Reliable stuff. Ovidac and it’s massive sting !

Good Heavens and sweet mother of Jesus ! Ouch !

I’ve done some reading about your experiences with this HCG and I’m amazed nobody speaks of the potential nerve ending like pain from this stuff while injecting ! I make my 80s Niki sixx like snarl pose everytime I press it down to inject. And always use a few choice Ouch you M—-/ %#% I’ve even invented New words !

First off I want to say you all are very impressive writers and seem very informative. Probably the most intelligent and mature group of men on the web right now and it’s really a breath of fresh air during these times. And it’s most appreciated. But I can’t be the only one that has felt the bite of this medication. Or maybe I’m doing something wrong. Heck I’ll even leave pictures .

But I have a friend that started TRT and he bought him some Ovidac. He experienced the same thing so he just quit HCG.
But I’m sticking with it. It just stings especially when I try to get it done quicker. I have learned to go slow with this stuff. Because it stings.

And please don’t mistake my concern for a complaint. I’m glad it’s made available and affordable. Because so far I have not met an endocrinologist or any Dr yet that seems to be aware of any of the protocols discussed in this group.

so far based on popular opinion of the group there’s has been 2 that I tried from reliable . And it seemed as if the other brand had a little bite as well. Fertigen or something like that. It’s been a while. But it didn’t quite have a bite like this Ovidac.

But When I was getting my meds from wells. I never experienced this stinging sensation. So I wonder what could be causing it. Back then I Was taking 50 units twice a week.

I’m using reliables sterilized water 25 units twice a week in a 29 guage insulin needle . Seems to be a pretty standard protocol. I mix 10 ml of water to 10000 iu of hcg and use a 29 guage insulin needle .
I was taking twice as much but I cut back test and hcg dose because of acne and my test got to around 1000 ngdl. Doing full dose in the red. Damn. That felt great. But the acne started getting a bit out of control. And it seemed to encourage hemocrit and E2 which induced prolactin. Obviously.
and ofcourse have to watch the high iron and hemocrit levels.

I don’t know if all that info is even needed. It just stings so bad !
I shot it in my arm and stopped and said ouch man and tried the thigh. And that stang even worse. It’s going on 6 weeks old. It’s a 2 months supply. I hate to do both months at the same time but that’s what was available and it’s how it’s bottled for now. And since I cut back I may have to waste some . For the price I’m not going to complain. I will just get better.

I still have another box because of how highly people seemed to boast of its effectiveness here. And also all the testing of the product that you guys have performed . Very good work men ! And I can tell it works. I notice some minor side effects. An increase in libido . And I haven’t pooped rockets in years so it’s doing something.
It has a patent nano filter going on. And I wonder if that’s a factor in the extra sting ! If it’s what to be expected then maybe I’ll make a more concentrated dose . Or maybe a more diluted larger dose. Oh wow.

Anyways thanks for reading gentlemen. And Thanks for shedding any light on this for me. Or any future recommendations. Best wishes to all of you.


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I use ovidac, and no such pain. Nor with any other HCG.

You are saying you use the included saline? It is not bacteriostatic. Also some sterile water is not buffered and can hurt like Hell.

Do you then multi dose over time from the same vial? This is risky, much better to use bacteriostatic water or saline to keep vial contents from becoming contaminated.

Sounds like you are experienced, but to double check, wet alcohol on the skin can really sting. Do you wait for it to dry thoroughly before injecting?
Well thanks for chiming in.From what you have asked me though makes me wonder. Is contamination a culprit for a painful shot.

And Lol oh my gosh no. Not the vial of liquid included with the hcg.
That rubbish goes in the trash. By the way I described it ,I can see why you ask if I use the stuff that comes with the hcg. I have a picture of what I use. I thought I left one. And it is the water for injection from reliable. I mean it Says it’s for injection .

I figured it may be whatever they add to it for patent reasons or something. But 10 ml of sterile water to 10000 hcg. Put it in a vial and use alcohol To wipe and use a new clean needle every time. It’s hard to do 50 units Which is 250 iu. I think . I get good enough results with less sides.doing 25 units twice a week

Having the full doses gets my test at 1000 and it feels better though. But anything is better than 80 ngdl
And Like I said I cut my dose in half because of pimples and acne. And e2 prolactin. But it’s also easier to deal with these hcg mixtures. .

