Pharmacogenetics of testosterone replacement therapy

Understanding How Androgens (Male Hormones) Work in the Body

Androgens, such as testosterone, play a key role in male development and overall health. However, their effects vary from person to person due to differences in how the body responds to them. One important factor influencing this response is a small genetic variation called the CAG repeat polymorphism in the androgen receptor (AR) gene.

How the Androgen Receptor Affects Testosterone’s Impact

The androgen receptor (AR) is a protein inside cells that allows testosterone to work. Think of it as a "lock," and testosterone is the "key." When testosterone binds to this receptor, it triggers different biological processes, including muscle growth, hair growth, and mood regulation.

However, not all androgen receptors are the same. Some have longer CAG repeats, while others have shorter CAG repeats in their genetic code. This length affects how strongly the receptor responds to testosterone:

  • Shorter CAG repeats = Stronger response to testosterone
  • Longer CAG repeats = Weaker response to testosterone
This means that two men with the same testosterone level may experience different effects. A man with longer CAG repeats may show signs of lower testosterone activity (even if his levels are normal), while a man with shorter repeats might experience stronger androgen effects.

How This Affects Male Health

Some men with normal testosterone levels still experience symptoms of low testosterone (hypogonadism), such as fatigue, reduced muscle mass, lower sex drive, or mood changes. This can be due to longer CAG repeats, which make their androgen receptors less sensitive to testosterone.

Additionally, genetic differences in the androgen receptor may play a role in various traits and conditions:

  • Men with longer CAG repeats may be more prone to gynecomastia (enlarged breast tissue).
  • Men with shorter CAG repeats may have traits associated with higher education and stable relationships.
  • Klinefelter syndrome (a condition where men have an extra X chromosome) is influenced by CAG repeat length, affecting height, bone density, and other physical traits.

Implications for Testosterone Therapy

Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is often used to treat men with low testosterone levels. However, research suggests that not all men require the same dose:

  • Men with shorter CAG repeats may need lower doses of testosterone because their androgen receptors are naturally more sensitive.
  • Men with longer CAG repeats may need higher doses to achieve the same effects.
This could lead to a personalized approach to testosterone therapy, where doctors adjust doses based on a man’s genetic makeup.

The Future of Testosterone Treatment

In the future, genetic testing for the androgen receptor gene could help doctors better diagnose and treat men with symptoms of low testosterone. This approach would ensure that men receive the right amount of testosterone based on their genetic sensitivity to androgens, improving treatment effectiveness and minimizing side effects.

While more research is needed, this personalized approach to testosterone therapy could become a standard practice in the next 5–10 years.


Michael Zitzmann (2009)

Variable phenotypes of androgen insensitivity exist in humans, mainly owing to defective, mutated androgen receptors. A More subtle modulation of androgen effects is related to the CAG repeat polymorphism ([CAG]n) in exon 1 of the androgen receptor gene, in vitro, transcription of androgen-dependent target genes is attenuated with the increasing length of triplets. As a clinical entity, the CAG repeat polymorphism can relate to variations of androgenicity in (apparently) eugonadal men in various tissues and psychological traits, the longer the (CAG)n, the less prominent the androgen effect when individuals with similar testosterone concentrations are compared. A strictly defined threshold to hypogonadism is likely to be replaced by a continuum spanned by genetics as well as symptom specificity. In addition, the effects of externally applied testosterone can be markedly influenced by the (CAG)n and respective pharmacogenetic implications are likely to influence indications as well as modalities of testosterone treatment of hypogonadal men.

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*Physiology of AR

The AR is intracellularly located and structurally related to other steroid hormone receptors. The transcriptional regulation mediated by the AR is a process involving ligand (i.e., androgen) binding and interaction of cofactor, as well as conformational changes of the AR protein, receptor phosphorylation, and nuclear trafficking and binding to DNA target regions, and, finally, transcription activation. The human AR gene is located on the X-chromosome (Xq11–12) (e.g., [6]), spanning approximately 90 kb, and comprising eight exons.

The AR has a modular composition of three major functional domains: an N-terminal domain precedes the DNA-binding domain, followed by the C-terminal ligand-binding region (for review see [7]). Upon entering target cells, androgens will interact with the ligand-binding pocket of the AR, thus initiating an activation cascade that includes a change of conformation and nuclear translocation. Prior to binding at target DNA regions, homodimerization of two AR proteins occurs. The resulting homodimer binds to hormone-responsive elements, usually consisting of two palindromic sequences within the promoter regions of androgen-regulated genes. Facilitated by chromatin remodeling, direct interaction with other transcription factors and specific coactivators, repressors, and specific modulation of the assembly of the preinitiation complex is achieved: this results in specific activation or repression of target gene transcription [8].

