PCT after cycle, gyno and redness.


New Member
Hi guys! I try to explane my problem, i hope somebody can give me advice:)

My story: 2years sustanon, 150 dianabol /i know it was wrong/

So after i decided to quit and do pct. Ive done before but always clomid fuck me up.. so i decided firstly do hcg monotherapy.. now i think it was a mistake to.. i try to explane why...

So i started with hcg eod 250iu for two month
Ive noticed gyno,redness on my face, water retention, hot flashes,and in the first two weeks hcg was effective on my sex drive after not so... i had pain in my chest so i started to use arimidex. It worked but i always overdosed and my estro crushed. After two month i stopped and started to take nolvadex alone like this

Well i felt okay on nolva, good pumps in the gym no chest pain but i noticed my head is always hot and red, i dont know why and its really annoying i looks like an alkoholik..
I read it can by high red blood count but it isnt because as u can see:

Nátrium 141 mmol/L 136 - 146
Kálium 4,6 mmol/L 3,5 - 5,1
Klorid 101 mmol/L 98 - 108
C reaktív protein 1,30 mg/L 0,00 - 5,00
Kolesterin 4,80 mmol/l 2,60 - 5,20
Triglicerids 0,60 mmol/l * 0,70 - 2,25
HDL kolesterin 1,65 mmol/l 1,04 - 3,50
LDL kolesterin 2,93 mmol/L 1,10 - 3,34
TSH 4,029 mIU/l * 0,400 - 4,000
LH 7,91 U/l 1,24 - 8,20
FSH 5,91 U/l 1,27 - 19,26
Testosteron 20,7 nmol/l 6,1 - 27,1
Free testosteron (FTI) 39,5 % 24,3 - 110,2
SHBG 52,50 nmol/l 13,30 - 89,50
Whitebloodcell 5,2 G/l 4,5 - 11,5
Neutrofil granulocita # 2,54 G/l 1,80 - 7,70
Limfocita # 1,81 G/l 1,00 - 5,00
Monocita # 0,59 G/l 0,00 - 0,80
Eozinofil granulocita # 0,17 G/l 0,00 - 0,45
Bazofil granulocita # 0,04 G/l 0,00 - 0,20
Neutrofil granulocita % 49,30 % 45,00 - 70,00
Limfocita % 35,10 % 20,00 - 45,00
Monocita % 11,50 % * 0,00 - 10,00
Eozinofil granulocita % 3,30 % 0,00 - 4,00
Bazofil granulocita % 0,80 % 0,00 - 1,00
Redbloodcell 5,3 T/l 4,5 - 5,9
Hemoglobin 166 g/l 135 - 170
Hematokrit 0,47 l/l 0,41 - 0,51
MCV 89,2 fl 81,0 - 100,0
MCH 31,3 pg 26,0 - 34,0
MCHC 351 g/l 310 - 360
RDW-SD 43,3 fl 37,0 - 54,0
Gamma GT 15 U/L - 55
Össz.bilirubin 11,5 umol/L 5,0 - 21,0
Kreatin-kináz 96 U/L 39 - 171
Karbamid 7,1 mmol/L 2,8 - 7,2
Kreatinin 112,0 umol/L * 64,0 - 104,0
Ösztradiol (E2) 137,5 pmol/l * - 116,0

i did it last week when ive taken 40mg tamoxifen.. my estrogen is high i dont know how... and the second problem is tsh... it can be cause redness i dont know. Now i lowered the dose to 10mg of nolvadex and now i have chest pain again.. i really dont understand what the hell is going on i hope somebody can give me what i have to do now. I have some days from nolvadex after it will be in my system for 1 weeks than i will be clear. So my question what can cause my hot face and redness in the morning after in the complete day and why my estrogen levels so high? Maybe hcg make bad damage or i dont know.. Thanks you
Sustanon in 2019.8 was my last inject.
Dianabol 2019.01
When i was on roids i had never issues with gyno or estrogen. Since i did this hcg monotherapy, i have issues.

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