Phentermine Makes me Hungry


New Member
For the past 3 months I have been aggressively dieting, exercising, and working extra shifts in a high stress job. My family doctor put me on Phentermine aka Adipex 1/2pill/day which was increased to 1 whole pill per day last month. Two months ago I started TRT with Defy. I have lost 30+ lbs these 3 months and am full of energy. Working 5-6 days per week. Everything is looking great mentally but still have about 100lbs left to loose before I would consider myself a normal weight.

Since starting this weight loss journey, my erections and libido aren't doing well. Weak erections and trouble climaxing have been getting progressively worse. Prior to this I had no problems performing, and could last for an hour easily, performing 3-4 times per week.

My wife sat me down the other day and said I have been hard to deal. She says I am very short with her and the kids. Of course I don't see it. I feel more assertive now that I am on TRT with Defy but I am channeling that feeling into weight loss, and exercise, and working extra hours.

I started searching the web and found lots of people having various sexual side effects with Phentermine. As far as being short tempered, I feel like it may be caused by fasting. Often I eat a couple eggs for breakfast and then don't eat again until suppertime. I am restricting calories to about 2000 per day. Later in the day is when I am most aggressive. After dinner I am usually much easier to be around.

Anyone else having aggression problems with Phentermine? Am I just overworked? Maybe I need more sleep, or more time to relax?
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There could be several things going on here, but i'll chime in on this:

You mention dieting. Is this low carb?
Low carb could cause ED, moodiness, etc etc...

How many carbs are you taking in daily?
I think you are right to be suspicious of the Phentermine, I would cease taking it. It is known to have a negative effect sexually. I would think Metformin would be a better long-term alternative along with improved diet and exercise. The other thing is the high stress job, that can take a toll. Make getting a good night's sleep a priority.
There could be several things going on here, but i'll chime in on this:

You mention dieting. Is this low carb?
Low carb could cause ED, moodiness, etc etc...

How many carbs are you taking in daily?

I have tried to lower my carb intake. Looking back through my logs it looks like I average 150-250 grams of carbs per day.
I think you are right to be suspicious of the Phentermine, I would cease taking it. It is known to have a negative effect sexually. I would think Metformin would be a better long-term alternative along with improved diet and exercise. The other thing is the high stress job, that can take a toll. Make getting a good night's sleep a priority.

I have been on Metformin for 2 years. It helped me lower my A1C from high 6's to 5.0. Sleep is a luxury I don't get though. Swing shift and young kids prevent anything regular regarding sleep. My job is definitely stressful but I've been at this for 10 years. It's kinda old hat now if you know what I mean.

I'm not so much looking to stop the Phentermine, just reassurance that it is the cause of my issues. At 10lb per month sustained weight loss, I am okay with bad side effects.
I can tell you anytime I start taking metformin I eat like an animal. I'm talking an insane amount of food.

I've tried it 3-4 times over the course of about 10 years, the last time being a couple months ago.
Time goes by in between and I decide to try it because I forgot about the previous times and the same thing happens, and then I remember, lol.
Phentermine increases Serotonin and is likely the cause of the trouble climaxing. I found Phentermine to only work for about two months. In Ohio its only to be prescribed for three months. Some states is unlimited but the effects on weight are not unlimited. I found that stimulants like Methylphenidate which is close to Modafinil may have less effect on Serotonin. Vyvanse works well for weight as well but seems to have more sexual sides. Over the long term you may want to add l tyrosine with your choice stimulant to help maintain its effect. You need to check all other meds you take for increased Serotonin. That is where the trouble starts when you start stacking the Serotonin increasing drugs. There are a lot of them that increase Serotonin.
Phentermine increases Serotonin and is likely the cause of the trouble climaxing. I found Phentermine to only work for about two months. In Ohio its only to be prescribed for three months. Some states is unlimited but the effects on weight are not unlimited. I found that stimulants like Methylphenidate which is close to Modafinil may have less effect on Serotonin. Vyvanse works well for weight as well but seems to have more sexual sides. Over the long term you may want to add l tyrosine with your choice stimulant to help maintain its effect. You need to check all other meds you take for increased Serotonin. That is where the trouble starts when you start stacking the Serotonin increasing drugs. There are a lot of them that increase Serotonin.

