Prostatitis and possible reasons

I have had prostatitis really painful for over a year now. Once I started injecting though it went away for about a month or two. But recently it came back with a fury and now have no erections like I used too. I think the prostatitis might be attributed to the sex toy the fleshlight that I've had for awhile now. Thinking back every time I've used it I have gotten bad bouts of prostatitis afterwards...especially since I recently used it and it came back with a fury again...I'm hoping that if I don't use it for a couple months/throw it away that I will be fine in awhile. Saw Pametto used to help with the pain when I was on Androgel, but this time it is different. I get shooting very painful stabs but then no pain, and after an orgasm aching pain. My last reading back in May was 2.1 for PSA and I'm 29, the urologist said if it got any higher I'd have to get a biopsy...she gave me Cipro but I refuse to go down that road just yet. Any thoughts? The ED is making me concerned but it might be something else. Thanks.
There is a difference between prostatitis and benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). At your PSA level I doubt you have an infection.

When you say "it came back with a fury" what symptoms do you refer to? Urinary retention?

Cialis is approved for daily use as a treatment of BPH. Worth considering. It can also help with ED.
My urologist seemed to feel confident that I have chronic prostatitis, what makes you say at my psa that I don't have an infection? When it came back with a fury I mean the pain. The only pain I experience is above mygroin on the right side may also cause rib pain. I've had trace blood in my urine twice now out of like 5 or 6 tests. The pain comes and goes suddenly. I've had burning urination off and on since before puberty. I do not want to rule out bph because the pain gets worse with frequent masturbation. I used cialis recently and if anything it made the pain worse.
You might be correct on this Nelson. I am surprised that you posted this though as this is kind of unsubstantiated by research right? Although this seems like it could be my problem. I will take a "break" from activities and see if it goes away. Did your friend do anything differently. A muscular problem does seem plausible as I feel the pain is not deep in my groin but could pass as I guess as a DOMS type pain in a very weird place, or a charlie horse feeling...all sounds strange.

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