Pot and Alcohol and Testosterone

can i use marijuana and/or occasional beers on trt? Not talking binge drinking, but just casual. I know that alcohol lowers testosterone, raises estrogen within natural levels but I'm not sure how either in moderation would combine with long term hormonal therapy. .
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Moderate beer or marijuana use won't interfere with your TRT. Like everyone on TRT, you need to get dialed in with a good protocol and when needed get labs.
Agree. I believe cannabis and alcohol do not interfere with TRT, beyond any effect that it may have with your body, as you already recite. To the extent those drugs, or any drugs, may interfere with your body, that will not change. I did read an article that said cannabis can lower T production in the body, but since we are injecting that should not apply. I have not ready any studies on TRT and cannabis use. Alcohol is a poison and is well documented so you know its effects.
Right, marijuana and alcohol especially have been known to raise estradiol and lower testosterone considerably. But I haven't yet seen any literature on these substances with participants who are already receiving artificial hormones.....only those effecting natural testosterone and estradiol. If someone is taking a hormone endogenously every week or even multiple times a week, it would be hard for the levels to drop significantly and in a short span of team. I do suspect however, that short term issues like increased blood pressure with marijuana and a large variety of issues surrounding alcohol including liver function among others might be pronounced alongside the usage of TRT. That is a good point you bring up about lower sperm count because that could definitely be a factor if it is already at a low count on TRT.
Kushman, you must have not read what i wrote above.....pot absolutely lowers testosterone in natural production. If there is an exogenous source of testosterone, it shouldny have much impact....but like nelson said, it can still raise estrodial so an AI should be on hand
I still wonder about people that take presciption drugs such as opiates or benzodiazepines which are undisputed to drastically lower test levels.....from what ive read, they have much more effect on lh and fsh then the test already present in the body from an exogenous source. I would think that they might have a slight effect if taken between shots. Maybe someone with more knowledge or studies on these drugs taken concurrently with testosterone can weigh in...

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