I looked through my med list, looks like DHEA may be a likely contributor to Serotonin. Just got labs back from LabCorp. DHEA level was 600. 416 is the top of the normal range for DHEA with LabCorp so I must be too high. Free T was 26.5, and Estradiol was 25.1 so I that rules out a TRT cause for the issue.

I went to my Phentermine doc and he showed 18lbs lost in December. He would like to do 3 more months of 1 whole tablet per day then maybe wean off. Of course if I continue to loose weight this fast, I may stay on for an extra month or 2. To me, the risk is worth the benefit of being a healthy weight quickly.

Morning erection strength is improving but haven't had any bedroom action lately to test it out. Perhaps the original issue will be transient from the increased dose of Phentermine. Hopefully I will get to perform tomorrow and see if climax is easier also. Aggression is much better this week. I think this whole list of issues is gonna be a resolving side effect.

I have a consult with Dr. Calkin from Defy this week. Will discuss the DHEA level. I'm sure he will be pleased that he hit the TRT levels spot on with his first try.

Thanks for the help! You are all a great help. I'll update you guys soon.
For the past 3 months I have been aggressively dieting, exercising, and working extra shifts in a high stress job. My family doctor put me on Phentermine aka Adipex 1/2pill/day which was increased to 1 whole pill per day last month. Two months ago I started TRT with Defy. I have lost 30+ lbs these 3 months and am full of energy. Working 5-6 days per week. Everything is looking great mentally but still have about 100lbs left to loose before I would consider myself a normal weight.

Since starting this weight loss journey, my erections and libido aren't doing well. Weak erections and trouble climaxing have been getting progressively worse. Prior to this I had no problems performing, and could last for an hour easily, performing 3-4 times per week.

My wife sat me down the other day and said I have been hard to deal. She says I am very short with her and the kids. Of course I don't see it. I feel more assertive now that I am on TRT with Defy but I am channeling that feeling into weight loss, and exercise, and working extra hours.

I started searching the web and found lots of people having various sexual side effects with Phentermine. As far as being short tempered, I feel like it may be caused by fasting. Often I eat a couple eggs for breakfast and then don't eat again until suppertime. I am restricting calories to about 2000 per day. Later in the day is when I am most aggressive. After dinner I am usually much easier to be around.

Anyone else having aggression problems with Phentermine? Am I just overworked? Maybe I need more sleep, or more time to relax?

Aggressive dieting,exercising,excess stress and lack of sleep can definitely wreak havoc on ones body physically/mentally which can easily contribute to poor erectile function/libido regardless of having healthy testosterone levels.

Everything you are doing is increasing your cortisol which can cause numerous issues to ones overall health.

Phentermine (appetite suppressant) is a mild stimulant and can also cause vasoconstriction of the blood vessels similar to other stimulants such as ephedrine/yohimbine/clenbuterol and can effect the quality of erections in sensitive individuals let alone contribute to high blood pressure.

Having good vascular/endothelial health is critical to the function/quality of ones erections let alone overall cardiovascular/brain health.

If you are aggressively dieting, training, working all the time, under chronic stress you are an accident waiting to happen.

Its great you have lost weight and are eager to keep improving upon your weight loss goals but do understand that extreme dieting can only be done for a short period of time as eventually the body will revert to starvation mode and slow down ones metabolism.

Appetite suppressants/stimulants also will eventually loose effectiveness over time as the body adapts thats why they are only a temporary aid.

Regardless of if one follows a diet that is low carb/high fat/moderate- high protein or moderate-higher carb/lower fat/moderat-high protein.

Overall calories is what is critical to whether one loses/gains weight and as far a dieting cutting calories will only be effective for so long as ones metabolism will eventually slow down if the dieting is extreme or chronic and building new muscle proteins will become extremely difficult even with healthy testosterone levels.

