Post injection: red, itchy, bumpy - what to do??


New Member
Hi everyone. an update on how its going.

Just over 1 month on trt (5 weeks). 70mg 2x weekly test cyp subQ. My body has gotten used to the testosterone where for about 2 weeks i was dealing with flu like symptoms post injection. Now a new development.

Within hours of injecting subQ in belly or side flank.(27g 1/2") it is now itchy and within 24 hrs the area is red and very itchy and i can feel the hard bump under skin. What does one do? this is the 4th injection and it keeps happening. Does this go away? I switched up locations in hopes it would stop. This did not happen the first few weeks then all of a sudden... i have been trying to read up on this and thought i would post my own.

any advice or experience with this would be greatly appreciated.

That is not a normal thing to have happen. It may be that you need a different oil as a carrier in your Test. You could be allergic to the oil and need to switch to grape seed oil, as an example.
That is not a normal thing to have happen. It may be that you need a different oil as a carrier in your Test. You could be allergic to the oil and need to switch to grape seed oil, as an example.



Have you considered pinning into your quads? A 1/2" needle into your quad will either be SubQ or shallow IM, depending on how much body fat you have there. It is a painless injection that should work well for you.
I also inject test cyp in quads, sub-q. 1 in 10 injections I get a wierd bump or itchy spot. Do you massage the area after injection? I take my alcohol pad and rub the area with my thumb or fingers applying pretty good pressure for 10-20 seconds. Usually when I get the bump, I've gotten lazy and didn't massage or didn't do it long enough. Seemed like I got it the first 7-10, then they subsided.

If that doesn't work, could be an oil alergy as mentioned above.
I also inject test cyp in quads, sub-q. 1 in 10 injections I get a wierd bump or itchy spot. Do you massage the area after injection? I take my alcohol pad and rub the area with my thumb or fingers applying pretty good pressure for 10-20 seconds. Usually when I get the bump, I've gotten lazy and didn't massage or didn't do it long enough. Seemed like I got it the first 7-10, then they subsided.

I hold pressure and massage for a good minute. I've never had any lumps/bumps, or itchy spots. I use a 1/2"/29ga insulin pin, and since my quads don't really have any fat on them, I'm probably injecting shallow IM. I always inject real slow, and apply immediate pressure the second I remove the needle.
wow thnx for the quick feedback.

i am a lean guy so most fat in abdominal area. Just strange that it started happening out of the blue. i do inject quite slowly and then hold needle in place for about 5-10 seconds then immediately massage with alcohol pad for a good minute or so. Was hoping it would just go away as my thinking is its just another thing that my body is getting used to. Going to try this weeks injections and see then call provider and discuss.
Same for me. 1 1/2 months into twice weekly Subq injections. The last 4 have caused large, lumpy, red and itchy bumps. I use TCYP and 29ga 5/16 needles. Inject in abdomen and glutes.
I had issues with SubQ getting lumpy, painful, itchy as well and I went back to deep IM. No problems at all for me with deep glute IM.
What is the wisdom in wiping with alcohol after the injection? Seems like that could be the source of the problem as you are getting alcohol into the pin hope you've just created. I've had success by doing the following: (1) don't squeeze skin before injection (2) inject a bit higher than where your pants sit, you don't want the area constantly being rubbed by your shorts/pants (3) inject slowly (4) don't wipe with alcohol or mess with it by applying pressure, etc. after the injection. Just leave it be and see what happens. If you have issues, I've found an ice pack for a few minutes helps a lot.

Also my mom who is a diabetic gave me this good advice. If it hurts going in it's probably going to hurt after you inject. She says if she injects and it hurts, she pulls out moves over a couple of centimeters and injects again. Most of the time she says the second time doesn't hurt and she is good to go.
I'm newer to TRT but from what I understood with subq was not to exceed a .5 cc injection in one location. I tried subq once and after doing deep IM and I had the same happen to me. I now do shallow IM injections in my delts and quads rotating locations every 5 days.
I'm newer to TRT but from what I understood with subq was not to exceed a .5 cc injection in one location. I tried subq once and after doing deep IM and I had the same happen to me. I now do shallow IM injections in my delts and quads rotating locations every 5 days.

