are you trying to do intermittent fasting? why no breakfast? why all that coffee? so are you living out of a hotel? if you are busy and busy at work, go for three good meals a day and a snack or 2 such as almonds or walnuts, you can accomplish a lot with a shaker, some good quality protein powder and oats and throw in some fats with it, so breakfast, 10oz water,2 scoops protein, 1/2 cup oats,1tbls olive oil or coconut oil or just throw a serving of almonds in with it, and shake it up, I would improve on the lunch, if nothing else as long as the pre-made meals are good quality replace that sandwich with one. Just to give ya a contrast with your diet here is what mine looks like the majority of the time.
meal 1: 2 whole eggs with 1 cup egg whites cooked in coconut oil, either 1/2 cup oats with 1/2 cup blueberries or 2 slices of Ezekiel bread.
meal 2: 8oz lean meat, 1-2 servings of veggies, 3/4 cup rice.
meal 3: 8oz lean meat, 1-2 servings veggies, 200 grams sweet potato.
meal 4: either 6 oz wild caught salmon with veggies with 2 slices Ezekiel bread and veggies or large can tuna with 1 whole egg and crackers.
meal 5: 2 whole eggs ( soft boiled ) or 2-3 tbls of PB with a scoop of protein, I try to watch it on the PB because I will eat half a jar,lol.
depending on the day and whats going on I may eat a meal less or more, and usually eat nuts during the day, sometimes avocado, about the only time I would consider myself taking a post-workout shake is, when I get home from the gym and my little girl wants to go to the park or bike ride, for something quick I mix oats and powder, or just eat a triple 0 mix up some powder, slam it and out the door we go. Have you figured out your BMR?