Please school me on Blood Glucose Meters'

"1 piece whole wheat bread toasted with 4000 Omega3 fishoil and cinnamon"
Is is this a bread with fish oil ? or do you just top the bread with that ?

I agree with @SoCal. I haven't had 2 slices of bread in the last year. And fruit, I limit to an apple, maybe some berries when they come ripe.

The 2 hour check is really where its at for you. While we all differ, if I had an 87, then 131 1 hour after, I wouldn't be shocked at all. Who am I kidding, if I had a 87 to start with, I'd be tickled.

My morning breakfast is 2c coffee, Vinces NO stack, 1 scoop of protein powder (ON Gold Standard), 2 c of unsweetened almond milk, 1c of High Fat yogurt (this is new).

My rising sugar is VERY dependent on what I had for dinner. Last week, it was my fathers birthday, and I had very small piece of cake. My BG was 161 4 hours later, and then 126 in the morning. Usually, my morning is 97-112 ish. Same happened when I had some bourbon. That broke my heart a little :(

As for the test, BG is only a point in time. Your A1C is a better judgement. There is software that "forecasts" your A1C (mySugar) after a week of 3x+ a day testing. I should know how this looks sometime next week (always end up forgetting one!).
If you go to the tests, and look at the GCS, <140mg/dL @ 1hr after 50g glucose drink is normal. Maybe calculate up the sugars in that pink grapefruit and berries, see how that compares.

Hi Larry thanks for the post.
So this mornings test was quite different. Right after waking before anything else I tested and got a 131. Pretty different from yesterdays 87.
I'll skip the 1hour test and just go with morning(fasted) and 2hour after a meal.

I want to test at the gym as well.
On some days I bonk (burn all my sugar reservs and get light headed and shaky, hypoglycemia) I want to know what my BG looks like then.
I usually use a hammer Gel (liquid sugar) to recover which happens in less than 10 minutes.

A before and after my 2 hour workout would be something that might be interesting.

Can to stab yourself in other places besides the fingers?
"Can to stab yourself in other places besides the fingers?"
Yes, with some varying degrees of accuracy, but we are talking 1-2 pts variance.
As you can see, poking yourself like 6x a day, it can be troublesome after a week.
First tip, your meter needs the lowest amount of blood to get a result. I use the 2.5 setting, and use the area just above the first knuckle.

Other highly accurate places are the palm and the palm area just below your pinky.
The top of your forearm is good too, maybe 18mg/dL unit higher.
Hi Larry thanks for the post.
So this mornings test was quite different. Right after waking before anything else I tested and got a 131. Pretty different from yesterdays 87.

... I usually use a hammer Gel (liquid sugar) to recover which happens in less than 10 minutes.
I almost never make a straight up recommendation, but this one I will. You shouldn't even OWN that product if you are having BG issues. Keep an apple in your bag, it will bring the level up fairly quickly.

In one of my first posts on this thread, I mentioned that the swing is your enemy. If you want proof, take your BG after 30 min of that hammer gel.
I almost never make a straight up recommendation, but this one I will. You shouldn't even OWN that product if you are having BG issues. Keep an apple in your bag, it will bring the level up fairly quickly.

In one of my first posts on this thread, I mentioned that the swing is your enemy. If you want proof, take your BG after 30 min of that hammer gel.

I will test the Hammer Gel. When biking and bonking they have saved me more than once. But I have no clue what my BG is after eating one.
Is it possible to have high BG lvls and experience bouts of hypoglycemia?

You asked about my bread. I use 1 piece of toast because my TRT doc wants me to take 3000-4000 mg of fishoil everyday.
I can't afford that many 1000mg pills so I buy the bulk oil.
I can't stand the stuff I have tried everything and toast with cinnamon is the best I can do. I eat no other breads or grains.

In 15 minutes I can do my 2 hr post breakfast measurement.

I really would like to find other places to test. I am already leaving little blood stains on my glasses and shirts. Right now my lancer is set to 1 I can get a goods sized drop from that. No need to go deeper.
This morning bG test just after waking.


Post breakfast 2 hour measurement.


