Does anyone else have bouts of insomnia where they just cannot fall asleep due to higher estrogen? I am a high responder to exogenous testosterone as I am at 90mg per week split into 3 injections sub q. My total T is about 1000 (I am 48 and my top end range is 916 so I am just above the high normal), my free T is 21.1 (high normal is 21.5) and my E2 is 58 (high normal is 42.6). I was going with just the T and HCG and not taking any of the Anastrozole but I decided to take .25 mg this morning to see how that will effect me.
Any thoughts? Anyone else ever go through this?
Your protocol is 90 mg T split 3X weekly.
Was blood work done at the trough?
Keep in mind that although your TT 1000 ng/dL is just over the top-end if this is at true trough then your peak TT, FT, and estradiol will be higher.
If you are injecting 90 mg T split 3x weekly (M/W/F) then blood work should be done at true trough which would be Monday morning before your injection.
Even then although TT is important to know FT is what truly matters as it is the active unbound fraction of testosterone responsible for the positive effects.
You left out another important blood marker SHBG.
Critical to know as SHBG will have a significant impact on TT/FT let alone can dictate what injection frequency may suit you best.
When it comes to testing FT many doctors let alone men on trt are using/relying upon inaccurate assays.
Need to be more concerned with where your trough FT truly sits and unfortunately, you had it tested using the piss poor direct immunoassay which is known to be inaccurate.
Judging by the info you posted.....
My total T is about 1000 (I am 48 and my top end range is 916 so I am just above the high normal), my free T is 21.1 (high normal is 21.5)
I would say you had your FT tested at Labcorp using the piss poor direct immunoassay
(age 40-49 reference range 6.8 -21.5 pg/mL).
Labcorp test details for Testosterone, Free, Direct
I would not use/rely upon the direct immunoassay for testing FT let alone the older outdated cFTV especially in cases of altered SHBG.
The only way to know where your FT truly sits is to have it tested using the most accurate assays such as the gold standard Equilibrium Dialysis or Ultrafiltration (next best).
Have no clue where your SHBG sits but you can be rest assured that with a trough TT 1000 ng/dL that your FT will be high even if you have highish/high SHBG.
Excess FT levels can result in acne/oily skin (genetically prone), accelerated balding (genetically prone), drive down HDL, increased RBCs/hemoglobin/hematocrit (common),
overstimulation of the CNS (common), bloating/water retention due to androgens effects on the retention of electrolytes (common).
Let alone many end up trying to manage estradiol with the use of an aromatase inhibitor.
Testosterone has a tonic effect on the CNS and can easily make one feel amped up especially when FT levels are too high let alone cause sleep issues in some.
I would retest FT using an accurate assay (ED or UF) before making any changes to your protocol.