeks and blood draw to see levels .

But I wasnt sure how hcg was going to react with my body so I have been only doing 500iu a week week 1-3
Then went to 700iu week 3-6

It's now 6 weeks and I got my blood results back
Looks like I am going to have to take the full 1000iu .
There was not much change at all .
I see my doctor Monday the 8th ..

Estradiol is at 35.2 hematocrit is 47.2
TT is 849 FT is 29.1

But my LH is still only 0.1 outv of (1.7-8.6)
FSH is coming Monday I will have a full print out then.

Do you consider the 500iu. A lower side dose? I'm just worried about gynecomastia and hematocrit ..

Thanks for following up
I did .
I was prescribed 500iu 2x a week. No Ai until 6 weeks and blood draw to see levels .

But I wasnt sure how hcg was going to react with my body so I have been only doing 500iu a week week 1-3
Then went to 700iu week 3-6

It's now 6 weeks and I got my blood results back
Looks like I am going to have to take the full 1000iu .
There was not much change at all .
I see my doctor Monday the 8th ..

Estradiol is at 35.2 hematocrit is 47.2
TT is 849 FT is 29.1

But my LH is still only 0.1 outv of (1.7-8.6)
FSH is coming Monday I will have a full print out then.

Do you consider the 500iu. A lower side dose? I'm just worried about gynecomastia and hematocrit ..

Thanks for following up

How can you tell you need more?

If you’re going by LH, HCG is just as suppressive to your pituitary as testosterone. Once HCG starts stimulating the leydig cells in the testicles with exogenous LH, your natural production of LH stops. So while on pretty much any dose of HCG, you should see your LH and FSH both be around zero. The only reason to test LH and FSH on HCG, is to make sure it’s legit product. After that, it’s pointless to test for either one. Literally the only thing that testing them is useful for is to make sure the product is legit. So if you get pharm grade HCG, you don’t ever need to test for either once starting HCG.

I would personally say 500iu’s/ week is on the lower end for sure. When in conjunction with testosterone, usually guy’s use 500-1000iu’s on average. For testicular atrophy, 500 usually does the trick. 1000 is usually the upper end for guys trying to prevent atrophy. Only time guys use over 1000 is usually for fertility purposes. E2 is definitely something to monitor for while on HCG, as well as prolactin. I wouldn’t worry too much about HCT. HCT is only going to increase a bunch if the HCG is increasing your testosterone levels a bunch, which for most isn’t the case.
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I notice that I have a huge difference in testicular size with very small changes in my hcg dose.

360 iu hcg 3x a week and I have sort of wavering testicle size, sometimes normal and other times they feel atrophied.

If I go up to 370 iu 3x a week, they feel full and normal, almost larger 24/7
That makes little sense but everyone is different.

What is your goal here? Are you still on test cyp too?
I agree, just my subjective results

Also, another thing I noticed is that 500 iu twice a week kept my testicles fuller than 360 iu 3x a week which is even a larger dose. But I had e2 sides at 500 iu twice a week that I don’t get with 3x per week dosing.

Again, just my subjective results. Not sure if you were directing your question to me but yes, I’m on test cyp as well
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I'm still on cyp. 100mg a week broken in to 50mg 2x. ...
My goal is to help my severe testicular atrophy,

and get some natural production back which is what I was under the impression that HCG would help do..

I'm still learning about it tho.

But that's my goal . To get size testicular size back and to stop atrophy
And some testicular production....

Any thoughts would be great
Thanks man . U we're very helpful...I will follow up on here after I see the doc on Monday and start the 500iu 2x a week.

Also as for seeing if it's legit on a test - I get the Pregnyl brand.

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