Severe hair loss from Clomid + Arimidex



My history can be found in another thread, but in short: 10 years on Clomid for secondary hypogonadism. TRT is not an option (I'm secondary, don't want to induce primary).

Last year, it started to become less effective (blood levels were fine, but I was feeling symptomatic), so I started on Arimidex, which helped a lot.

Currently, I take 25 mg of Clomid and .5mg of Arimidex 3x a week.

The downside is that I've had really bad acne and very dramatic and noticeable HAIR LOSS. I had been thinning for a while, but kept things under control with Rogaine. Now things are getting pretty bad.

I see a Dr that was recommended through this site - he suggested going on Propecia and said that he has many patients on HRT and TRT who take Propecia with positive results.

He also suggested starting me on HGC monotherapy, w/ adding in Arimidex again after we see what my levels are. Does HGC have fewer side effects than Clomid? I know they work differently upstream, but the results downstream are the same.

I know Propecia use is generally frowned upon...but wouldn't the Clomid and Arimidex counter the side effects?

Any thoughts or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
There's much that's not understood about finasteride (Propecia). However, it's indisputable that there are many, many men who have healthy, impressive, natural levels of endogenous testosterone, not on TRT or even considered it, who do develop the long-lasting effects of the post-finasteride syndrome. Not everyone who takes it is going to be one of those men, but many will. It is for that reason that my doctor won't prescribe it, she likens it to a game of endocrine-roulette with your libido and sexuality at risk. I would think the *potential* risk is too great to undertake a regimen where it was included.
Thanks for the reply.

We know how Propecia can effect men with healthy T levels - and we know that HRT is commonly used to combat the side effects of Propecia useage...but is there anyone out there doing HRT w/ Propecia at the same time? My doctor said it's very common, but I'd love some actual examples.

Conversely, would I get less side effects from using HGC than Clomid? I respond *very* well to Clomid/Arimidex. The only downside is the acne/hair loss.

Thanks for the reply.

We know how Propecia can effect men with healthy T levels - and we know that HRT is commonly used to combat the side effects of Propecia useage...but is there anyone out there doing HRT w/ Propecia at the same time? My doctor said it's very common, but I'd love some actual examples.

Conversely, would I get less side effects from using HGC than Clomid? I respond *very* well to Clomid/Arimidex. The only downside is the acne/hair loss.


Do not touch propecia. Please do yourself a favor and look up post finasteride syndrome.
not taking propecia should be a given, its chemical castration whether permanent or not. clomid and arimidex both nasty drugs. i would go the hcg only route. only take as much as you need, start 250iu 3x/wk and go from there with blood work. arimidex wont touch the intratesticular estrogen from hcg anyway. And if your not abusing hcg your estrogen will stay in the normal range. if you cannot get enough testosterone production out of the hcg only then its time to go on testosterone.

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