The key to long term fat loss is building overall muscle mass muscle from lifting weights as the more muscle tissue (actin.myosin) one adds to their frame the easier fat burning will become and slightly excess calories above ones bmr (basal metabolic rate) are needed to build new muscle tissue.

When you eventually hit a plateau with fat loss/muscle gains you may very well need to over haul your diet and slightly increase your calories in order to add more muscle which in and of itself will enhance fat loss.

As muscle is metabolically active tissue and will naturally increase ones metabolism.
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Aggressive dieting,exercising,excess stress and lack of sleep can definitely wreak havoc on ones body physically/mentally which can easily contribute to poor erectile function/libido regardless of having healthy testosterone levels.

Everything you are doing is increasing your cortisol which can cause numerous issues to ones overall health.

Phentermine (appetite suppressant) is a mild stimulant and can also cause vasoconstriction of the blood vessels similar to other stimulants such as ephedrine/yohimbine/clenbuterol and can effect the quality of erections in sensitive individuals let alone contribute to high blood pressure.

Having good vascular/endothelial health is critical to the function/quality of ones erections let alone overall cardiovascular/brain health.

If you are aggressively dieting, training, working all the time, under chronic stress you are an accident waiting to happen.

Its great you have lost weight and are eager to keep improving upon your weight loss goals but do understand that extreme dieting can only be done for a short period of time as eventually the body will revert to starvation mode and slow down ones metabolism.

Appetite suppressants/stimulants also will eventually loose effectiveness over time as the body adapts thats why they are only a temporary aid.

Regardless of if one follows a diet that is low carb/high fat/moderate- high protein or moderate-higher carb/lower fat/moderat-high protein.

Overall calories is what is critical to whether one loses/gains weight and as far a dieting cutting calories will only be effective for so long as ones metabolism will eventually slow down if the dieting is extreme or chronic and building new muscle proteins will become extremely difficult even with healthy testosterone levels.

The key to long term fat loss is building overall muscle mass muscle from lifting weights as the more muscle tissue (actin.myosin) one adds to their frame the easier fat burning will become and slightly excess calories above ones bmr (basal metabolic rate) are needed to build new muscle tissue.

When you eventually hit a plateau with fat loss/muscle gains you may very well need to over haul your diet and slightly increase your calories in order to add more muscle which in and of itself will enhance fat loss.

As muscle is metabolically active tissue and will naturally increase ones metabolism.

Thanks for the response madman. I appreciate you taking the time to help me. Can I ask you to elaborate a little bit on your answers?

I have been planning to switch to a caloric excess for 3-4 months, along with even more weight training, once I do plateau. Is that long enough to make noticable muscle gains? I log every single thing I eat into MyFitnessPal, and track every step and cardio workout, including calories from fish oil, vitamins, ect.. Right now I run a 8000-10,000 kcal deficit per week to loose. How much excess should I intake to gain muscle mass without gaining fat when I switch to gaining mode? Hopefully I will be under 250lbs before that happens, I am 321lbs today, but we'll have to see how long this slide lasts.

Lately I have become a heavy coffee drinker, 1-2 liters per day. Since coffee is also a stimulant, do you think it has similar vasoconstriction effects? Could that be detrimental to erectile quality.

Can you elaborate on what negative consequences might happen to me if I continue aggressively dieting, training, working, and being under chronic stress? I assume you mean physical injury and/or declining mental health.

Just to give you all a bit of background on myself, I am now 2 years sober after 20 years of heavy alcohol and drug abuse. It's funny how you wake up sober one day then suddenly that 385lbs man in the mirror looks different than you remember. Sobriety will really light a fire in you, makes you want to change, and change right now!
I just re read your first post.
You may want to adapt your diet so you are eating more regular. You can still count calories but eating a couple of eggs in the morning and then nothing until late afternoon is not a great plan.
Also, you may be undereating by a large margin. 2000 calories per day?
Just had my monthly checkup today. Only lost 6lbs this month. It was a struggle. About 2 weeks ago, my energy level crashed. No energy to work out, needing lots more sleep, and I'm craving unhealthy foods. Usually erections are poor and still having trouble climaxing. Mood is good, and moodiness is gone, but I am disappointed I couldn't keep loosing weight at the same 10lb per month rate. We decided to wean off the Phentermine this month and see how I do without it.