Not only does testosterone bind to the AR, but its 5-a-reductase metabolite, dihydrotestosterone also binds with a much stronger relationship. Estrogenic hormones, progesterone, and dehydroepiandrosterone are also able to bind to and activate the AR, but only on a clinically nonrelevant basis [8].

*Clinical implications: mutations & polymorphisms of the androgen receptor

Men presenting with features of hypogonadism may exhibit normal testosterone levels but CAG repeat lengths above the normal average (Europe: 21, Africa: 17, Asia: 23): hence, a CAG repeat length longer than 25 is still considered to be within the normal range, but can already be associated with reduced androgen action and accompanying clinical features, suggesting classical hypogonadism in the case of still normal testosterone concentrations [4].

In Klinefelter patients, who have two AR gene alleles due to their 47, XXY karyotype, the shorter CAG repeat allele is preferentially inactive. In this group of patients, CAG repeat length is positively associated with body height, while bone density and the relation of arm span to body height are inversely related to CAG repeat length [37]. The presence of long CAG repeats was seen as predictive of gynecomastia, while shorter CAG repeats were associated with a stable partnership and professions requiring higher standards of education [37]. Also, aspects of puberty and masculinization of younger Klinefelter patients seem to be influenced by this polymorphism, boys who have longer CAG repeats exhibit mitigated androgen effects [38,39]. In the rare syndrome of 46, XX males, the inactivation patterns of AR gene alleles in XX males were found to be significantly more skewed than in Klinefelter patients and women. A total of seven of ten heterozygous XX male patients displayed an extreme skewing of more than 80% with no preference toward the shorter or longer AR allele. The length of the AR gene CAG repeat polymorphism was positively related to traits of hypogonadism [40]

Studies examining the effects of the AR gene (CAG)n polymorphism have to consider some aspects for proper description of clinical relevance, for example, the involvement of hypogonadal men will distort results owing to lack of sufficient ligand binding, hence, activation of the AR. Similarly, not considering testosterone levels, possibly compensating for the effects of the (CAG) n polymorphism, takes an incomplete approach. When examining the effects of androgens, regression models are required to include both testosterone concentrations and the length of the AR gene CAG repeat polymorphism. In this light, a recent study in a large cohort of aging men did not demonstrate a relationship of the AR gene CAG repeat polymorphism to the risk of heart disease, possibly due to the fact that serum testosterone concentrations were not considered [41]

The weaker androgen action induced by longer (CAG)n will also affect the feedback mechanism of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal (HPG) axis. In healthy men, longer (CAG)n will usually provoke higher luteinizing hormone (LH) secretion [33,34,42]. This can, in persons with intact and fully responsive Leydig Cell capacity, result in higher concentrations of testosterone and, hence, compensation of weaker androgen action. As a result of higher testosterone concentrations, its aromatization product estradiol will also be present in higher amounts [42]. Such higher estradiol concentrations in these men with intact HPG regulation or feedback mechanisms can even lead to enhanced effects in estrogen-dependent tissues, such as bones [43].

However, the investigation of men with an intact HPG axis does not focus on the clinically relevant clientele including men with symptoms of androgen deficiency and disturbances of the HPG axis. Such disorders can be of milder nature, as seen in late-onset hypogonadism [44] or subjects with metabolic syndrome [45], conditions in which both pituitary function and Leydig cell capacity are impaired. In case of longer (CAG)n, these men will present with inadequate concentrations of LH within the lower normal range and/or testosterone levels that are in the lower normal range, but, nevertheless, will require higher concentrations of testosterone to compensate for their attenuated androgen action. Thus, they are likely to present with features of hypogonadism in the presence of normal testosterone levels [4] (see Figure 2). This is the patient group most likely missed for investigation, diagnostics, and putative treatment in clinical andrology to date.

In the case of ‘classical’ hypogonadism, for example, the (almost) complete breakdown of the HPG axis due to primary or secondary origin, testosterone levels are low and patients require substitution. The findings in men with intact HPG axes demonstrate that persons with longer (CAG)n require higher testosterone concentrations for normal androgen action in comparison with men with shorter (CAG)n [42]. Thus, hypogonadal persons with longer (CAG)n will then, as do their healthy counterparts, need higher testosterone levels (and, hence, higher testosterone doses) to compensate for mitigated androgen action. Correspondingly, persons with rather short (CAG)n will need lower doses of testosterone substitution in case of hypogonadism. This is exactly the subject of pharmacogenetic tailoring of testosterone substitution that will be elucidated below.

