Recently started TRT, I think I may have gone about it wrong, little help!


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I am 33 years old and a few years back I started getting super tired and really lacked motivation. I had a lot of symptoms that mad me think my Test was low. My brothers was really low at 34 and my dads was really low so I went and had mine checked. I came in at 224 and the doctor recommended pellets(which is where I think I screwed up). I had the first set of them and it was all good. My test was 1075.8 and free test was like 40.4. My estradiol was 46.6. I felt great for four months. After that I think I was running out of pellets. I think my test dropped hard and my body wasn't producing as much. I had my second dose and still didn't feel right. I was very emotional, sad, needed my wife to love me, jealous at times, anxious and almost depressed. It was not fun. So I asked for labs. She took only my estradiol because she thought it was that. My level was 82.6. She said that is probably why and recommended 1 mg of anastrozole a week. I am in a smaller town and not sure how I can find someone who can monitor manage this a little better. I would love to switch to the shots. In the meantime I have pellets in my butt that I can't do anything about so would you take the dose of anastrazole she recommends? I don't want to get low and get messed up that way. I love how the test made me feel but this last month I have hated it! Thanks
You need to see if you can get anastrozole from a compounding pharmacy, they offer much lower doses. I get .125mg capsules and even that is too much and will knock my estrogen down to 12 pg/mL, so I'm now taking 1/4 of that dosage and feel awesome after only a few days.

I see more and more men over-responding to anastrozole these days, those 1mg pills are originally design for a woman. I prefer injections. I'm able to optimise my levels without worry about running low before my next injection, all I have to do is move the injections closer together.

You will never have stable levels on pellets, its good for doctors because they get to charge for the procedure, whereas injections not so much.
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