Question about HCG dosage, penis sensitivity and ability/ inability to orgasm


New Member
I have been on TRT for about 2 years. Prior to TRT, I had a great sex life and no problems with ED. About a year ago, I had started taking cialis mostly recreationally but had started feeling a need to use it and felt like it was maybe my E2 going up and down. My doc has me on 200mgs of test cyp. I had to ask for anastrozole and HCG. My doc doesn't seem to know a lot about TRT. I had gotten my E2 to a manageable level by taking .25 arimidex every 3.5 days along with .5 cc of test c. My test ususally reads about 1000-1100 at peak and 800 at trough and my e2 is 35 at peak and 20 at trough. I was taking 250ius of HCG that I was ordering from India, because I could not afford the $300 price tage from CVS.

Over the past 10 months or so, I had noticed that it was taking me longer and longer to reach orgasm. It was taking 30-45 minutes and these were girls I was dating and haviung sex maybe 2-3 times a week. I would try like I was nailing a fencer board in to reach orgasm to wear I was like running a marathion, winded and sweating my butt of, and of course, if I had not reach orgasm, my erection went down while I was catching my breath. So, I started using cialis on a regular basis. I could maturate just fine. It took a while and I didn't need to use Cialis, but I had to think of the dirtiest nastiest thing I could to get off. Then, I remembered guy that I talked to saying when I was shopping TRT clinics, saying that I shouldn't go with anyone that didn't prescribe HCG while on TRT, because I would not enjoy sex anymore. I read Nelson's info, and I decided to up my HCG to 500ius 2X a week.

And voila, sex was great again! Like it had not been in years. I had not had real ED. My sensitivity had been diminished greatly from TRT, but it happened so slowly that I had not realized it. So, I was golden again and happy. I played around with the HCG and dosage. I went off and sure enough, hardly any sensitivity, and my orgasms were almost non-existent. I upped my dosage to 500ius 3X a week and felt even better (keep in mind it's from India so who knows what the purity was like but it worked).

Then recently, they quit making brand that I was taking, Hucog, and replaced it with Ovidac. I went back and forth between the new Ovidac and the Hucog I had saved. The Ovidac just didn't work. I was losing sensitivity and sex was plummeting. I contemplated getting off TRT. I had read from Nelson that he had used compounding pharmacies and it was reasonable. So, I went to the doc a couple of weeks ago and got some HCG from Empower.

My doc will prescribe almost anything I want but doesn't know TRT or how to use what I am getting prescribed. I took my first 500iu injection last Monday and felt awful and libido dropped. So, dropped the dose to 250 Wednesday. I felt better but still off, so I thought daily injections would cause less sides initially and went to 100ius F/S and S. My libido was way off. I started to have sex with my girlfriend with some help from Cialis Sunday, but I could not climax to save my life. I took 500ius today and feel better and had some random erections this evening. I had taken Cialis the day before but it was in the AM and only about 4-5 mg.

I have an appointment with DR. Larry Lipshultz that's been on the calendar, but it's not until 10/28. I cant wait and have my girlfriend getting upset that I can't cum, never mind my frustration.

Should I just 500ius 2X a week, so would do another with my test shot on Thursday, or kick it into gear with 500 MWF and then go back down?

Also, has anyone else noticed this big of a difference in penis sensitivity and ability to orgasm without HCG?
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I wonder if arimidex is having an effect on your sex life? Have you ever stopped using it, just to see what happens.
If your Total T range is 1000 - 1100 and your E2 ranges is 35 to 20 (calculated using the ultra sensitive test) then your E2 is too low according to the ratio talked about elsewhere here in this forum. Having E2 too low often causes ED and other problems. (Remember that the 'normal range' for E2 is based upon a total T of around 600)

Agree with Vince - maybe stop the Arimidex, stick with the 500IU twice weekly and see how you feel in a few weeks time.
I, reluctantly but with some curisity, started experimenting with 500iu HCG 2x Week. I've not liked HCG in the past, had little good to say about but decided to try this dose as I've not used that much in the past. Too soon to say its only been a couple of weeks but I have the same complaints, some ED, Tadalafil works pretty well, but was interested in reversing some of the penile desentizing I was experiencing plus delayed orgasm.
Im not using and have not used anastrozole in 4 months. TT approaching 1100 at last test, E2 (standard test) 43. It was after those tests that I started trying to increase the HCG dose.
ever since hcg and adex(hcg raised my e2 through the roof) were added to my protocol my penis has lost a lot of sensitivity, erections harder to get and maintain, and sex takes way too long. i have expressed this to my dr but he wasn't ready to take me off of them.

my dosages are 250iu of hcg and .25 of a pill of adex every 3.5 days
I had not used Arimidex when I initially went on TRT. However, I could feel the side effects and my E2 was getting into the 65 plus range without it. I want to try to stop using arimidex and start trying subq test injection as I understand that can reduce the estradiol conversion as well. I am waiting to see Dr. Lipshultx before I try that, though. I realize that I am on a high dose for TRT of 200mgs a week. From the homework I have done, you can go with out Arimidex if you are using a more usual TRT amount of 100-160mgs per week, but not if you intend on keeping your test level around 1000 with 200mgs of Test Cyp a week. I understand that Dr. L will probably want to lower my dosage as well.

