Primary Hypo, TRT for 7 years, Good T, Low Free T


New Member
Hi all,

Please bear with me as I have a story to share and a number of questions. I'm 29 years old, about 6'1 215 20-22% BF, and been on TRT for over 7 years. I was diagnosed as primary with low testosterone (270 ng/dl), very high LH and FSH, small testicle volume (< kidney bean size), and sperm count of zero over three sperm analyses. Cause unknown, mumps suspected, though it appears I went through puberty somewhat normally.

At the time of diagnosis, I had diminished ability to perform sexually and near inability to put on muscle but otherwise no negative symptoms.

Since I started TRT, I've been on Androgel. For the first 2 years, I was on 4 pumps of the 1% gel. I know this doesn't work for many, but this shot my test above the upper limits - >1500 ng/dl. I was testing around 1200 ng/dl even 8 hours after applying the gel. Despite this high test, I had bottom of the range estradiol (10 pg/ml), and oddly still had LH/FSH higher than the normal range. Given the high LH, my doctor suspected I was still producing some testosterone adrenally or in my testicles. But the doctor seemed mostly baffled and never really certain about anything.

FWIW it's worth, I felt great at this point. I was down to about 175 at 13% BF, though still found it somewhat difficult to build muscle.

Then my doc switched me to 2 pumps of the 1.62% out of fear that high testosterone might affect cholesterol. My LDL was high though HDL and Triglycerides were excellent, so this made little sense to me. Anyway, the 2 pumps dose leads to a more normal level of 600-900.

I've been on that dose for 5+ years with no major issues. The main problem is I do not feel as good in the late afternoon and evening. I sometimes lack energy to go to the gym and struggle to get through the routine I did when I first started TRT. In some cases, I also have difficulty maintaining an erection in the evening, leading me to supplement with Cialis and Arginine.

Also recently had these labs that were a little troubling:

Taken at 4pm:
Testosterone, Serum was 843 ng/dL (348 - 1197)

Free Testosterone(Direct) was 10.2 pg/mL (9.3 - 26.5)

Estradiol was 15.0 pg/mL (7.6 - 42.6)

Obviously total test was good. The free test was lowish. A year after TRT I think free test was very high, so not really sure what happened. Is it true that gels tend to lead to less free test than shots? I also wonder if my increased BF% is contributing to higher SHBG.

My estradiol also seems to be on the low side. I've read that this could be stunting muscular development in part due to its relation to IGF-1, in my case which is also on the lower side, and perhaps affect the quality of my erections or mood. My estradiol is not clinically low, nor do I really have any issues with mood. But I've learned from experience that most doctors know little if anything about the purpose of estrogen, nor do lab ranges give any hint at what is optimal.

So the most important question: where to go from here? I want to increase free test and optimize estradiol. Obviously, avoid the crashing energy at night.

There are numerous drugs, ancillaries and supplements that I've come across but never tried. For instance, Danazol, Exemestane (Aromasin), DHEA, etc. I am also very willing to switch to injections. For years, I figured if it ain't broke, stick with Androgel, but now I am finally reconsidering.

My reason to consider Danazol or Exemestane would be to spike free T, and in the case of Exemestane increase IGF-1 from what I read. The concern though is they would lower my estradiol further, so I tend to lean against using them. Not to mention, these are drugs, which have their own side effects and could affect pathways in ways I do not currently know. Impact cholesterol, etc.

My reason to try the injections would be to ideally increase free T and avoid the mini crashes I'm experiencing in PM. Crashing in between biweekly injections would be better than every evening, but perhaps there's no need to crash at all.

I came across a “clinic” in Florida that's willing to give me 100mg test cyp injections e3d, though they also want me to take (buy) what I think is a high amount of Arimidex and HCG. “Normally we give 1mg eod of Arimidex but you only need 0.5.”

Given my lowish estradiol, that seems irresponsible without seeing how I respond. At any rate, I'd be willing to start injections without Adex and reevaluate estradiol later. Anecdotally, it would seem I have low aromatase as even when my test was >1500, my estradiol was 10 pg/ml. But that was on Androgel, which has a much shorter half life than test cyp.