Even My buddy said damn ! That stuff stings. As well. And he just said he’s going lighter on his test and leaving hcg alone.

so far I haven’t noticed any lingering pain or redness. Nothing like that. Maybe you have pioneer blood and you’re just a lot more tougher that I am. Lol. But seriously It does pack a sting. It’s the worst experience I’ve ever had using the thigh as the injection site and I’ve used 18 guage needles 1-1/2 long straight out the test vials for a good period of time

But that Hcg in an insulin needle feels like you are hittting an exposed nerve as you push it in. I won’t ever think about it again.
Peace ✌
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Do you then multi dose over time from the same vial? This is risky, much better to use bacteriostatic water or saline to keep vial contents from becoming contaminated.
I’m not sure I know exactly what you are asking me . I keep the solution with water around 8 weeks because I’ve heard it’s safe . I need to order smaller quantity to keep 4 weeks. But I keep the 10 ml solution refrigerated and use a clean needle on Sunday I wipe the vial with alcohol and after I dose I throw the needle away and wipe the vial with alcohol and store back in the fridge. And do the same Wednesday. Rinse and repeat. ✌


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I’m not sure I know exactly what you are asking me . I keep the solution with water around 8 weeks because I’ve heard it’s safe . I need to order smaller quantity to keep 4 weeks. But I keep the 10 ml solution refrigerated and use a clean needle on Sunday I wipe the vial with alcohol and after I dose I throw the needle away and wipe the vial with alcohol and store back in the fridge. And do the same Wednesday. Rinse and repeat. ✌

What exactly is the type of water or saline? They are not all the same.

It should be bacteriostatic. If the package does not state bacteriostatic, it is not bacteriostatic. bacteriostatic water and saline have benzyl alcohol which is antibacterial and necessary to keep vial contents from getting infected even using good technique.

The use of alcohol wipes is of course good technique, but bacteriostatic solution is THE standard for mixing HCG for your purposes. If you do not use bacteriostatic water or saline, you are taking a risk

Sterile water and saline are appropriate for single use, not for mixing and using a vial for multiple doses long term. It has nothing to prevent contamination of the solution. A contaminated solution can cause infection.

EDIT: OK, I was able to enlarge you photo. That water is not appropriate for your use.

These are appropriate:



SECOND EDIT: I used to teach first responders injection technique. In the US we used sterile saline which was painless. I taught one session overseas where all that was available at the pharmacy was sterile water. It hurt like Hell! I mean alarming! It is because the solution is not isotonic, i.e. not matched to body tissue in salinity therefore creates a dramatic osmotic pressure with the cells. Solutions that are buffered do not have this effect.

I don't know why, but HCG with bacteriostatic water has never been painful for me, nor has HCG with bateriostatic saline/sodium chloride solution. Perhaps the benzy alcohol acts as a buffer, or perhaps the HCG itself. But if you are experiencing the kind of pain I did at that demonstration and practice session, I feel for you!
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Ok then most likely that’s it. I have 3 more 10 ml vials of it left and being that I haven’t used yet.
it’s been sitting at room temp for around 8-10 weeks. Maybe I should have thrown it in the fridge as well. But after reading your info I’m going to see if I can find some Biostatic water or bacteriostatic rather. at a good price when I have the time. I’ve seen 30ml for 60 bucks. Hopefully can find a better price.

Never mind I found a place where you can get 3 30ml vials for 31.95 free shipping EBWS.

Thanks so much for the helpful input !
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Hmm after I pull 10 ml of Biostatic water from a 30 ml bottle. With a clean needle ofcourse . Can the other 20 ml be stored in the fridge to use next month ?
Or is best to discard and use a fresh bottle. That’s quite a bit to just throw away.
Just trying not to waste is all. And save money . Thanks for everything. ✌
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Oh my gosh such a relief.
I can’t believe I used that stuff so long. It’s just hard to find Doctors on the same page as you guys and stuff is getting pricy. But that Biostatic water link that you provided is priced good , and such a relief.
I didn’t think water would cause all that.

I can’t say this enough ; “This web site is full of people that can save a man a lot of heart ache. “
Even the stuff you get from The online Doctors can lead a man down a path of permanent negative side effects for their lack of knowledge of anastrozole. 1 mg a week at these places.
Now I only take a half a mg Very rarely only to when I need get the estrogen induced prolactin down. And that is still more than a lot of you suggest. And that communication and research shared here may have saved my quality of life. One of those out of state clinics had me on 2 mg a week. And I just happen to cancel to find a local doctor. Still no luck.

But You guys from the moderators to the members are the Most safe, Most efficient and The most knowledgeable and the best ! Everything to keeping my red blood cell count safe to stinging pain !
thanks again
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