Problems with Testosterone


I have started to take testogel around 6 months ago. First it was good but then there was no effect after 2-3 months anymore. I remember in the beginning where I was feeling awake in the morning - which was great. After those 2-3 months we (doctor and I) stopped taking it and we tried a new protocol:
- HCG 1500 iu twice per weak (only HCG)
The first week was very interessting. I felt good and something which also changed was that my digestion was way faster and I wasn't freezing when it was cold outside (that's also a good side effect). But after 2-3 weeks on HCG those effects weren't there anymore. Everytime I'm taking HCG I get a little tired. I'm now taking HCG for about 6 weeks and something isn't good i think. I started to sweat under my arms and I gained in those 6 weeks 2 kilograms. We did some tests after two weeks HCG. Here the results:

17 OH-Progesterone 1.96 ng/ml (Ref.Value: <1.6)
Oestradiol (E2) 147.3 pmol/l (pg/ml = 40)=> I guess this is too high too... => many men have written that 20-30 pg/ml is a good value...
Testosterone 24.12 nmol/l
Free T 90.7 pmol/l
DHT 0.9 nmol/l is too low i guess...
IGF1 => this changes every hour I guess so the value isn't good (41.8 nmol/l)

I don't believe that HCG is the right thing for me. Maybe it would be better to take testosterone and HCG. Or another thing would be that I would take some estrogen blocker (arimidex) or so. What do u think? I'm still feel very tired in the moment and my brain isn't very good too. Hope somebody can help me a bit. Have also read tons of materials about this topic. Let me know if u need further information.
I have started to take testogel around 6 months ago. First it was good but then there was no effect after 2-3 months anymore. I remember in the beginning where I was feeling awake in the morning - which was great. After those 2-3 months we (doctor and I) stopped taking it and we tried a new protocol:
- HCG 1500 iu twice per weak (only HCG)
The first week was very interessting. I felt good and something which also changed was that my digestion was way faster and I wasn't freezing when it was cold outside (that's also a good side effect). But after 2-3 weeks on HCG those effects weren't there anymore. Everytime I'm taking HCG I get a little tired. I'm now taking HCG for about 6 weeks and something isn't good i think. I started to sweat under my arms and I gained in those 6 weeks 2 kilograms. We did some tests after two weeks HCG. Here the results:

17 OH-Progesterone 1.96 ng/ml (Ref.Value: <1.6)
Oestradiol (E2) 147.3 pmol/l (pg/ml = 40)=> I guess this is too high too... => many men have written that 20-30 pg/ml is a good value...
Testosterone 24.12 nmol/l
Free T 90.7 pmol/l
DHT 0.9 nmol/l is too low i guess...
IGF1 => this changes every hour I guess so the value isn't good (41.8 nmol/l)

I don't believe that HCG is the right thing for me. Maybe it would be better to take testosterone and HCG. Or another thing would be that I would take some estrogen blocker (arimidex) or so. What do u think? I'm still feel very tired in the moment and my brain isn't very good too. Hope somebody can help me a bit. Have also read tons of materials about this topic. Let me know if u need further information.

Welcome to Excelmale! Am I correct in thinking you live in the UK? If so, you're unlikely to have access to the "sensitive" estradiol assay that, frankly, is the only accurate way to assess E2 levels in men. But it is likely that your estradiol level is too high given that you posted a value in excel of 147. That said, and more to the immediate point, why did your doctor switch you to HCG-mono therapy when the topical ceased to work? And how, other than your symptoms (which are key), did you know that? What were your serum levels prior to the start of therapy? And what were they when you stopped the topical? Many men, I am one of them, don't do well on topical testosterone, but when switched to injections we thrive. Was any thought given to testosterone injections?
Welcome to Excelmale! Am I correct in thinking you live in the UK? If so, you're unlikely to have access to the "sensitive" estradiol assay that, frankly, is the only accurate way to assess E2 levels in men. But it is likely that your estradiol level is too high given that you posted a value in excel of 147. That said, and more to the immediate point, why did your doctor switch you to HCG-mono therapy when the topical ceased to work? And how, other than your symptoms (which are key), did you know that? What were your serum levels prior to the start of therapy? And what were they when you stopped the topical? Many men, I am one of them, don't do well on topical testosterone, but when switched to injections we thrive. Was any thought given to testosterone injections?

Thank you. I'm living outside of england. Would have to check the sensitive estradiol test...
So, since the estradiol level is too high, I ask myself which would be the best treadment? My doctor switched to HCG Mono because the testogel wasn't working anymore. The values were lower than in the beginning. After 1-2 months the testogel didn't work anymore and I was crashing a bit. The Hormonal-Test also said the same.. all key hormons were too low (DHEA, Estradiol, Testosterone, free T, ...). Before I started with taking anything my t-level were around 7.4 nmol and free t was around 20 pmol. Then we have introduced the testogel and haven't tested for 3 months. After three months I wasn't applying for two days testogel and did a new test. The values there were all way too low. My doctor didn't say anything about the testosterone injections so far. But I'm gonna see him tomorrow and I'm gonna let him know that I don't feel so good. Maybe a mixed form (hcg with testosterone injection) would be the best!?
Most of us here on the forum inject T twice a week (every 3.5 days) along with small amounts of HCG and like it very much. Many of us started with topical T and switched to injections because of the very same issues that you have had. Although in Europe I think the docs tend more toward long-lasting esters of Testosterone injected every 8-12 weeks. Those usually work for the first 4-6 weeks or so then levels drop off significantly before the next injection. Hard to get an AI (if needed ) in Europe as well, I understand.

Nelson may know of a doc in your area that can help you with this.
Most of us here on the forum inject T twice a week (every 3.5 days) along with small amounts of HCG and like it very much. Many of us started with topical T and switched to injections because of the very same issues that you have had. Although in Europe I think the docs tend more toward long-lasting esters of Testosterone injected every 8-12 weeks. Those usually work for the first 4-6 weeks or so then levels drop off significantly before the next injection. Hard to get an AI (if needed ) in Europe as well, I understand.

Nelson may know of a doc in your area that can help you with this.

@ERO: Thanks for your answer. I didn't know that it is all over the world different.
I just went to the doctor. I doesn't want me to switch from mono to the mix of hcg and testosterone injection since he things that even estradiol is in range. I am not happy with this decision. I also told him that I have read about some men who didn't make a good experience with estradiol higher than 30. My estradiol level was 40.
I also told him that I have gained weight 2-3 kilo since I am on HCG - 6 weeks (By the way: I'm 70 kg and about 1.79 high). I'm sweating more under my arms - don't know why? And my digestion isn't fast as it used to be when I started with HCG.

I hope I can switch from taking HCG twice per week (1500 iu each) to taking it 3 times per weak (1000 iu). Maybe this will have a better effect on the estradiol too? Another thought is that I would try out taking some arimidex - of course in small amounts and then see the effect which it will have on my well-being. What do u think about this idea?

Another thing I have experienced with HCG is that it makes me a little bit tired after taking the HCG shot. I wonder why this is!?

I'm having secondary hypogonadism, but they want to do some more tests to give me a diagnosis... I wonder how I'm gonna benefit from this diagnosis and how they can adjust the protocol with this outcome? Does anybody has some experience in that field?

Thank you already for your thoughts / your help / your ideas!

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