Hi, Anything missing from this proposed test lineup (below last labs)?
62 y.o. d hypoG >20 yrs, no recent TRT, past gel
hCG mono beginning April 2015. baseline TotT 200-300 went to 700 in 6 weeks
Arimidex added in July, 1/4 2xWeek
diagnoses: hyperestrogenism, gyno, hypogonadism,metabolic syndrome with improvement,
I've undergone a battery of tests over the last two years complaining of severe fatigue. Oddly Testo of 199 wasn't flagged.
current lab results:
Kidney function creatinine and eGFR are stellar, no pulmonary issues, liver enzymes normal,
PSA 0.64, see prior post for full labs.
Z SCORE: 2.1 (H)
test dates: 12/3/14 5/21/15
[TD="class: name fixed"]Average Glucose
[TD="class: scroll"]108
[TD="class: scroll"] 97[/TD]
[TD="class: buffer scroll"][/TD]
[TD="class: name fixed"]Hemoglobin A1c4.8 - 5.6 %
[TD="class: scroll"]5.4
[TD="class: scroll"] 5.0[/TD]
The baseline from march was missing important hormone tests. I hope to obtain a differential diagnoses for fatigue and periods of reduced cognition, espc. mornings.
Past THYROID results:
[TH="class: name fixed"][/TH]
[TH="class: scroll"]1/22/15(4pm)
[TH="class: scroll"]2/10/15[/TH]
[TH="class: buffer scroll"](2pm)
[TD="class: name fixed"]TSH 0.34 - 4.82 uIU/mL
[TD="class: scroll"]1.57[/TD]
[TD="class: scroll"]2.71
(3rd generation Siemens)
[TD="class: nameCol srchbl"]T4 Free
[TD="class: infoCol"] -- 0.59 (1.61 ng/dL
[TD="class: importantCol"]0.81)
Past LH:
[TD="class: nameCol srchbl"]2/10/15 2pm 3.4 (
[TD="class: infoCol"]0.8 - 7.6 uIU/mL)
[TD="class: importantCol"][/TD]
Testosterone (baseline on 2/10 )
[TD="class: nameCol srchbl"]Testosterone Free
[TD="class: infoCol"] 35.0 (155.0 pg/mL
[TD="class: importantCol"]87.8)[/TD]
[TD="class: nameCol srchbl"]Testoserone, Total 298 (250 -1100 ng/dL)
[TD="class: infoCol"]
[TD="class: importantCol"][/TD]
after six weeks hCG mono: total: 693 (240 - 871 ng/dL) free not done
O.K. I've finally got in with a new internist who has a great reputation for male health. To get the most out of the this upcoming round I need to know time of day to test, fasting and what supplements to be off.
comp metabolic panel
comp blood count
lipids (fasting)
PSA with Rflex to free (not seen this one)
TSH, T3,T4,Free T3,fT4,reverse T3, Thyroid peroxidase antibody
estrodiol and E2 LC/MS/MS
Vit B12
Testosterone total and free, LH, FSH, prolactin
Missing DHT but advised to ask for it. Anything else t get?
note: I'm still not sure why I have been diag secondary hypo. Take a look at the pre-treatment FSH,LH in my earlier post
62 y.o. d hypoG >20 yrs, no recent TRT, past gel
hCG mono beginning April 2015. baseline TotT 200-300 went to 700 in 6 weeks
Arimidex added in July, 1/4 2xWeek
diagnoses: hyperestrogenism, gyno, hypogonadism,metabolic syndrome with improvement,
I've undergone a battery of tests over the last two years complaining of severe fatigue. Oddly Testo of 199 wasn't flagged.
current lab results:
Kidney function creatinine and eGFR are stellar, no pulmonary issues, liver enzymes normal,
PSA 0.64, see prior post for full labs.
IGF I Somatomedin C | 316H | (41-279 ng/mL | H) |
Hemoglobin | 15.5 | (13.5-18.0 g/dL) |
magnesium | 2.2 | (1.8-2.4 mg/dL) |
Total cholesterol | 211 | mg/dL | H |
Triglyceride | 173 | mg/dL | H |
HDL cholesterol | 45 | mg/dL | |
LDL Calculated | 131 | mg/dL | H |
Cholesterol to HDL Ratio | 4.7 | ||
VLDL (Calculated) | 35 | 5.0-40.0 mg/dL |
test dates: 12/3/14 5/21/15
[TD="class: name fixed"]Average Glucose
[TD="class: scroll"]108
[TD="class: scroll"] 97[/TD]
[TD="class: buffer scroll"][/TD]
[TD="class: name fixed"]Hemoglobin A1c4.8 - 5.6 %
[TD="class: scroll"]5.4
[TD="class: scroll"] 5.0[/TD]
Past THYROID results:
[TH="class: name fixed"][/TH]
[TH="class: scroll"]1/22/15(4pm)
[TH="class: scroll"]2/10/15[/TH]
[TH="class: buffer scroll"](2pm)
[TD="class: name fixed"]TSH 0.34 - 4.82 uIU/mL
[TD="class: scroll"]1.57[/TD]
[TD="class: scroll"]2.71
[TD="class: nameCol srchbl"]T4 Free
[TD="class: infoCol"] -- 0.59 (1.61 ng/dL
[TD="class: importantCol"]0.81)
Past LH:
[TD="class: nameCol srchbl"]2/10/15 2pm 3.4 (
[TD="class: infoCol"]0.8 - 7.6 uIU/mL)
[TD="class: importantCol"][/TD]
Testosterone (baseline on 2/10 )
[TD="class: nameCol srchbl"]Testosterone Free
[TD="class: infoCol"] 35.0 (155.0 pg/mL
[TD="class: importantCol"]87.8)[/TD]
[TD="class: nameCol srchbl"]Testoserone, Total 298 (250 -1100 ng/dL)
[TD="class: infoCol"]
[TD="class: importantCol"][/TD]
O.K. I've finally got in with a new internist who has a great reputation for male health. To get the most out of the this upcoming round I need to know time of day to test, fasting and what supplements to be off.
comp metabolic panel
comp blood count
lipids (fasting)
PSA with Rflex to free (not seen this one)
TSH, T3,T4,Free T3,fT4,reverse T3, Thyroid peroxidase antibody
estrodiol and E2 LC/MS/MS
Vit B12
Testosterone total and free, LH, FSH, prolactin
Missing DHT but advised to ask for it. Anything else t get?
note: I'm still not sure why I have been diag secondary hypo. Take a look at the pre-treatment FSH,LH in my earlier post
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