Re: (low) DHT...anyone using cream + injections

Re: (low) DHT...anyone using cream + injections

Is any one using a small dibble of cream on their nuts to get a DHT bump?

I had my DHT pulled for the first and only time (with Defy) and I was 36 in the (16-79) lab range (Quest). It's something I've been thinking about for libido/ sexual urge purposes that still linger after getting my TT/FT to upper physio ranges, and ruling out any Thyroid issues. Adrenals are an identified problem for me, very low Cortisol, and I supplement with DHEA/Preg 50/50 cream daily. I've been prescribed HC @ 5mg/AM but am not using it.

(TCyp 50mg EOD, HCG 500iu 2x Week, no AI)

PSA has never exceeded .5 on any test. I

do have acne prone skin (from my teen years) and am having problems with back and shoulders area that require 2x daily intensive cleansing.

I'm adopted so no family history to speak of with thinning hair though I have had some very minor thinning at the crown/read of my head. I've run thru a heavy loading and then maint doses of Creatine Mono without a tangible improvement there.
Vince, you probably have read this but I will throw it out there for others to read also.
Yes, putting a small amount of a "Cream Transdermal" on your scrotum can increase conversion, via the 5 alpha-reductase enzyme, to DHT.

Make sure it's a cream base and not gel as it can and will burn your skin and your scrotum is the last place you want that to happen.

Some clinics like Defy sell testosterone creams for just this type of application.
Here are some good discussions from the past on the subject of increasing DHT

Scrotum application of testosterone

This is a German product that some guys import into the US:

DHT Gel Shuts Down LH, FSH, Estradiol and T But Sustained Sexual Function

and here is an interesting study with creatine:

Clin J Sport Med. 2009 Sep;19(5):399-404.

Three weeks of creatine monohydrate supplementation affects dihydrotestosterone to testosterone ratio in college-aged rugby players.

van der Merwe J1, Brooks NE, Myburgh KH.


This study investigated resting concentrations of selected androgens after 3 weeks of creatine supplementation in male rugby players. It was hypothesized that the ratio of dihydrotestosterone (DHT, a biologically more active androgen) to testosterone (T) would change with creatine supplementation.

Double-blind placebo-controlled crossover study with a 6-week washout period.

Rugby Institute in South Africa.

College-aged rugby players (n = 20) volunteered for the study, which took place during the competitive season.

Subjects loaded with creatine (25 g/day creatine with 25 g/day glucose) or placebo (50 g/day glucose) for 7 days followed by 14 days of maintenance (5 g/day creatine with 25 g/day glucose or 30 g/day glucose placebo).

Serum T and DHT were measured and ratio calculated at baseline and after 7 days and 21 days of creatine supplementation (or placebo). Body composition measurements were taken at each time point.

After 7 days of creatine loading, or a further 14 days of creatine maintenance dose, serum T levels did not change. However, levels of DHT increased by 56% after 7 days of creatine loading and remained 40% above baseline after 14 days maintenance (P < 0.001). The ratio of DHT:T also increased by 36% after 7 days creatine supplementation and remained elevated by 22% after the maintenance dose (P < 0.01).

Creatine supplementation may, in part, act through an increased rate of conversion of T to DHT. Further investigation is warranted as a result of the high frequency of individuals using creatine supplementation and the long-term safety of alterations in circulating androgen composition. STATEMENT OF CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Although creatine is a widely used ergogenic aid, the mechanisms of action are incompletely understood, particularly in relation to dihydrotestosterone, and therefore the long-term clinical safety cannot be guaranteed.

Comment in
Creatine supplementation and DHT:T ratio in male rugby players. [Clin J Sport Med. 2010]
I *think* I've been having a fair exeprience having used some remaining 1.62 gel from when I first started on TRT, just a small dab, not a full 1 pump dose. I haven't had but a very minor irritation using it on my scrotum. I started having more of a positive experience mixing it with my TD DHEA/Preg (50/50) cream and applying both to my scrotum. This morning I applied the DHEA/Preg/1.62 to my forearm and am having an equally good experience. Very good erection with my girlfriend last night, long lasting without concern to maintaining it. In to today solo, very very good erections.
I have a consult Tues with Defy on this Tues to ask for a TD Cream I can add to my regimen.
Great info, Vince! I have a consult with Defy coming up soon and I will ask for this as well. My libido on TRT has never been great and my DHT levels have always been in-range but on the low-end.
I was prescribed a topical cream similar to my DHEA/Preg cream. Tests in four weeks. Don't quote me on the dosage but it's 1 click of a 50mg/mL cream, so a quarter mL or something like that...~12mg.
Lab Result having used 12.5mg TD to the scrotum for four weeks moved my DHT one 37 (16-79).
For ref my TT at the same draw was 903 using 50mg TCYP EOD.

TT was in my trough before next injection and i did NOT apply the cream to the nuts that morning before the test.
Thank you for posting your follow-up labs, Vince. Wow, I would have speculated a lot more than a one point increase in DHT, but at the same time It seems to be making you feel better and that of course is the most important thing.
Its not done a thing different for me, its not making me feel better (though I overall do feel good absent this DHT business), but so far 1 click of this has been ineffective in any way.
Ok so I just got my DHT results... DHT 29 Range 30-85.... This explains a lot... I wonder if they will prescribe the topical T (in addition to my shots) or if I will have to consult again?
i had to do a separate consult with Jill, to talk specifically about this issue. Tell them what you'd like to do and symptoms you're chasing, and ask for the cream, if it would be appropriate.
i had to do a separate consult with Jill, to talk specifically about this issue. Tell them what you'd like to do and symptoms you're chasing, and ask for the cream, if it would be appropriate.

Dr. Saya during the first consult said if it was low he would add to the protocol... I will request a call with Jill to get it added... I was curious if they would email me or if I would have to consult again (to add it to the mix)...
Why I did a new consult was I had already had one (my 90 day followup) with Jill and we just didn't discuss my DHT results as I was focused on other things at the time. When I became interested in it and treating it, I scheduled a new consult.
If they already said they would prescribe if you are low you may not need a new consult. I would just call and ask and let them know that was the plan. E.g., if you are low, Dr would prescribe...
If they already said they would prescribe if you are low you may not need a new consult. I would just call and ask and let them know that was the plan. E.g., if you are low, Dr would prescribe...

Actually Dr. Saya just called me and told me that it was low and per our consult wanted to know if I was interested in adding to the protocol... Said Jill would follow up before they close up for the day... That is pretty impressive follow up!!

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