What size needles do you use? My last 4 SubQ injections have all left big, red, swollen, itchy welts. I use 29 ga. 5/16 needles.

Do you aspirate?

I am still trying to find my preferred needles.. I have been drawing with a 22g 1.5 in needle and injecting with a 25 g 1.5" needle BUT only going in about a inch with the 25s (shallow IM). The 25s seem to be fine and I have about 90 left. I bought 100 30g 1/2" luer locks and tried them once (based on so many reviews on here). Although painless it took forever to push .5cc test cyp thru the 30g. I just received 10 insulin pins in the mail yesterday they are 28g 1/2" .5 cc so i am going to try and draw and push with them on my next dose. I had no problems with the 25g and I may just go back to them and do shallow IMs if the 28s don't work out. I don't aspirate on my delts but I do on my quads.

I push .5cc of Test Cyp (2000mg/10 ml) every 5th day
I have primary hypogonadism had a vasectomy and don't do the HCG
I am trying to keep my Estridol in check but i may have to start an IA in the future.
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I am still trying to find my preferred needles.. I have been drawing with a 22g 1.5 in needle and injecting with a 25 g 1.5" needle BUT only going in about a inch with the 25s (shallow IM). The 25s seem to be fine and I have about 90 left. I bought 100 30g 1/2" luer locks and tried them once (based on so many reviews on here). Although painless it took forever to push .5cc test cyp thru the 30g. I just received 10 insulin pins in the mail yesterday they are 28g 1/2" .5 cc so i am going to try and draw and push with them on my next dose. I had no problems with the 25g and I may just go back to them and do shallow IMs if the 28s don't work out. I don't aspirate on my delts but I do on my quads.

I push .5cc of Test Cyp (2000mg/10 ml) every 5th day
I have primary hypogonadism had a vasectomy and don't do the HCG
I am trying to keep my Estridol in check but i may have to start an IA in the future.

I may have to start doing IM. I'm going to try SubQ in the upper/outer thigh and see if I get a bad reaction. I've never done that spot before. Next may be the delts. are the half inch long enough to do IM?
I may have to start doing IM. I'm going to try SubQ in the upper/outer thigh and see if I get a bad reaction. I've never done that spot before. Next may be the delts. are the half inch long enough to do IM?

I personally use a 28g 1/2" insulin needle on my delts. With 1/2", I believe that's considered shallow IM. I also alternate and pin my quads, as well, with the same size needle. I used to use a 22g 1.5" to draw and 25g 1" to inject, but now moving to the 28g 1/2" is perfect for me. I've never had redness or itchiness, but I do sometimes get some soreness. You get used to it after a while.

As others have mentioned, maybe it's an allergic reaction to the oil type in the TCyp. I've used both Cottonseed and Grade seed oil and have not had issues with either of them. You could try switching to another TCyp oil type or even try taking some allergy pills when you take your next injection. If it is an allergic reaction, that could help.
What size needles do you use? My last 4 SubQ injections have all left big, red, swollen, itchy welts. I use 29 ga. 5/16 needles.

Do you aspirate?


I may have to start doing IM. I'm going to try SubQ in the upper/outer thigh and see if I get a bad reaction. I've never done that spot before. Next may be the delts. are the half inch long enough to do IM?

I tend to carry my body fat on my midsection and my arms and legs are pretty tone therefore the 1/2" works for me. The only time I did a subq I too had a reaction BUT no reaction when I do a IM with the same test Cyp. I've done three shallow IM injections and have very limited muscle soreness in fact the only muscle soreness was trying to inject with a 30g 1/2" in my delt. It took longer than normal causing more needle movement which in turn made the injection site sore. So before going through the hassle of switching the oil base try a shallow IM. if there is still a reaction you should consult your physician and request a new script.

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