Question about my lab (picture included)


New Member

Okay so my question is, am I maxing out the free % range. I've seen it go to 3.1, 3.3, 3,2, but I've hit 3.4 over and over and over again and it won't go past there. So is the SHBG test not sensitive enough to calculate my percent free correctly, because it won't go past 3.4% and how am I looking? I know you'll tell me it's about how I feel but those are good AF numbers for sub-q fat 313 pound guy injections. My test dropped down for awhile I believe because of E2 conversion, so now I take 2 capsules of MYOMIN every single day and I'm back at 600. So I'm feeling good about that. As soon as prior authorization goes through I get to try enanthate (developed a localized allergic response to cypionate and also edema, the edema was remedied by the MYOMIN, which further makes me believe it was caused by estrogen because a prescription diuretic didn't work, but the myomin dumped the water out of my legs day 1. Thanks for the feedback boys.
Free T is always a calculation and thus isn't a true reading of what your Free T is though it's very very close.
What is your T dose and injection schedule like? With your SHBG @ 9 you're going to have to approach this very differently than I think you are.
Any advice would be so solid vince, I'm 5 months in and its been freaking hell buddy. Its a rare snowballs day in hell that I actually have body power, they've had me on test cyp 100mg per week, between the cyp and the e2 conversion I got severe edema so I switched to belly sub-Q 50/50, was going decent till last month, I started getting a hardcore itchy rash everywhere I injected, prior authorization for test enanth just went through today and I'm picking it up tomorrow.

So right now with my basic monkey knowledge, I was going to do 50/50mg sub-q with the test enanthate. You know whats fked up though, I took .2CC's of that itchy cypionate today to hold me off, and I feel stronger than I have in a long time. Do you think because the SHBG is at 9 I need to lower it and split it up more, that would be kinda fukt, I mean 2x a week is already at my maximum bs level. Thanks bud (I'm also taking MYOMIN 2 caps a day for my e2 because my doctor doesn't believe in estrogen testing, and if I don't take the myomin I get super weak, my total drops in half and I get edema. Now I'm back up at 600 from 300 and my legs are clear of water.

(I'm disabled af buddy, I don't have money for the discount labs or I would. It's already a ball buster that I have to buy the 45 dollar myomin or turn into a caitlyn jenner over here)
Everything I've seen regarding protocols for really low SHBG suggests trying injections EOD or ED. If you're using smaller insulin syringes this would help make it easier on you. This could also help a little bit with e2 conversion.

I would do some hardcore research on the causes of low SHBG, being overweight you may be able to do something about it. Also, from what I've read the base oil used can cause allergic reactions. A lot of the Test Cypionate uses cotton seed oil, maybe try an ester with grape seed oil for the base instead.
What I would suggest is you further break up the shots, shoot 28mg EOD. You're going to have to pony up for the proper E testing, there's not much way around that. Also, don't do this/that/the other on any given because you feel something. Get a sched and stick to it, you have to ride out anything and everything, within reason, it's 6 weeks to get the minimum level of stability. As I said, the proper E testing is crucial.
Ok, I will figure out a way I can do the E testing or just save up for the Discounted Labs. I'll just tell him next time, like dude you are going to cost me 60-70 dollars, plz just run the test and stop busting my balls. I have been switched to test E now and I no longer get itching at the injection site and I no longer have an extremely heavy angry feeling in my head, so I feel blessed for that. I think my estrogen is still out of range. So thanks again for the help guys, its really making a difference for me. Without this forum I wouldn't have seen that I could switch to Test E that has a different oil and alcohol and I may have had to quit all together, that's how severe the itchy reaction was.
Dude I wish I could verify that for you, all I can say to make you feel better about it is while I was researching it, I noticed some of the amazon reviews said that their TRT doctor sent them there, so that's what sealed the deal for me. I tried two barlowe products, they didn't even effect my E2, even though they are claimed to be extremely strong AI (I was able to verify that by bloodwork).

I got the myomin, within one day I got body heat, like the ability to sweat (not actually body temp), strength increase, and the 20 pounds of effing water in my legs started disappearing and its been gone for months now. My doctor, for some god forsaken reason keeps denying me my E2 test. I forced him one time and then he just like nods his head and walks away every other time. So, I'm on my second bottle now, the first bottle I went overboard and was taking 4 a day because I was so worried, this time I just take the two and that horrible edema never comes back. My skin was hard like titanium in my legs, they were 2x the side, and walking was super stiff. It was really bumming me out, I felt like a mutant like the hulk or something lol. Between getting the myomin and switching to test E from test C, I'm actually doing fairly well now, my weight has gone from 340, to 310, and hopefully I can get back to 190 by the end of this summer or at least much lower than I am now.

I also started treating cortisol seriously, it was getting so high I felt like I was having a heart attack. Was getting extreme heart pounding that I could feel from head to toe, tachycardia, panic attacks. So I started really researching it, stopped all caffeine intake (200mg caffeine can boost cortisol by 30% for 6-8 hours) and got 3 miracle things Magnolia bark extract from liftmode (works like valium and is safe and non drowsy, hits the gaba-A receptor, it's traditional chinese medicine for anxiety and high cortisol and stuff) KSM-66 Ashwagandha from nootropic depot (KSM-66 is probably the most superior ashwagandha on the planet and was the one used in a study showing a 30% reduction in cortisol, which is massive) and Polygala Tenuifolia Extract from nootropic depot (incredible substance for the mind, focus, depression, there are very interesting national institute of health studies on this plant, I believe one I have says its a tri or quad reuptake inhibitor for neurotransmitters.

I hope it works out for you and can you actually do me a huge favor, if you get your e2 tested in a few weeks and you are still looking good with just the myomin, send me a PM or respond here to let me know.
I contacted the company and they sent me a large document full of studies done with their product, here is a sample that really says it all (this is about the MYOMIN) "estradiol level of the women in the studywas 74.52 pg/ml. After only 10 days on
Myomin, their average estradiol level
reduced to 38.84 pg/ml. The fibroids, cysts
and the associated pain gradually reduced."
I have been doing myomin for a few weeks now at 2 caps a day. I am interested to see what my e2 level is in 6 weeks when I retest. I know what it is without an ai and I know what it is on a small dose of an ai.
Hopefully you get good results, I guess I'll message you in a few weeks and try to get those lab results from you. I'm just going to have to twist my doctors arm till it breaks for him to test my e2 next time I go in, this is bullshit that I have to play a guessing game based off of clinical clues and sensing how I feel inside like a fking wizard.

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