penis enlargement

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I didn't notice that with me when I took test c a few years back but I just started tren e and it stays swollen/thick or whatever you wanna call it, lol, but all I've heard is horror stories about taking steroids and thankfully I haven't experienced that, yet, and hopefully won't ever, lol.

I'm only 7.5 fully erect but since this started it stays close to that on soft.

Maybe we're just the lucky ones, lol.
Only 7.5 Are you trolling LOL. Did you know the average erect dong is around 5.5 inches
I only have testosterone gel 1%w/w available, is it enough for penis enlargement, what should be the ideal dosage and usage time period for 40 yr old, suggest some routone and additional supplements, nmedicine which will help in maximising penis enlargement
You have the completely wrong idea about the use of testosterone my friend. You really need education on the subject of male hormone and the reproductive system. Talk with a urologist and a plastic surgeon that specializes in penis enlargement surgery.
Testosterone gel or injections or any pills will never make your penis grow!!
1% dose is so low it may not help your hormonal needs
It has been my experience that when a man's identity is wrapped up in the size of his dick, he's usually a dickhead. I knew a guy whose wife was filing for divorce. He just couldn't believe it. He said to me, "Why would she divorce me, I have a 10" dick!" Obviously, she wanted more than what his dick could provide.
I would say that you are very correct!

I will say tho, that the guys with big attitudes and lil dick's are usually the ones that's calling us out, until we pull it out then you can see the regret on their faces, lol.
But no, I'm not huge, it's only 7.5, y'all are talking like it's 17.5, lol.
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The researchers concluded that there was no strong evidence to link penis size to other physical features such as height, body mass index, or even shoe size. Yes, it seems that the only definite conclusion that can be drawn about a fellow with big socks is that he probably has big feet. Likewise, the study found no significant correlation between genital dimensions and race or ethnicity, although Veale points out that their study was not designed to probe such associations, because much of the data used were from studies of Caucasian men.
Yeah, I used to laugh myself stupid when I was in high school and all those guys ran around talking about how big their foot was, lol....
They're many guys with huge penises. On average I would say the largest ones are native Americans. One of the issues that they have is finding a woman. Most women tell me when the penis is too big. It's very painful sex. Most men with huge penises can't go in all the way and that may be for most men. Not being able to penetrate too far. If the woman's not happy then you're not going to much have sex.
Yeah, they did research at adult toy stores and the 7 inch was the most sought after dildo in the US.
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Only 7.5 Are you trolling LOL. Did you know the average erect dong is around 5.5 inches
To give you an example of a guy with 7.5.
(me lol)....
Take a very beautiful female that's definitely a 10, she will still look at other females and think they're more beautiful than she is.
I'm conservative with my assumptions cause you never know what lil nerd in the corner is gonna pull something out that hits his knees when he flops it out, so I don't run around saying "it's the biggest", lol.
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Humble bragging
I like most male gorilla only have a 2 inch erection but grew to be able to rip a man's arm from its socket so the need for a large penis to impress a mate is unnecessary
Yeah, the gorilla has the smallest penis to body ratio.
Luckily I'm not a huge gorilla, lol, I'm only 5'7" and 134lbs, lol, it looked more normal when I weighed 167lbs, lol....
I remember one guy who was half native American and half Mexican. He had a biggest penis I ever seen. There was a guy I worked with in construction when we got a new guy at the job. He always whipped out his penis and said let's see who has the bigger one. One place I worked had a contest to see who's was bigger. You had to lay it out on a ruler. I didn't enter mine. LoL
Well it's no wonder road and house construction take so long... I guess those guys are too busy measuring each other's penis like they're in middle school.
Penis size aside... check out the P-Long protocol (just google it). Also check out phalloboards and thunder's place.
The problem with that protocol is that any benefit is almost certainly coming from pumping. Thankfully, that is the least expensive part, but gainswave was discussed here and elsewhere years ago and I have never seen a report of it permanently helping anyone. Anyone considering it would be well-advised to start with the pumping first for a good 6-12 months and see what that does.
The problem with that protocol is that any benefit is almost certainly coming from pumping. Thankfully, that is the least expensive part, but gainswave was discussed here and elsewhere years ago and I have never seen a report of it permanently helping anyone. Anyone considering it would be well-advised to start with the pumping first for a good 6-12 months and see what that does.
Actually GainsWave is NOT part of the P-Long protocol. I simply added it to mine to help with ED. The protocol consists of RestireX traction device, pump, NO booster tablets, and 6 P-Shots (penis PRP) one oer month. So the traction device and pump are doing the work, and the idea is that P-Shot treatments speed up gains. See my other post under Reviews for my progress notes.
I've tried gainswave and it did absolutely nothing but empty out my wallet. I have used pumps and they do work, but you must be consistent, patient and most importantly gentle with your body. Excessive pumping can lead to a scary situation. Even though it's not permanent, it does help while flaccid, to give you a better display of your goods. Boosts your confidence when you undress to see yourself a bit plump and heftier than normal. And it feels great, too.
I do want to try the traction penis extender. Costs about $200/$300 for the kit. I know a couple of guys that have had 1 to 2 inches in length gains.
One that did a fantastic job narrating his experience in detail using his journalistic experience is *** porn star Dallas Steele former news anchor Jim Walker. I can send links to his documentary where he is very candid and educational. NSFW and alot of male frontal nudity disclaimer.
I have read about and met men that have had the plasma rich platelets (P.R.P.) injections and they do report good results. It can be pricey, but affordable. And there's no real risk because it's your own tissue. But everyone's different.
And lastly, testosterone booster pills don't work. They're a waste of money and if you notice they're always promoted by a gym bro with gym bro lingo. It's all bro science to make money from naive and clueless people.
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I've tried gainswave and it did absolutely nothing but empty out my wallet. I have used pumps and they do work, but you must be consistent, patient and most importantly gentle with your body. Excessive pumping can lead to a scary situation. Even though it's not permanent, it does help while flaccid, to give you a better display of your goods. Boosts your confidence when you undress to see yourself a bit plump and heftier than normal. And it feels great, too.
I have read about and met men that have had the plasma rich platelets (P.R.P.) injections and they do report good results. It can be pricey, but affordable. And there's no real risk because it's your own tissue. But everyone's different.
And lastly, testosterone booster pills don't work. They're a waste of money and if you notice they're always promoted by a gym bro with gym bro lingo. It's all bro science to make money from naive and clueless people.
What “scary situation“ can excessive pumping lead to?
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