I'm also unsure if HCG would be needed in my case. I know HCG raises LH & preserves testicles, but my testicles are already dysfunctional (no sperm, < kidney bean sized) and my LH is already high. My thought is HCG would only be needed if my LH goes low. Am I right? It does seem likely my LH would go low on 200mg test per week, though my case has always defied common wisdom.

Finally, anything else I should consider? Perhaps, I should try DHEA to optimize my estradiol?

I'm sorry to ask so many questions. Appreciate any advice. I also hope that someone can relate to my case, and perhaps benefit as I share my experiences moving forward.
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I started reading that before breakfast and just finished up! The 1st thing I think when looking at those numbers is that your SHBG is low...but without giving any SHBG numbers, you suggest that it's actually up or maybe even high. That Florida clinic would be grossly irresponsible to give you 1mg of AI every other day with an E2 level as low as yours. Even .5 will likely be way to much for you and your E2 will be miserably low.
n122 - just realized that was your 1st post. Welcome to the site, there's lots of great guys here. Obviously my above comment was meant in fun.
Yeah, I didn't actually get my SHBG tested recently, so unsure if it is high or low. Figured if my free test were that low, the SHBG was high. Think maybe the doc told me that, but as I mentioned, this is a "clinic".

And I agree about the AI. I forgot to mention that I had actually tried Adex before. As an experiment in my mid 20's, I took Sustanon 270/wk and 0.125 Adex per day for a month when I was overseas. My estradiol crashed to 5 and I didn't put on any muscle. I really do not want to be on an AI if I do not need it.

And no need to apologize. You can't bust my balls if they're already broken. ;)
If SHBG is low you'd be running through test super fast. Good to know about the Sustanon. Yes 5 is pretty low, we've all been there. I had the test that simply can back...<5.
Despite consulting doctors who you have some doubts about, you've navigated the challenges well. Congratulations on being your own advocate. Based on the reference range provided, it would seem you had the wrong estradiol test run. Men want to measure e2 with the sensitive/ultra sensitive, LC, MS/MS, lab test.

Yiu wrote that you'd be "willing" to start injections without an AI. In all honesty, it would be foolish to initiate an AI in the absence of low e2 values on the sensitive test and symptoms associated with low estradiol. Please keep that in mind.

Finally, are you open to referrals to other physicians? We can offer them if you are.
Thanks, yes I feel like I have to be my own advocate!

That estradiol reading was from the most recent labs requested by the clinic. Believe I've had the sensitive test done once before and that e2 reading was also on the lower end.

And yeah, my thought is I could recheck e2 (sensitive), T and free or bio available T after starting injections, then reassess whether an AI is needed. The issue with the current clinic is they will not prescribe test without an AI. It seems they take a one size fits all approach.

So yeah, I'd be open to referrals. Would prefer to do biweekly injections and want to know costs beforehand.
Thanks, yes I feel like I have to be my own advocate!

That estradiol reading was from the most recent labs requested by the clinic. Believe I've had the sensitive test done once before and that e2 reading was also on the lower end.

And yeah, my thought is I could recheck e2 (sensitive), T and free or bio available T after starting injections, then reassess whether an AI is needed. The issue with the current clinic is they will not prescribe test without an AI. It seems they take a one size fits all approach.

So yeah, I'd be open to referrals. Would prefer to do biweekly injections and want to know costs beforehand.

Contact both Defy Medical and Prime Body. It's true, they are site sponsors, but I'm not a patient of either practice; I do know they successfully treat many of our members. They have different models of care, and one may suit you more than the other. What I can tell you is that they will answer any of your questions - they won't dodge blunt inquiries about cost. Everything will be disclosed right up front.

Dr. Justin Saya, Defy's medical director, is a moderator here. Plug his name into the search box and you'll be able to read some of his posts. Telehealth, as Defy practices it, works.mPrime Body also delivers quality care. Contact both.
Stop worrying about AI, you simply do not need one. Your total testosterone is around 900, yet E2 is barely even "normal". You will not be needing an AI, if anything you could use an aromatase inducer!!