Does this seem right? My number being lower after eating?
I've only been messing around with this meter for two day and my numbers are never near these. Is the LabCorp test something different than what I am measuring? or are these meters uncalibrated by that much?
Dec 2016 Glucose, Serum 151 High mg/dL range 65 - 99
May 2017 Glucose, Serum 123 High mg/dL range 65 - 99
Sept 2017 Glucose, Serum 120 High mg/dL range 65 - 99
Jan 2018 Glucose, Serum 118 High mg/dL range 65 - 99

Your meter is most likely reading extremely close to what a blood draw in a lab would indicate. Those ranges are the fasting levels of patients with normal blood sugars.

I donate blood often.

It is very likely that your HgbA1c understates (perhaps quite significantly) your actual average glucose values, for reasons described above. HgbA1c is often a useful tool, but at best only a general indicator of progress (or lack thereof) in controlling blood sugar. Most important is controlling post-prandial blood glucose levels, and after that fasting blood sugars.

Other highly accurate places are the palm and the palm area just below your pinky.
The top of your forearm is good too, maybe 18mg/dL unit higher.

18 mg/dl is a highly significant variation, and the research cited was done by Genteel, which manufactures a pricey lancet device. I use the device, and it's a good one, but they have an economic interest in promoting it for alternate-site testing. Dr. Richard Bernstein still advises that the most accurate readings require testing the fingertips. But not the pads of the fingers, that hurts. Testing the sides of the fingertips is almost painless when done correctly. As do many others, I test at least four times a day, often more frequently, and have for years with no pain or other problems.

Is it possible to have high BG lvls and experience bouts of hypoglycemia?

Yes, it is referred to as reactive hypoglycemia. It often accompanies pre-diabetes.

Does this seem right? My number being lower after eating?

The two-hour level is typical of pre-diabetes. Many doctors would diagnose the fasting number as indicative of diabetes.
For your workout, are these long aerobic (cycling, running ) or anaerobic (lifting) ?

M/W/F in the gym, 20minutes on stationary bike, 30minute warmup on a circle of machines that works all muscle groups.
90 minutes weights and machines semi heavy weights 12-16 reps. I feel I am too old for heavy weight lifting.

I don't have a leg day or a back day. I work pretty much everything. I might do extra on legs and abs one time and then do arms shoulder chest another.

T/T/S/ I ride a mtn bike 2-3 hours 15-20 miles I would guess this is cardios?


Sunday do nothing full on rest and relax

On donating blood I have been donating blood almost every 2 months.
My A1C has dropped from 6.4 before TRT/exersize/diet changes to 5.4 now but there is a very good chance this number is not a true reading because of the donations.
My number are still confusing me.

Last night 2 hours after dinner I also had 3 whiskeys as well. (dinner spinash salad, carrots, celery, radish, tomato, ground walnuts, vinegar oil dressing) 1 whole fried(olive oil) chicken breast.
I would have thought 4.5 oz of 90proof whiskey would send my BG thru the roof.


this mornings fasted BG and for the second day in a row it is over 130, ((( what the hell )))


I have dropped bananas, blue berries and pears from my diet. The only fruit I now eat is pink grapefruit with no sugar at breakfast.
My number are still confusing me.

Last night 2 hours after dinner I also had 3 whiskeys as well. (dinner spinash salad, carrots, celery, radish, tomato, ground walnuts, vinegar oil dressing) 1 whole fried(olive oil) chicken breast.
I would have thought 4.5 oz of 90proof whiskey would send my BG thru the roof.....

It must be the moon phase lol, my morning BG (126 ) was 10pts above average, and I had some beef soup for dinner last night.

So, the way that alcohol metabolizes, particularly on a full stomach, can take some time. I wouldn't be alarmed to see that number after a couple of drinks of bourbon the night before.

To get a little technical, the alcohol inhibits the livers ability to release glucose into the blood stream. So, your liver can't begin to process the food you ate until the alcohol has metabolized, probably 2-3 hours or so. This explains your postprandial score. Then, presumably, you went to sleep, and your metabolism slowed, and processed your dinner. That's one possibility I think ..

