Pharmacology of testosterone pellet implants


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1 Introduction

The main indication for androgen therapy is the treatment of androgen deficiency in hypogonadal men. Since such androgen replacement therapy usually involves the life-long administration of testosterone, it is desirable that testosterone formulations be long-acting. The primary goal of androgen replacement therapy is to replicate the physiological actions of endogenous testosterone. This requires not just rectification of deficient androgen levels but also avoiding either supranormal or excessively fluctuating testosterone levels. Thus the practical intent of androgen replacement therapy is to maintain stable, physiological testosterone levels for prolonged periods. The pharmacological properties of testosterone, notably its rapid metabolic inactivation by the liver, have dictated that the achievement of such prolonged androgenic effects requires the development of depot, sustained-release testosterone formulations (Wilson 1980). Nevertheless, even 50 years after the entry of testosterone into the clinical armamentarium (Hamilton 1937; Foss 1939) the quest for a safe, effective, inexpensive, convenient, long-acting androgen preparation with reproducible, zero-order release profile remains an important challenge not yet met. One of the oldest testosterone formulations is the subdermal implant of testosterone pellets which provide stable testosterone levels for at least 4 months after a single implantation (Cantrill et al.1984; Conway et al. 1988). Curiously this cheap and effective treatment modality has been neglected for decades despite its many advantages for androgen replacement therapy.

2 History

3 Formulation and physical features

4 Implantation procedure

5 Absorption

5.1 Mechanism of absorption
5.2 Kinetics of absorption

6 Bioavailability

7 Pharmacokinetics

7.1 Pharmacological studies

7.2 Total and free testosterone levels

Implantation of testosterone pellets gives a highly reproducible and dose-dependent time-course for circulating total and free testosterone (Fig. 5).
Total testosterone levels on the 1200 mg dose are higher (p < 0.0001) than those of either 600 mg combination which in turn produced similar (p = 0.95) circulating testosterone levels and time courses. Plasma testosterone levels peaked at the 1st month and gradually declined to return to baseline by 6 months after either 600 mg dose regimen but remained significantly elevated after 6 months following the 1200 mg dose. Plasma-free testosterone was so highly correlated (r = 0.90) with total testosterone that free testosterone levels exhibited virtually the same time course as that of total testosterone. The one exception was that free testosterone levels were significantly higher in the first (but not the second) 3 months after the 6 x 100 mg regimen which had a higher initial surface area compared with the 3 x 200 mg regimen consistent with an effect of initial pellet surface area on early testosterone release rates.

Although many steroid implants (Burris et al. 1988; Diaz-Sanchez et al. 1989) demonstrate an accelerated initial (or "burst") release, this does not occur with testosterone pellet implants. Weekly blood sampling for one month after implantation of 6 x 100 mg testosterone pellets in 15 hypogonadal men (Conway et al.t 988) demonstrated a gradual rise of total and free testosterone and suppression of gonadotropins (Fig.6). Peak testosterone levels were attained between 2 and 4 weeks after implantation. Furthermore, even during daily blood sampling after implantation either 6 x 200 mg (Fig. 7) or 6 x 100 mg (data not shown) pellets indicate an absence of "burst" release by the first day after implantation. Thus the early release of testosterone from pellets is gradual, lacking the "burst" release or overshoot observed with some other testosterone formulations (Burris et al. 1988; Diaz-Sanchez et al. 1989). Although "burst" release is not completely excluded by our observations, if present it would only occur for the first day at most.

8 Pharmacodynamics
8.1 Clinical effects
8.2 LH and FSH suppression
8.3 SHBG
8.4 Biochemistry and hematology

9 Side-effects

10 Clinical use of testosterone pellet implants

10.1 Indications, contra-indications and limitations
10.2 Dose and monitoring
10.3 Comparison with other testosterone formulations
10.4 Costs

11 Future
11.1 Development of pellet implants
11.2 New applications

12 Summary and conclusions

The ideal androgen preparation for long-term androgen replacement therapy would be safe, effective, inexpensive, already marketed, long-acting due to depot properties, and exhibit zero-order release. Such an androgen formulation is not available but the testosterone pellets fulfill many of these criteria and in our opinion are superior to any presently available testosterone preparations.

