Rotator cuff complete tear- Can testosterone help?


I would get back into the gym asap. For at least two decades (original studies as far back as the late 1800's), it has been known that working the opposite limb (uninjured), will not only help heal the injury faster, but will also help to maintain strength before and after surgery. "Cross-education is a term used when an increase in strength witnessed within an untrained limb following unilateral strength training in the opposite, contralateral limb. This means that when you preform exercises on one side of the body you can see strength gain on the opposite side. Cross-education of strength has been attributed to neural mechanisms since it is unaccompanied by muscle hypertrophy. There is general agreement that cross-education is caused by changes in neural activity and neural circuits in the brain."

For the most part, I would use machines (only exercise uninjured limb) so that you don't further injure your shoulder, getting the weight in position. Additionally, I would use a lower intensity (60% of 1RM) so that you are not straining to finish sets. However, exercises such as dumbbell curls should not be a problem but I'd stay away from exercises such as one-arm, incline presses and such, simply because you may further stress your injured shoulder while stabilizing your body. Mentally, this will help you stay strong as well as maintain strength and size on the uninjured side, while maintaining strength as best you can on the injured limb.
thanks Dave this is encouarging and helpful..the gym has been like my temple in many ways. the dr's office said it is okay to train light weights just do not do deltoid raises or shoulder presses otherwise light upper body is ok. I like the idea of keeping my body moving and i like your words about Cross education..reminds me of years ago when i studied massage they said to work on the non injured side first as it sends messages to the other side-

was wondering if you can clarify (cause i like to make things complicated) did you mean "I would use machines (only exercise uninjured limb) so that you don't further injure your shoulder, getting the weight in position. use the uninjured to get the weight in position then do lightly with both sides or - i think i am getting that you are saying just dont use the injured limb at all?
i did try a very light upper body set on weds after the dr's office said light was ok.. and my shoulder hurt alot yesterday..but icing and arnica oil seem to help it. i have to get clearance from my immunologist and infectious disease dr before they will schedule my surgery- it all seems like a pain.. and wondering.. will i really need help for aftercare afterword? thanks for the encouargament!
Having had a lot of experience personally and with clients, pertaining to shoulder injuries as well as considering your diagnosis, I would not perform any weight training on your injured shoulder at this time. I simply see more bad coming from it than good. I would do my best to maintain your range of motion (ROM), since it's crucial that you maintain it as best you can, without further injury. You are correct to continue icing and arnica oil is a good choice as well. Finally, it sounds like your massage techniques are considering the same neural mechanisms as mentioned to some extent.
I am trying to figure out how much after surgery help i will need for this..and it is difficult to find folks to step up to the plate..and I am not really sure what kind of help i will need. will i be able to wash dishes? I guess i will need rides to PT a few times a week.. and trying to find the best way for that.. the dr said it probably isn't a good idea to take the bus right away.. it would be great to get ideas on how to manage this- i have never had any surgery and i get depressed when i am isolated too long with limited movement.. trying to plan ahead so i can get back to my goals.. i am hoping at 46 and having had this tear for a while i will be able to have a successful operation and get back to the things i enjoy. any tips would be great! thank you
Use paper plates, disposable cups, forks,spoons, knives to drastically decrease the need to wash dishes. Buy RTD protein drinks, various bars. Prior to operation, make double batch crock-pot recipes and freeze them. Makes it very easy since you will only need to re-heat what you need in disposable food-ware. When I had shoulder surgery I drove my car that had a stick-shift, with my left-hand. If possible wear sweats and tops with zippers as opposed to button-up shirts or shirts that need to go over your head. Use pill trays to get your meds and supplements separated for at least a month. Buy extra trays if necessary. I will think of more tips for you.
Dave these are great ideas! i will start stocking up now! i am trying not to get totally overwhelmed.. i can practice driving my truck with my left arm .. there is alot of traffic in the bay area.. we'll see how it goes. i really want this surgery to go well so i can be out of pain and get back into the gym. trying to be realistic and thinking probably 3 months.. they said the dr is booked 4 to 6 weeks out. so it is gonna be a while- i have never had any surgery. trying to stay calm and carry on. thanks for the ideas and support!
wow! I checked out that video Nelson.. i couldn't get the sound to work.. but the concept is pretty that they can replace your discs? since they can replace the discs and clean it all up in there why do they need to do the fusion? is it permanent? what is the recovery time like for you? we can defiantly support each other.. i do have to say i think your surgery takes the cake! looks alot more involved and intense then a little rotator cuff. you are gonna be the Bionic Nelson Man!
LOL I know. It has been a tough year for me but trucking along. Over with my chemo and now I have to face the fact that if I do not get this neck surgery I will probably keep losing function of my right hand (the pinched nerves affected two of my fingers, which makes it hard to to type and grab things). Gladly, I can spend the two months healing (no driving allowed) working on ExcelMale :)

Yes, fusion is permanent.

