Resistant to testosterone..?

Several months past I posted about my second experience at TRT. I used a recommended physician in London. He is a nice guy, a competent physician and very much 'on it'. During the cycle (6-8 weeks) I visited the surgery weekly/fortnightly and received from him several combos of T. Upon returning each visit I reported very little changes really nothing significant.

(my previous experience was similar and that was with another clinic and based on nebido. My physician was aware of this and explained that this was not unusual and that I needed androgenic T. It made sense and I was really excited and reassured by this new understanding).

Each administration of T was different as each time I reported no change and so the combo was changed in response to my little reaction. First was 500ml sustanon, 2nd visit was 200ml propionate and 250ml sustanon, and 3rd visit was 200ml propionate and 250 enanthate.
After 6-8 weeks I had my bloods checked and to his and my surprise my levels of T and free T were more or less same. STATIC....! In many ways I felt some relief because I could not understand my absence of reporting big changes. It was similarly received by my physician as evidence as to why I had reported little changes but nothing significant.

I am in middle of a PCT to reset HPTA and to give me space, a window if you like,to decide if I want to continue with the TRT again but this next time it is proposed to be at 1000ml per week or 2000ml per fortnight. THIS FRIGHTENS ME....!!! but as it seems that I am resistant then it is the course of action being offered by my physician. I believe we are talking about a mix of sustanon and propionate as I say in quantity of 1000ml once per week or 2000ml every fortnight.

I would like to be in a position of having heard from some of you guys on this forum to help me arrive at an alternative plan going forward in consultation with my physician in London when we next meet next month. I am putting this out because as I say i don't feel relaxed with taking such a high dose of T every week or so for the forseeable future.
Is there an alternative or am I just gonna have to accept that its mega high doses every week or not taking T at all. Either of these two options are a bit concerning...
Any thoughts anyone...????
I spent almost 7 months on Androgel and the only thing it changed was allowing me to sleep through the night. Today is day 24 of Cypionate injections, and I'm not noticing a lot of difference yet (possibly something subtle, I did have sex the last two nights to ejaculation which I haven't been able to achieve in a long time, and it could be due to the testosterone). But I did read somewhere that it can take until your 5th or 6th injection to start seeing differences.

I don't have your answer (I'm still a newbie at this) but I am surprised your doctor expected this to work immediately upon taking it...and did testing after each week to see if it made a difference, instead of giving each treatment a chance to take hold.

I'd be interested to see what the more knowledgeable on here have to say about giving you a different treatment each week versus giving one specific method a chance for a while and adjusting from there. If it's just supposed to kick in that quickly I guess I'm a real slow starter.
I also believe going slow is best. My 6th week of TRT starts Thursday and I definitely have felt improvements, especially in my libido.
Thanks Nelson
here are the blood tests before commencement of TRT and after.
FSH......7.2 IU/L
LH........7.3 IU/L
T..........13.9 nmol/L
free T....7.03 pg/ml
SHBG....44 nmol/L
17-Beta Oestradiol..62 pmol/L
T/SHBG ratio...31.6
FSH...0.2 iu/L
LH....0.1 iu/L
T.....14.5 nmol/L
free T..8.01 pg/ml
SHBG....33 nmol/L
oestradiol....78 pmol/L

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