*Pharmacogenetics of testosterone therapy

*Discussion: a hypothetical model of androgen action

Testosterone concentrations within the normal range more or less saturate ARs and it has been shown that androgen effects reach a plateau at certain levels, which are probably tissue- or symptom-specific [52]. Just recently, a saturation model for prostate tissue in relation to testosterone concentrations has been propagated [53]. Marked increments of testosterone-caused effects are only seen beyond the normal range when highly supraphysiological levels, such as in doping, are reached. Hence, it can be argued that within the range of normal eugonadal testosterone concentrations, which are desired to be achieved by substitution therapy of hypogonadal patients, genetically determined functional differences in AR activity can be observed and will be of significance, while in a condition of hypogonadism, androgenicity will rather depend on androgen levels as testosterone binds to ARs and will augment androgen effects until a saturation level is reached (Figure 3).

Upon testosterone substitution of hypogonadal men, effects of the androgen are likely to be induced by the increment of androgen levels from the hypogonadal into the eugonadal range, as well as through modulation mediated by the AR gene CAG repeat polymorphism, the latter mainly within the eugonadal range, which is achieved during sufficient therapeutic approaches; the AR needs a normal amount of substrate (testosterone) to exhibit the effects of the (CAG)n polymorphism.


In summary, a confined and universal threshold for testosterone levels to hypogonadism does not exist, but, instead, individual thresholds of testosterone levels according to the length of the CAG repeat polymorphism are likely to be of clinical relevance. The model of Figure 3 explains why androgen effects are found when comparing hypogonadal and eugonadal men, but can often not be described for various testosterone levels within the eugonadal range. Also, tissue or symptom-specific thresholds of testosterone concentrations as well as testosterone levels themselves contribute to span a continuum between eugonadal and hypogonadism respecting individuality rather than a universal threshold.

Especially in regard to late-onset hypogonadism or the metabolic syndrome, clinical entities that are related to the advancing age of men or obesity causing a deterioration of the HPG axis and, hence, disturbance of feedback mechanisms that can compensate for long (CAG)n, these aspects might play a role in the decision whether to start testosterone replacement therapy or not.

In the future, substitution therapy could be individually tailored by the AR gene (CAG)n polymorphism: men with shorter repeats may require lower doses of testosterone while men with longer repeats could be in need of higher doses of androgens. Correspondingly, men with longer repeat tracts may need substitution therapy at baseline testosterone concentrations, which are still considered normal for the total population. Future pharmacogenetic studies will be required to find clinically robust answers.

It should be mentioned that many other factors are most likely to be influencing testosterone action, be it the endogenous hormone or exogenously administered androgens. Enough genetic information is not available to substantially review the possible effects of other androgen receptor polymorphisms, enzymes involved in androgen metabolism (5-a-reductase, aromatase), protein binding, and elimination (conjugation), as well as differences in co-activator and co-repressor activities, most likely tissue-specific. The CAG repeat polymorphism cannot be the only determining factor in androgen sensitivity.

Nonlinear calculation models according to Figure 3 involving testosterone concentrations and the length of the AR (CAG)n may be useful to assess the individually needed testosterone dose to achieve a certain desired androgen-related action or avoid an adverse side effect, such as elevated hematocrit (see Figure 4 for a summary). These insights require further research within the frameset of prospective studies as to this time point only semiquantitative statements can be made in terms of testosterone doses needed in hypogonadal men with different CAG repeat lengths [5]. Future calculations might be possible to state the required dose of testosterone in relation to the AR polyglutamine stretch. The different doses that are assumed according to the cross-sectional literature are most likely to be of clinical relevance and not marginal.

The level of knowledge required to include the AR gene CAG repeat polymorphism into routine andrological assessments is not sufficient, but it has become a clinically and scientifically worthy concept to determine the CAG repeat length in subjects with normal testosterone levels and unexplained features of hypoandrogenism. Concerning the dose adaption of testosterone to the polymorphism in androgen substitution, independent verification of the above-mentioned findings is still required before giving general recommendations.

