Ready to give up


For everyone who probably remembers, I've always had issues with gynocomastia, even before trt. I've been on trt for approximately 9 months. I've been injecting sub q everyday 13 mgs for 5 months. I've started taking .5 of arimidex every 3 to 4 days and it doesn't help. I've went down now to 12 mgs sub q. Still no luck. I'm constantly having semi sore nipples. Especially after a workout. My e2 is a goddamn 16 on the sensitive test. Only thing I can think of is a possible thyroid issue. My reason being I'm still suffering from brainfog/ confusion. I don't sweat at the gym at all. My throat sometimes feels enlarged. And lastly, often I'm to hyper.
My labs below are with 13 mgs of test everyday.

Total t 1080.0 ref 300-1080
SHB glob 25.70. Ref 13.30 - 89.
Free test. 311.o ref 47.o- 244.o
Igf1 268 ref 132-333
Prolactin 1.3 ref 2.64-13.13
Progesterone o.2 ref o.14- 2.06
Psa screen o.982 ref 0.000-1.400

T3 free 3.76 ref 2.54-4.34
T4,free 0.87 o.55-1.60
Tsh o.0880 ref o.270- 4.200
Reverse t3 21.5 ref 9.0- 27.0

Sorry for the rant guys. It's just I'm frustrated.
I would think your E2 is way too low, with testosterone levels over a thousand. Your estradiol should be over 30.
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I'll add that Prolactin is just as bad very low as yours is, it's below ref range. Ive successfully used a drug called "Reglan" (sp) to raise Prolactin but that didn't have a subjective improvement in anything for me so I abandoned it. My PRL tests @ 4 or 5.
Read up on Progesterone, I've read some specific instances of men stating that it helped, or can help, with Gyno. I use a little dab of Progesterone cream 2xD, Maybe supplement some Pregnenolone, 10mg/D
When I took these labs, I was on cabergoline .5 twice a week. I'm now on .5 once a week. I was taking 10 mgs of pregnelone via compounded pharmacy, but wasn't sure if it was contributing too my tender nipples
Whether my prolactin is higher, or e2, I've always had tender sore nipples on trt. Even when my e2 was a 26, which is still low. It makes no sense the tenderness with such low e2.

There might not be a actual factual reason, other than predisposed genetics. I'm guessing. Which leads me to my conclusion it might not be for me.
I'm suffering from sore nipples

Whether my prolactin is higher, or e2, I've always had tender sore nipples on trt. Even when my e2 was a 26, which is still low. It makes no sense the tenderness with such low e2.

There might not be a actual factual reason, other than predisposed genetics. I'm guessing. Which leads me to my conclusion it might not be for me.

Sore nipples don't automatically mean your E2 is high. In fact, your lab test shows it is low so there is clearly a different cause behind the sore nipples. I know many doctors and many web sites say sore nipples or sensitive nipples = low E2 but they can't cite a well executed clinical trial which confirms that common assumption with the sensitive E2 test.

I hope you find the cause. Be sure to listen to the advice of the guys here because otherwise you could easily go chasing the wrong thing and get yourself all out of whack.

All the best!
Whether my prolactin is higher, or e2, I've always had tender sore nipples on trt. Even when my e2 was a 26, which is still low. It makes no sense the tenderness with such low e2.

There might not be a actual factual reason, other than predisposed genetics. I'm guessing. Which leads me to my conclusion it might not be for me.

You've had sensitive nipples but no breast growth?

Might just be psychological then. Focusing on your nipples will cause them to do strange things. Look up "pseudocyesis".
My understanding has always been that testosterone (TRT) can cause nipple sensitivity for some. To many people think it always E2. I still believe your E2 is too low.
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hfbjr if I were in your situation, I would definitely stop the arimidex and cabergoline and retest after 4 weeks. Both have lowered your your E2 and prolactin to sub optimal ranges which may be causing the majority of your problems.

My prolactin was 17 and started taking cabergoline .25 1 x week and in 7 weeks, dropped it to 2. It works very very fast. I felt worse with prolactin at 2 than at 17.

Are you taking anything else - DHEA or Vitamin D? The DHEA may help increase your estradiol. Just my thoughts.
hfbjr if I were in your situation, I would definitely stop the arimidex and cabergoline and retest after 4 weeks. Both have lowered your your E2 and prolactin to sub optimal ranges which may be causing the majority of your problems.

My prolactin was 17 and started taking cabergoline .25 1 x week and in 7 weeks, dropped it to 2. It works very very fast. I felt worse with prolactin at 2 than at 17.

Are you taking anything else - DHEA or Vitamin D? The DHEA may help increase your estradiol. Just my thoughts.

Excellent post 1Draw

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