RE Sourcing HCG in Ireland/Uk/Europe

Noel David

New Member

26 days on TRT after a battle to get onto gels. Results unknown. Very difficult to get. Mood and energy immediately improved but last three days tightness in scrotum and what i perceive to be shrinkage in my testicles. About to quit therapy as this is just way too much. Need to find HCG to try and reverse this asap. Anybody have any ideas as I believe HCG will not be available here or in UK. I suffer from terrible ED and have been HIV+ for 17 years . Undetectable viral load. Isolation is my middle name here in Dublin and now that I want to try and solve these issues and improve my life all doors are slammed.
All suggestions/help appreciated.

Noel, Dublin, Ireland
Hello Coastwatcher

Thanks for reply . I would not go to clinics in Dublin as they are patchy to say the least . I found a private clinic in Belfast and a doctor with excellent credentials . Was impressed at tests performed but he put me on testosterone just before Christmas and follow up is not until March . In the interim I feel my scrotum to the point of hurting and my testicles seem to be contracting . It is horrible and I want to stop the treatment because I am scared it will get worse . The mood and energy have been fantastic but the basics need constant monitoring . Do not understand how trt can be administered without Hcg . It's a must ? Maybe I will call the clinic . Have sent two emails and gotten no response . In terms of research I think Hcg cannot be administered here or in uk for this purpose . I thought I might get it in Spain as I go there to get Wellbutrin which I cannot get here . My GP thinks I am mad . I also see a urologist here who tests for nothing in over a year . You can see I am so frustrated . Anyway thanks again for reply . Noel
Hcg is not a "must" for someone on TRT, but it certainly is wise to add it to the protocol. I understand the frustrations of those living outside the US who are trying to adopt a contemporary TRT protocol, it is an enormous challenge. There will be testicular atrophy when testosterone is administered without Hcg, but the discomfort you describe doesn't impact every man in the same way. Have you considered ordering Hcg from other sources?
Hi there

thanks for reply . Trt regime here is unheard of as far as I can make out . There are some doctors giving out testosterone without any testing or monitoring . They also use nebido like a candy gun ! Even when you find a ' good ' doctor it seems to be so problematic . Sourcing Hcg elsewhere - online ? - illegal according to the law here though many people source drugs online in general . I had considered Spain but not available either . Would also go to the USA if I felt i could bring home a reasonable amount of medication and from what I know Hcg is not prohibitively expensive . Maybe it is something I need to look at . Many thanks for suggestion . Noel
This is from another thread posted by someone in the UK:

OK, I've got a little more info for the UK guys. First ,I had trouble finding a compounding pharmacy over here, the reason being is that they are not called compounding pharmacies over here at all! They are known as Special Unit pharmacies. I contacted a couple of them but as they are linked to the NHS they are unable or can't compound meds for the average patient. However one of them gave me some interesting info which I am following up. Basically they told me to get a private prescription from a UK/EEC medical practitioner and take it to a pharmacy that is licensed to import from the USA, or which deals with with an IDAS licensed company that can import foreign medicine.
I contacted the UK IDAS and was told to get my doctor to contact them about importing Trimix for me and they will look into it. As soon as I get any news I will let you all know.
I also contacted a couple of USA compounding pharmacies, one who said that although they can't send it to me in the UK,they could send it to a friends USA address and he could then send it to me,there was no mention of a prescription. I am looking into the legal aspects of this

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