Future perspective

This is a speculative viewpoint stating that determination of the AR gene (CAG)n length will play a clinically robust role in diagnosis and treatment of hypogonadal men within 5–10 years, both for adaption of testosterone levels to the clinical features as well as the dose required for proper androgen substitution.
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Figure 1. Display of the X-chromosome with the AR gene. Exon 1 contains a variable number of CAG repeats encoding a polyglutamine stretch of variable length in the receptor protein. The number of CAG repeats or length of polyglutamine residues is inversely associated with the transcriptional activity of androgen-dependent genes, hence androgen effects in target tissues. AR: Androgen receptor.
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Figure 2. Identification of subjects with mitigated androgen effects due to longer (CAG)n in the androgen receptor gene, hence reduced testosterone-induced transcriptional activity and possible symptoms of hypogonadism. Black: the HPG axis and the feedback mechanism are intact. Weaker androgen action in case of longer (CAG)n is compensated by higher LH concentrations and higher testosterone levels. The peripheral tissue remains intact. Red: any disturbance of the HPG axis or the feedback mechanism (such as [borderline] dysfunction of gonadotropin secretion, Leydig cell capacity) will attenuate the compensation for longer (CAG)n. These persons might still exhibit apparently normal testosterone concentrations, which are, nevertheless, not high enough to maintain peripheral tissue integrity. They are likely to present with symptoms of hypogonadism, albeit presenting androgen levels usually considered normal. Any investigation of the effects of the (CAG)n polymorphism of the androgen receptor gene has to focus on these men as they provide a large patient group possibly escaping attention. Evaluation of men with an intact HPG feedback mechanism conceals this clinical aspect. The same applies for the situation of complete breakdown of the HPG axis (classical hypogonadism) requiring androgen substitution. Providing low normal testosterone levels by external medication is likely to be not sufficient in cases of long (CAG)n. HPG: hypothalamic-pituitary–gonadal; LH: Luteinizing hormone.
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Figure 3. Modulation of androgen effects. Originating in symptom specificity and genetically determined androgen action, no clear-cut threshold for testosterone concentrations exists between eugonadism and hypogonadism. The clinically relevant threshold to hypogonadism is, rather, a continuum (pink), which is individually defined and is spanned by testosterone levels, genetic background, and the respective symptom.
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Figure 4. Summary of the clinical relevance of the pharmacogenomically active (CAG)n polymorphism of the androgen receptor gene.
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*Men presenting with features of hypogonadism may exhibit normal testosterone levels but CAG repeat lengths above the normal average (Europe: 21, Africa: 17, Asia: 23): hence, a CAG repeat length longer than 25 is still considered to be within the normal range, but can already be associated with reduced androgen action and accompanying clinical features, suggesting classical hypogonadism in the case of still normal testosterone concentrations

*A strictly defined threshold to hypogonadism is likely to be replaced by a continuum spanned by genetics as well as symptom specificity. In addition, the effects of externally applied testosterone can be markedly influenced by the (CAG)n and respective pharmacogenetic implications are likely to influence indications as well as modalities of testosterone treatment of hypogonadal men

*It should be mentioned that many other factors are most likely to be influencing testosterone action, be it the endogenous hormone or exogenously administered androgens

*The CAG repeat polymorphism cannot be the only determining factor in androgen sensitivity

*The level of knowledge required to include the AR gene CAG repeat polymorphism into routine andrological assessments is not sufficient, but it has become a clinically and scientifically worthy concept to determine the CAG repeat length in subjects with normal testosterone levels and unexplained features of hypoandrogenism.

*In summary, a confined and universal threshold for testosterone levels to hypogonadism does not exist, but, instead, individual thresholds of testosterone levels according to the length of the CAG repeat polymorphism are likely to be of clinical relevance

*The same applies to androgen receptor gene CAG repeat lengths >24 in the presence of symptoms and normal testosterone levels may be considered as a state of preclinical TD [93]

In humans, the AR gene comes in many forms, called alleles. The best-studied alleles are those involving a CAG repeat sequence that encodes a polyglutamine tract near the amino end of the androgen receptor. This CAG repeat has different lengths for different people. In humans, the number of AR CAG repeats ranges from as few as 9 to as many as 36, but population averages are typically between 17 and 24 (Chamberlain et al., 1994; Hsiao et al., 1999; Irvine et al., 2000; La Spada et al., 1991). Individuals with higher numbers of AR CAG repeats will normally have diminished testosterone action on cellular functioning, effectively making males with high AR CAG repeats less masculine regarding most sexually dimorphic traits when compared to males with fewer AR CAG repeats (Loehlin et al., 2004; Simanainen et al., 2011)

Based on a total sample of 57,826 males occupying 78 countries, the overall average number of AR CAG repeats was found to be 21.40. National averages ranged from 17.00 to 23.16. Five countries had averages in the 17.00s; they were Swaziland (17.00), Zambia (17.00), Sierra Leone (17.30), Nigeria (17.58), and Senegal (17.90). Five countries had averages of 23.00 or higher; they were Lithuania (23.00), Mongolia (23.00), Ireland (23.07), Thailand (23.10), and Romania (23.16).
Patiently waiting!

Future perspective (2009)

This is a speculative viewpoint stating that determination of the AR gene (CAG)n length will play a clinically robust role in diagnosis and treatment of hypogonadal men within 5–10 years, both for adaption of testosterone levels to the clinical features as well as the dose required for proper androgen substitution.

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