Hope this helps. Try doing the same meal, without the alcohol, and see what happens there.
Thanks Larry that really does help explain what is going on. There is a lot to learn about the BG stuff.
Thank you for your continued help it is much appreciated.
Thanks Larry that really does help explain what is going on. There is a lot to learn about the BG stuff.
Thank you for your continued help it is much appreciated.
Just to give you an example, and some support, today, my postprandial after my breakfast shake was 145. Yesterday, exact same shake, 132. Yes, often you might find yourself saying WTF.

You are doing Vince's new NO stack protocol, with L-Norvaline ? Might add some vitamin E to that, seems to be some indication of helping with insulin resistance.
Just to give you an example, and some support, today, my postprandial after my breakfast shake was 145. Yesterday, exact same shake, 132. Yes, often you might find yourself saying WTF.

You are doing Vince's new NO stack protocol, with L-Norvaline ? Might add some vitamin E to that, seems to be some indication of helping with insulin resistance.

This morning was 109 the only change that I can think of is I slept in to 9:30 I am usually up by 6am.

I am taking Vinces stack 2x on workout days and 1x on rest days with cialis 2.5mgx2 and doxazosin 1mg x2

I just finished up and experiment were i replaced cialis with viagra 25mg and then Lavitra 5mg to see which side effects were better for me. I'm back on cialis.

I will add Vit-E how much do you recommend. I have a bottle of 400's
@FeelingLost, checking in with you to see how things are going . I have had 2 false readings (all WAAY LOW , 60,71) on my meter. Wondering how your bone broth is affecting your FG if any.
@FeelingLost, checking in with you to see how things are going . I have had 2 false readings (all WAAY LOW , 60,71) on my meter. Wondering how your bone broth is affecting your FG if any.

As I recall, you are using a Freedom Freestyle meter. Many consider them the most accurate meters available to the public. Why do you think the readings were "false"? Did you follow them up right away and get a substantially different reading?
As I recall, you are using a Freedom Freestyle meter. Many consider them the most accurate meters available to the public. Why do you think the readings were "false"? Did you follow them up right away and get a substantially different reading?
Precisely. I had a reading of 61, and immediately took another, and it was ~116. The 116 didn't scare me as much as the 61!
@FeelingLost, checking in with you to see how things are going . I have had 2 false readings (all WAAY LOW , 60,71) on my meter. Wondering how your bone broth is affecting your FG if any.
Hi Larry, I have only had one false reading. I believe I may have messed up the test myself by letting blood flow in both sides of the test strip.

I have been taking several measurement a day to get a feel for where my numbers run. Mornings at wake, 1 hour 2 hours no breakfast, 2 hours after breakfast. Before and after my workouts. Pre and post 20 mile bike rides, Bedtime, before and after sex.

I am a bit worried since I've donated a lot of blood I can't trust my A1C.

BG is always over 100. I also have the dawn phenomenon.
130 consistently when I first wake. 2 hours later with no breakfast 100.

My next test for Monday is go to the gym hungry (no extra carbs for long term energy) and test after I get dizzy from what I think is sugar depletion hypoglycemic. I want to know what my BG is when I get that weak shaky dizzy feeling.

So that is where I stand. I have droped my T dose and do not plan on donating blood for 6 months so I can get a real A1C number.
I will also draw fasted blood at 12 noon not 7-8am since I know my BG is high then.

Any suggestions or thoughts?

PS sorry I missed this post from yesterday sometime the forum does not update correctly and unread posts are shown as read.
Hi Larry, I have only had one false reading. I believe I may have messed up the test myself by letting blood flow in both sides of the test strip.
Any suggestions or thoughts?

PS sorry I missed this post from yesterday sometime the forum does not update correctly and unread posts are shown as read.
That sounds like a pretty solid plan. There have been times when I just *knew* I was hypo, and my BG was above 100. I've been a diabetic for 6 years I think, maybe 5. My 30 day avg is 115, so working it down.

That is a good plan for your fasting bg. Perhaps on my lab days, wait until around 11 and skip breakfast.
Precisely. I had a reading of 61, and immediately took another, and it was ~116. The 116 didn't scare me as much as the 61!

I've never had anything like that happen with a Freetyle Freedom meter. How old is yours? Are you using the Freestyle Freedom Lite test strips? Are they fresh? Stored properly? Are you drawing blood from your fingertips? Do you wash your hands with soap and water right before you test?

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