After I'm weaned off I'm gonna hit the weights hard and try to build muscle to increase my Basal Metabolism. I plan to switch to a caloric excess of about 250cal/day for 2-3 months. Planning on increasing protein intake to around 250gm per day and keeping carbs low as well, avoiding refined sugar and starch.

Overall I am pleased with the results I've had on Phentermine, although the side effects were quite unpleasant. I'll update this once I'm off the Phentermine to see if my sexual symptoms have improved.
Aggressive dieting,exercising,excess stress and lack of sleep can definitely wreak havoc on ones body physically/mentally which can easily contribute to poor erectile function/libido regardless of having healthy testosterone levels.

Everything you are doing is increasing your cortisol which can cause numerous issues to ones overall health.

Phentermine (appetite suppressant) is a mild stimulant and can also cause vasoconstriction of the blood vessels similar to other stimulants such as ephedrine/yohimbine/clenbuterol and can effect the quality of erections in sensitive individuals let alone contribute to high blood pressure.

Having good vascular/endothelial health is critical to the function/quality of ones erections let alone overall cardiovascular/brain health.

If you are aggressively dieting, training, working all the time, under chronic stress you are an accident waiting to happen.

Its great you have lost weight and are eager to keep improving upon your weight loss goals but do understand that extreme dieting can only be done for a short period of time as eventually the body will revert to starvation mode and slow down ones metabolism.

Appetite suppressants/stimulants also will eventually loose effectiveness over time as the body adapts thats why they are only a temporary aid.

Regardless of if one follows a diet that is low carb/high fat/moderate- high protein or moderate-higher carb/lower fat/moderat-high protein.

Overall calories is what is critical to whether one loses/gains weight and as far a dieting cutting calories will only be effective for so long as ones metabolism will eventually slow down if the dieting is extreme or chronic and building new muscle proteins will become extremely difficult even with healthy testosterone levels.

The key to long term fat loss is building overall muscle mass muscle from lifting weights as the more muscle tissue (actin.myosin) one adds to their frame the easier fat burning will become and slightly excess calories above ones bmr (basal metabolic rate) are needed to build new muscle tissue.

When you eventually hit a plateau with fat loss/muscle gains you may very well need to over haul your diet and slightly increase your calories in order to add more muscle which in and of itself will enhance fat loss.

As muscle is metabolically active tissue and will naturally increase ones metabolism.

I agree with rhino...couldn't have said this better myself. Nice work madman!
Thanks for the response madman. I appreciate you taking the time to help me. Can I ask you to elaborate a little bit on your answers?

I have been planning to switch to a caloric excess for 3-4 months, along with even more weight training, once I do plateau. Is that long enough to make noticable muscle gains? I log every single thing I eat into MyFitnessPal, and track every step and cardio workout, including calories from fish oil, vitamins, ect.. Right now I run a 8000-10,000 kcal deficit per week to loose. How much excess should I intake to gain muscle mass without gaining fat when I switch to gaining mode? Hopefully I will be under 250lbs before that happens, I am 321lbs today, but we'll have to see how long this slide lasts.

Lately I have become a heavy coffee drinker, 1-2 liters per day. Since coffee is also a stimulant, do you think it has similar vasoconstriction effects? Could that be detrimental to erectile quality.

Can you elaborate on what negative consequences might happen to me if I continue aggressively dieting, training, working, and being under chronic stress? I assume you mean physical injury and/or declining mental health.

Just to give you all a bit of background on myself, I am now 2 years sober after 20 years of heavy alcohol and drug abuse. It's funny how you wake up sober one day then suddenly that 385lbs man in the mirror looks different than you remember. Sobriety will really light a fire in you, makes you want to change, and change right now!

What a great story HamburgerChef, congrads on your success so far. You really have come a long way and it looks like you are willing to keep going.

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