Round 2 Bloodwork, Estrogen?


New Member
The first bloodwork I did myself and used labcorp to draw.
Estro = 16 with a 7.6-42.6 pg/ml range
Roche ECLIA methodology
Test was in February

I found a Dr I liked and he ran his own labs based off what I showed him. This time my results were different.
Total Estrogens 128 pg/ml with a range of 40-115

How did I go from normal E to way over in a couple months? I am not on trt yet and haven't taken anything otc or any other prescriptions.

Main question is about what the dr. wants to do. He put me on .5mg of arimedex a day to see if that will work to lower my estrogen and bump up my T. He seemed hesitant to use trt as I anly 35. I am fine with this but after all the reading I have done people say that's a very high dose of arimdex and don't use that much because you will tank your E.

btw He mentioned dr.lipshulz and seemed to follow his studies. I know from here that lipshulz is well regarded.
Hydrus - Can you post your complete labs here including reference ranges.

If it were me, I would have had E2 retested to rule out lab error; the delta between the two labs would suggest an error in one of the labs.

Dr. Lipshulz is a pioneer in male hormonal replacement and was one of the first to publish his work in using HCG in Hypogonadal men.
What was round 1?

What was your TT before starting anastrozole at .5 mg per day?

Was the first Estro you show estradiol or total estrogen?

Your doctor is using a estrogen assay that over estimates estrogen ( he should use one based on LC/MS instead of ECLIA).

I bet you did not need anastrozole, specially at such high dose.
What was round 1?

What was your TT before starting anastrozole at .5 mg per day?

Was the first Estro you show estradiol or total estrogen?

Your doctor is using a estrogen assay that over estimates estrogen ( he should use one based on LC/MS instead of ECLIA).

I bet you did not need anastrozole, specially at such high dose.

Nelson, Round I was: Estro = 16 with a 7.6-42.6 pg/ml range
Roche ECLIA methodology

.5 mg a day of Arimidex is way way way too much!!!
The first test I did didn't include free test. I didn't even know my t was low it was just a hunch so I checked. I will scan labs and post later today. I will also call Dr office and request a sensitive test I found in the other thread
you had two different Estradiol tests, simple as that. Each one gives different values, one is wrong to use (ROCHE ECLIA) one is correct LC/MS/MS
Yeah, neither of those labs are estradiol sensitive. The total estrogen is female specific, and is virtually unreliable for any realistic measurement accuracy for men. 1/2mg of Adex per day?? That's 3.5mg/wk ... Good luck with that one, you will be crashed in no time, and then a whole new litany of problems will begin!

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