I'm not really sure why your E2 is so low, I'm thinking that seriously low free testosterone is preventing aromatization.
Contact both Defy Medical and Prime Body. It's true, they are site sponsors, but I'm not a patient of either practice; I do know they successfully treat many of our members. They have different models of care, and one may suit you more than the other. What I can tell you is that they will answer any of your questions - they won't dodge blunt inquiries about cost. Everything will be disclosed right up front.

Dr. Justin Saya, Defy's medical director, is a moderator here. Plug his name into the search box and you'll be able to read some of his posts. Telehealth, as Defy practices it, works.mPrime Body also delivers quality care. Contact both.
So I found a local endo who is willing to prescribe me 100mg per week injectable without AI and it will only cost $30 when I need to refill. I'd like to start with this and see where my free testosterone and E2 end up.
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Stop worrying about AI, you simply do not need one. Your total testosterone is around 900, yet E2 is barely even "normal". You will not be needing an AI, if anything you could use an aromatase inducer!!

I'm not really sure why your E2 is so low, I'm thinking that seriously low free testosterone is preventing aromatization.

I agree. The thought initially was that I would not use the AI (despite what that clinic suggested) unless I had evidence of high E2. This seemed at least possible if I were to take 200mg/test per week, but I'm going to try 100mg/wk and see where things end up with no AI.

It would be interesting to know what could raise E2 other than just taking more test. My guess is there is some damage in my testicles in the cells where test converts to E2.

I've seen some posts where people supplement with DHEA, though I don't know if in my case that would tend to help.

At any rate, it is concerning as it seems that even lowest quartile E2 is associated with significantly greater mortality:
I agree. The thought initially was that I would not use the AI (despite what that clinic suggested) unless I had evidence of high E2. This seemed at least possible if I were to take 200mg/test per week, but I'm going to try 100mg/wk and see where things end up with no AI.

It would be interesting to know what could raise E2 other than just taking more test. My guess is there is some damage in my testicles in the cells where test converts to E2.

I've seen some posts where people supplement with DHEA, though I don't know if in my case that would tend to help.

At any rate, it is concerning as it seems that even lowest quartile E2 is associated with significantly greater mortality:

Read the transcript of Nelson's interview with the head of the University of Miami's Department of Urology on the perils of low estradiol. Then have a look at the other links referenced there.

Read the transcript of Nelson's interview with the head of the University of Miami's Department of Urology on the perils of low estradiol. Then have a look at the other links referenced there.

I will check them out. Thanks.

A few general questions about injections... The local doc suggested 100mg once per week into my glute muscle.

In my case if the goal is to elevate both free T and E2, is there a preference for injection site? IM v.s. SubQ? The doc also seemed to think it was unnecessary to break up the 100mg dose, but I'd also be willing to inject biweekly if that would be more optimal.

And I realize there's better doctors out there. It's just more convenient to start locally, and see if I can turn things around on the 100mg first.
I will check them out. Thanks.

A few general questions about injections... The local doc suggested 100mg once per week into my glute muscle.

In my case if the goal is to elevate both free T and E2, is there a preference for injection site? IM v.s. SubQ? The doc also seemed to think it was unnecessary to break up the 100mg dose, but I'd also be willing to inject biweekly if that would be more optimal.

And I realize there's better doctors out there. It's just more convenient to start locally, and see if I can turn things around on the 100mg first.

I would break that 100mg injection into two, 50mg injections, given every 3.5 days. You get the same amount of testosterone with a lower risk of estradiol spikes. Don't give way to anxiety about IM/SubQ worries. Get an insulin syringe and inject into your thighs; it will be a shallow IM injection. I do that every morning, 16mg of testosterone. Works just fine.

How much HCG are you injecting and how often?
It's odd no one has addressed the elephant in the room? Is it accurate to say you observed you had low T soon after you ended your sustanon cycle? Was there any PCT? unfortunately this may be self inflected especially if all development markers were achieved through puberty. TRT is a life long commitment and if there was a way for me to have avoided it, I certainly would have.

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