We will all persevere and triumph over our challenges. The key is to keep a positive attitude and never lose hope.
sometimes these things can seem overwhelming when they come one right after the other.. important to enjoy every little thing we can along the way while we deal with the big not so fun stuff. with the fusion will you have movement in those joints? good you have a project like excel male to keep you busy and something good to look forward too during your recovery period! i am trying to score a nice recliner so i can just chill out with the remote maybe now would be a good time to get a tablet so i can look up things from the recliner- i am not sure how well i will be able to "mouse" with my right arm.
going for surgery on Dec 5th.. and funny thing is my shoulder doesn't hurt at all now! i still am trying to peace together post surgery support.
i am wondering how long to be of the testo before surgery? my endo wanted me to stop shots but low dose gel ok .. i guess. the surgeon didnt say much other than they do worry about clots.. and since the testo makes my blood a bit thick i want to be safe. also wondering if it would be better to stay off the test for a while after surgeery since it makes my blood a bit think and tendons already have less blood flow- i want to hear as quick as i can. will it make a difference? i was thinking about adding some niacin in too for a few weeks after surgery to get the blood caps opened up and flowing better. any thoughts or experience? thanks
I have gone through a quad tendon tear repair (motorcycle accident), 3 back surgeries (congenital issues), carpal tunnel surgery, sinus surgery, and other minor ones and have never gotten off testosterone. Having surgery is a traumatic experience that can push us into isolation and depression (I could write a book about that). Stopping TRT can make you hypogonadal which increases the risks of depression and also may slow down healing.

Testosterone can also help keep healthy endothelial function:

In animal studies, testosterone has been shown to aid healing:;jsessionid=EBB4D4FBF99BF5CE8B88822A8748EA12

An analog of testosterone that we take a lot in HIV, oxandrolone, is also used in helping people who have debilitating burns heal faster:
thanks nelson.. i am confused about this.. my surgeon did say it may help with healing. but my dr is concerned about my "polycythmeia" issue and clotting.. and since i am a "transperson" (still living as female) i dont have to worry about hypogonadal.. i have been doing a low dose of androgel..but it doesnt really do much that i feel anyway
it all feels so complicated.. i certainly didnt choose to be this kinda of person.. from what i learn in group transmen that are having suregery their drs always take them off.. or maybe it is age related? not sure. also my HDL is screamingly low on even only 20mg a week drops to 28 not sure if that effecdts healing at all?

so far i have alot lined up ..paper plates, plastic "silverwear" got a used recliner and a used freezer for the ice machine and stock up on frozen meals.. but i dont have anyone yet to pick me up after surgery.. it is strange in the bay area.. so many people and yet such busy people.. i am trusting it will all workout somehow.. my ex of 5 yrs didnt seem to think my surgery was worth her not going to NY for some womens art even. depsite the help i have given her with her art.. she doesnt show up ffor me.. hence "ex" i only wish i would have been wise enough to see this sooner.. it is painful. thank you Nelson for your kindness.
i have to slow down.. i feel a cfids flare and lung infection coming on.. still more to do! trying to trust i will be ok going through this alone.
2 more days before surgery ..and i am getting cold feet.. i still dont know how i will get to PT the week after surgery.. i have tried driving my clutch with only one arm and that works some but not easy.. legs are too short to help steer- and traffic could be a challenge.. the dr said the bus might not be a very good idea- i am feeling a bit oveerwhelmed and really angry and sad that my ex refuses to help me despite my years of helping her-- but that isnt' gonna get me where i need to be ..
You are in my thoughts. I wish I was there to pick you up and give you comfort. I have had many surgeries and the day before is hell since all scenarios cross your mind. You will be OK and this may be the cure to your issues. I am sure you have done your research and second opinions.
thank you Nelson for your kindness.. i wish you could be here too.. i need some extra muscle. I did find someone to show up and take me and pick me up.. and still trying to get folks for rides to PT and help with ice therapy unit.. funny thing i got a surgical marker i have to mark my own shoulder with dr's initals. i have never had surgery and am trying to get so much still in place for not being able to use my right arm for 2months. considering i have some unresolved health issues in which they have no idea what is going on.. aside from this tear (which isn't related to my other health stuff) i have no idea how things are gonna turn out. i lost my mom 2 months ago to ALS it is odd that i can't call her.. and my dad is in such greif he never calls me back. i am trying to be positive and in the middle of the day i am i do things to get ready..but the am's and the nite's hurt- my ex has bascially bailed on me.. i keep reminder myself "not her issue" it is my job.
during the pre-op they gave me lots of scripts to fill percoset and delada- .. i would rather use more ice and less meds.

thank you again Nelson for your kindness and your inspiration~ you always make me smile! : )
ps- i got 2 opinions.. and keep hearing with a complete tear surgery is the only way. i had a third scheduled for tomorrow. but am too overwhelmed.. the odd thing is my shoulder hardly hurts now..
I am just under 3 weeks. Post Op. The pain hasn't been too bad and doing lots of home PT and ice. It is a lot of work doing everything with one arm. I think I over did it on Sat and walked 3miles. Spent yesterday exhausted
Today I notice a red spot on one of the incisions, I am hoping it was from a shirt I had on rubbing and causing irritation. I did call the Dr.s office and they said keep an eye on it look for oozing and fever and try some neosporin I am hoping this isn't an infection coming thru. Anyone have any words of wisdom around these things
Last week the sterile strips center off and everything looked good. I was really surprised today to see the red aroundthe cut.

How do I know when I should be concerned and what is normal tissue healing. Thanks all!
That happened to me two months ago when they pulled the port out after I stopped chemo. I added Neosporin and put a plastic+gause bandage and slowly but surely it got better. The itchiness can drive you crazy, though
Wow Nelson you have been thru so much you are like a gladiator! Strong and a winner in the area of life! I will.keep using the neosporin. Thank you I hope you have a Merry Christmas!

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