I switched to inj end of the year, I was on cream 350mg each day. T was 1050 on switch everything in range, no AI, HCT 50, ....
Inj' 100mg CYP E3.5, start Hcg 300iu EOD, and at 6 week blood test showed T 1532, HCT 53(donated week before test), "wrong" E test 62, both liver(LST...) just outside top of range, SBHG 26. So she wanted to drop it to 50mg E3.5, and I relinquished.
I swear, at three/four weeks after starting injections I think I hit my sweet spot, and then I over shot it. I was solid. Funny thing is a week and a half into the new dose I thought I hit it again, and now I think I dropped plumb out of it. I thought cutting it in half was a lot. I have three weeks to go til I hit week 6, or take control myself moving it back to 75mg E3.5
I am toying for the last three weeks of changing it to 50mg/wk on an everyday protocol at 7.142857142857143mg injected per day +/- the last digit.
I mean at mid point what will it gain me to jump it back up? I can already tell the the morning wood difference, and just when I thought I had passed the gut bloat, its back.