Possibly old news but my personal research with relation to taking time off

I am 57 and train harder than most guys in my gym ! I hate to miss even one day ! I do and old fashioned routine . I alternate body parts but the basics are Back & Bies, Chest & Tries , shoulders and legs . I change the combo about every 2 weeks and even though I hate to miss a day I usually will miss one day a week !

With this being stated :

I had elbow pain and left rotator cuff pain that I continued to train through ? I caught a flu bug that was going around and I was down and out for a little over 2 mths. I was all stressed out about missing gym time and even tried to train sick ! I was not able !

So when I was 100% well and took another 2 weeks to get nutrition back on point ! So basically 3 soild mths, out of the gym :(

When I did start back I did a general routine working all body parts doing 2 sets of 2 exercises for 2 weeks with light weight and high reps ? To my surprise when I started back training hard I was amazed and did not go to heavy to fast and . . . . . . no shoulder pain and no elbow pain :)

I am now back to my old routine and I am able to train more efficiently and can see better results ! So from my research I have concluded that actually taking time off when you have pain will benefit me more in the long run :)

So any men out there over 50 that still try to train hard I suggest taking real time off and do not freak out ! Yes you will loose muscle and 3 mths. is a long time , but I am back better than ever and pay closer attention to bench press and do not break the 90* plain and on curls I do not hyper extend the elbow !

I am very pleased now for taking 3 mths off and I have better sessions and I am seeing better gains !

I welcome anyone in the golden years that still train hard to reply ! Offer positive thoughts or negative thoughts that you can share from experience not water cooler chat !

As stated I am 57 and train harder than many 35 yr old men ! I am not saying I train harder than a serious lifter but a lot harder than the average lifter much younger than me ! So Sound off men and share you experiences with injury and how you dealt with that achieved the best long term results ? Remembering Just like TRT this is a marathon not a sprint and training smart is better than traing to hard ! According to my experience it is near impossible to train through pain ! This is from my experience and my research !
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I started lifting my sophmore year of high school when I enrolled in a real powerlifting class. Bench, Squat, Deadlift, 1RM, totals, it was a serious course with a serious instructor. I've lifted ever since. Im approaching 43 now.
Part of my Low T entry was noticing that I wasn't getting the results with the effort I was expending. I've never been gifted or genetic for it, always hard to gain weight, never had a big bench or squat; hard gainer. But that year leading up to it, fewer results, increased fat, nothing was working right, least of my problems was gym related. Once I took some time off with the Dr's and started getting "right", my gym experience has nearly exploded. The last year, of injectables anyway, has been a life changer. I'm heavier, stronger, all my lifts have exploded in weight and my capacity for the workout has grown. I recover better and quicker, too. I find my capacity and confidence to add weight has grown exponentially.
Wow that is good to hear and as a power lifter You were not that tight of an eater if i understand power lifters that I have been around and something I have learned was always heavy is not the best a change to confuse from time to time is good also a few weeks of high reps and lower weight even a with that you can barley get the last 3 of each set of 30 is good ? ? ?

I lifted from 18 to 28 and abused gear and had a full blown Gyno operation done with my mammary gland removed ! I only started back lifting 3 years ago but I can testify that muscles do have memory !

TRT has been a life SAVING event in my life !

You can view my about me page and see from my death bed to a healthy man :)

For 57 I am really excited about my ongoing journey and encourage more 50+ men to go the step further than TRT and lift for a better mental life style and a better sex life ! Gym time directly related to saddle time :)
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