I ha not thought thought that arimidex was causing the side effects. I know of friends of mine who are on TRT. One just started. The other who has been on as long as have is having the exact same issue, but he is not on armidex
I, reluctantly but with some curisity, started experimenting with 500iu HCG 2x Week. I've not liked HCG in the past, had little good to say about but decided to try this dose as I've not used that much in the past. Too soon to say its only been a couple of weeks but I have the same complaints, some ED, Tadalafil works pretty well, but was interested in reversing some of the penile desentizing I was experiencing plus delayed orgasm.
Im not using and have not used anastrozole in 4 months. TT approaching 1100 at last test, E2 (standard test) 43. It was after those tests that I started trying to increase the HCG dose.

Good question Coast Watcher. I am having probs typing on this site, so I did not go into it and my post was quite lengthly. I had used steroids when I was in my 20's with great results. When I got divorced at 40 and decided I would attempt to get to my 20s body, it was not happening like it did when I was younger. My recovery, ability to add muscle and train was not hardly where it used to be. I started using testosterone again, and I was feeling and looking better. On my 3rd cycle I used way too much test and Nandrolone and shut my HPTA down really hard. I talked to several T clinics. One had said that even if they could restart me what would be the use, I was 41 with a natural T level probably around 600. Their goal is to have someone my age around 1000. I ignored him and found a doc who would prescribe the meds to restart my HPTA which I did successfully. I stayed off testosterone for about 6 months. My test level was around 600. I felt OK but not good. Sex life was great, though. The T clinic director was right. I felt better with higher T levels and could maintain m desire, activity physical and work out level. I have been on TRT since.
All you have to do is type penis sensitivity and TRT or Testosterone in google. Have of what comes up are studies saying testosterone can increase penile sensitivity. The other half are TONS of guys on TRT complaining about losing their penile sensitivity. HCG use has helped bring mine back. I'm hoping my new US HCG will do the same in a couple of weeks. I'll update this post it the progress an what Dr. Lipshultz has to recommend
ever since hcg and adex(hcg raised my e2 through the roof) were added to my protocol my penis has lost a lot of sensitivity, erections harder to get and maintain, and sex takes way too long. i have expressed this to my dr but he wasn't ready to take me off of them.

my dosages are 250iu of hcg and .25 of a pill of adex every 3.5 days

How do you know your E2 was though the roof....blood tests? Most guys on here are taking 500ius twice a week.
Any thoughts on whether taking 500ius 3X just this second week and going back down to twice a week would be a bad idea. BTW, my erections dramatically improved today and sensitivity is about 20% better.
All you have to do is type penis sensitivity and TRT or Testosterone in google. Have of what comes up are studies saying testosterone can increase penile sensitivity. The other half are TONS of guys on TRT complaining about losing their penile sensitivity. HCG use has helped bring mine back. I'm hoping my new US HCG will do the same in a couple of weeks. I'll update this post it the progress an what Dr. Lipshultz has to recommend

Please do let us know what your consultation leads to.
How do you know your E2 was though the roof....blood tests? Most guys on here are taking 500ius twice a week.

My own subjective E2 experience is that my outlook on life goes down the tubes, despondent and depressed. happened for the first time in nearly two years when this past Sudnay I shot my T, plus HCG, back-to-back. I've never used them together, atleast not HCG in the 500iu range. But I shot my 50mg of T, 500iu HCG and for the next ten hours I was stuck in a hole mentally, that was very bothersome. I normally go alternating days or 12 hours apart, never did those together before and I won't ever do it again.
My doc has me on hcg 500 units three times a week. Is that extreme or just on the upper limits?
I just finished my 3rd cycle of 200mg per week of cypionate with hcg at 100mg 3dw. Occassionally take 1/4 of anastrozole when blood pressure goes up along with tight balls and getting way to emotional. Start Clomid in 5 days for 10 straight days and have been using hcg continuously and will through pct. My experience, mainly through what I've picked up from guys here and experimenting, I lose sensitivity and ability to orgasm and loss of erections after 20 or 30 minutes when e2 is climbing and testes are not getting stimulated (hcg amounts). First sign I get is lack of morning wood, or any spontaneous erection.
The sensitivity issue for me is always about the E2 level. Too low or too high, there is none. Get it in the range that my body likes and I'm golden -like being 18 again.. heck, sometimes even better. While my TT probably averages about 1000 during the week it seems I need my E2 somewhere between 25-35 - but thats just me. I also do 1000iu of HCG during the week in about 3-4 shots usually.
Im finding that too, I think, switched over to Exemestane from Anastrozole and had a real glimmer of something good but also realized I still had some Anastrozole in my system at about ~5 days of Exemestane. Trying to tweak the dosage now to increase in some manner from 12.5mg E3.5D.

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