The testosterone pellets are highly effective, economical, already marketed, and have very long-acting properties and stability of effects with zero-order release pattern. A single implant of 600-1200 mg can provide stable, effective, and well-tolerated androgen replacement for 4-6 or more months. Total and free testosterone levels rise gradually to peak at 1 month and gradually decline over several months before returning to baseline. SHBG levels are unaffected and, in men with primary hypogonadism, gonadotropin levels are markedly suppressed in a mirror image of the testosterone levels. Clinical monitoring of the androgenic effects of the pellets can be achieved by clinical, hormonal, or both methods as for other testosterone preparations. Drawbacks include the requirement for limited minor surgical skills for the implantation procedure. The only significant side-effect is pellet extrusion which will occur following implant procedures in about 5% of cases with the acquisition of some experience.


Fig. 3. Direct estimates of testosterone release rate. The weights of six 200 mg pellets that were extruded at various times after implantation are plotted against time carried in the body. The extruded pellets were cleaned, dried, and weighed to determine the mass of testosterone released by comparison with unimplanted 200 mg pellets. The amount of testosterone released was a linear function of time up to 92 days and the estimate of testosterone release rate provided by the slope of the regression was 1.5 mg/ day/200 mg pellet
Fig.4. Percent absorbed-time plots of testosterone release over 6 months in 43 hypogonadal men on one of the 3 pellet regimens 6 x 200 mg (closed circles. n = 32),6 x 100 mg (open circles. n = 28) and 3 x 200 mg (open diamonds. n = 51). The near linear plots indicate a virtual zero-order release rate and the similarity of the 3 curves indicates that the release rates for the 100 mg and 200 mg pellets are similar
Fig. 5. Total (upper panel) and free (lower panel) testosterone levels over 6 months in 43 hypogonadal men on one of the 3 pellet regimens 6 X 200 mg (closed circles, n = 32), 6 x 100 mg (open circles, n = 28) and 3 x 200 mg (open diamonds n = 51). Data is plotted as mean and standard error of mean.

Fig. 6. Total (closed circles) and free (open squares) testosterone and LH (open triangle) and FSH (open inverse triangle) in 15 hypogonadal men having blood sampled at weekly intervals for the first months after undergoing implantation of 6 x 100 mg testosterone pellets. Gonadotropins are plotted only for the 9 men with primary (hypergonadotropic) hypogonadism. Note the smooth rise of testosterone and suppression of gonadotropins without evidence of initial burst release of testosterone. Data plotted as mean and standard error of the mean
Fig. 7. Total (closed circles) and free (open circles) testosterone in one hypogonadal man undergoing daily blood sampling for a week after implantation of 6 x 200 mg pellets. Note the lack of initial burst release of testosterone with plateau levels achieved after the first day and maintained steadily throughout the week
Fig. 8. LH (upper panel) and FSH (lower panel) levels over6 months in 22 men with primary (hypergonadotropic)hypogonadism on one of the3 pellet regimens 6 x 200 mg(closed circles), 6 x 100 mg(open circles) and 3 x 200 mg(open diamonds). Dashed line indicates the upper limit of normal eugonadal male range and mean LH levels are suppressed into or just above this range whereas mean FSH levels remain elevated. The fall and rise of LH and FSH mirrors closely the reciprocal changes in testosterone levels. Data is plotted as mean and standard error of mean

Fig. 9. Plasma SHBG levels 60 over 6 months in 43 hypogonadal men on one of the 3 pellet regimens 6 x 200 mg 40 (closed circles. n = 32), 6 x 100 mg (open circles. n = 28) and 3 x 200 mg (open diamonds. n = 51). Note the lack of significant change in SHBG levels over time or with testosterone pellet dose. Data is plotted as mean and standard error of mean
Fig. 10. Hemoglobin (upper panel), plasma iron (middle panel), and plasma urea (lower panel) in 15 hypogonadal men having blood sampled at monthly intervals for 6 months after undergoing implantation of 6 x 100 mg testosterone pellets. Data plotted as mean and standard error of the mean
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Thanks for posting this MadMan! Great data, pellets are time tested. I've only had experience with injections since 2018. Are there any threads of guys sharing their experience between IM Injections and pellets? I'm very stable right now, is there a 1 for 1 translation from injection dose to pellet does? Thanks again!

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