New Member

Hi ya'll, new member here, very excited to be a part of the community. Anyway, I just got my pre-treatment bloods back and would like some feedback. I've attached them to this post.
Background: 24 years old, male, BMI is ~ 20.
Symptoms: Lack of motivation, very emotional, lack of confidence, history of depression, social anxiety, literally CANNOT get boners, absolutely zero libido or interest in girls, etc. I decided to go through a TRT clinic after my doc said my T levels are normals. Back then, my levels were at 265 ng/dl, but I was on a ton of natural OTC T boosters at the time that I got off of to get a more baseline reading. I decided to go through a TRT clinic because I felt my low T is a real issue considering both my age and low T symptoms (lack of libido, ED, depression, etc).
As for the elevated liver enzymes, I'm fairly certain it's due to me lifting weights / ironman triathlon training around 6-7 days a week, which I read can significantly elevate your enzymes. I also significantly upped my training volume a few weeks prior to the blood draw. I spoke about it with my PCP and he didn't seem too concerned, though I am getting a follow-up done.
Any and all feedback is welcome.
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