Poor Sleep quality


Active Member
Hey guys,

Been having some terrible sleep issues lately. Waking up at 4-5am without the alarm feeling clammy and hot. The Testosterone Enanthate protocol below I have been on for 3 months now, and just added the Aromasin.

Testosterone Enanthate - 33iu taken three times a week M,W,F (200mg/week total).
Aromasin - 6.25mg - Quarter pill taken after each injection same day M,W,F (Should this be taken 24 hours after each injection??)
vitamin D3 5000iu ED

The labs I am posting were taken Monday morning prior to injection and do not reflect the newly added Aromasin protocol. Obviously I need an AI which I am trying to fine tune right now. I also need to donate blood. Disregard high TPO, this is normal for me.

my guess regarding sleep is I have a ton of unbounded estrogen floating around I need to address which might be increasing my cortisol levels. I will need to test my cortisol next time around. There is also the possibility my dose for Testosterone is too high for me, maybe slightly cutting back might help as well.

are there any videos of how to suspend Aromasin in vodka (grain alcohol 190 proof)? I would like to try this to dose my AI everyday and a very small amount.


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Not trying to give you a hard time but your whole problem is your T is so high you are creating a mess. Talk to your doctor but you are taking WAY toooooo much T. why would you take an AI when all you need to do is cut your T dose.
Hey guys,

Been having some terrible sleep issues lately. Waking up at 4-5am without the alarm feeling clammy and hot. The Testosterone Enanthate protocol below I have been on for 3 months now, and just added the Aromasin.

Testosterone Enanthate - 33iu taken three times a week M,W,F (200mg/week total).
Aromasin - 6.25mg - Quarter pill taken after each injection same day M,W,F (Should this be taken 24 hours after each injection??)
vitamin D3 5000iu ED

The labs I am posting were taken Monday morning prior to injection and do not reflect the newly added Aromasin protocol. Obviously I need an AI which I am trying to fine tune right now. I also need to donate blood. Disregard high TPO, this is normal for me.

my guess regarding sleep is I have a ton of unbounded estrogen floating around I need to address which might be increasing my cortisol levels. I will need to test my cortisol next time around. There is also the possibility my dose for Testosterone is too high for me, maybe slightly cutting back might help as well.

are there any videos of how to suspend Aromasin in vodka (grain alcohol 190 proof)? I would like to try this to dose my AI everyday and a very small amount.

What is it with you being caught up on using higher-end doses of T?

It is clear as day.

Your trough FT is through the roof which not only has your E2 sky high let alone your RBC/hematocrit.

Your SHBG is only 17.6 nmol/L.

Your FT on pg/1 is through the roof and unfortunately, it was tested using the piss poor direct immunoassay.
Screenshot (2837).png

FT 42.3 pg/ml reference range 8.7-25.1

Luckily on the second post for labs you had, it tested using the most accurate assay gold standard Equilibrium Dialysis, and the one I prefer due to the reference range 52-280 (5.2-28.0 ng/dL).

You are hitting an absurd trough FT 524 (52.4 ng/dL).

16-31 ng/dL would be considered a healthy FT level and even then most will easily do well with a FT 30 ng/dL (top end).

Sure some run slightly higher levels but doubtful many would ever need to be running an absurd trough FT level of 50-60 ng/dL.
Screenshot (2838).png

You easily have room to lower your dose and bring down your FT which will lower your E2/free e2, RBCs, and hematocrit.

You would most likely not have to use an aromatase inhibitor let have to donate blood frequently to manage your RBCs/hemoglobin/hematocrit.

No brainer here!

Running such a high trough FT level is causing most of your issues.

Look at the reference range for your FT% (equilibrium Dialysis) reference range 1.2 -3.5 and you are hitting 5 F**KING % go figure!

Forget worrying about where your trough TT sits as you should be much more concerned with your FT which is the active unbound fraction responsible for the positive effects.

People need to understand that excess FT will cause many of the issues people tend to struggle with when on trt.

More is not always better and there is such a thing as running too high an FT level for trt end of story.

So many caught up on this more is always better s**t show.
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There is also the possibility my dose for Testosterone is too high for me, maybe slightly cutting back might help as well.

So I’ll drop it down to 150mg a week, no biggy lol, and so on if needed.

I do not get to choose my tests, they are hand written and given to a poorly paid LabCorp rep which then chooses off their list. I’ll just have to get the codes and straighten it out once and for all. I honestly feel fine, just sleep is poor... I’ll just try 25iu MWF, retest in 3 months and adjust again.
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