After essentially being on a light HCG mono-therapy for 4 weeks, I bought some Sustanon from the pharmacy and gave it a go. I've been doing 150 mg a week, divided Mon Wed Fri, for 4 weeks already. I noticed my skin got a bit oilier and a little bit of water retention (I gained about 1.5 KG / 3 lbs). Regarding positive effects, I think my mood is slightly better now and my libido is a bit better. I still have no morning wood though. I guess it might take some more time to get better results. Here is a summary of my bloodwork so far:
Total T: 216 ng/dL (250 - 870)
Free T (lab calculated): 6.4 ng/dL (9 - 30) 2.96%
Estradiol: 22 pg/mL (11 - 44) No idea what type of test they use for E2
LH: 2.9 mIU/mL (0.57 - 12.1)
FSH: 3.1 mIU/mL (0.95 - 12)
SHBG: 12.8 nmol/L (13.5 - 71.4)
Prolactin: 19.7 ng/mL (3.5 - 20)
Total T: 245 ng/dL (250 - 870)
Free T (lab calculated): 7.3 ng/dL (9 - 30) 2.97%
Estradiol: 30 pg/mL (11 - 44) No idea what type of test they use for E2
LH: 0.6 mIU/mL (0.57 - 12.1)
FSH: 1.2 mIU/mL (0.95 - 12)
SHBG: 12.4 nmol/L (13.5 - 71.4)
Prolactin: 21.6 ng/mL (3.5 - 20)
AFTER ANOTHER 4W OF SUSTANON 150 mg/week + HCG 900 IU/week
Total T: 745 ng/dL (250 - 870)
Free T (lab calculated): 25.6 ng/dL (9 - 30) 3.44%
Estradiol: 62 pg/mL (11 - 44) No idea what type of test they use for E2
LH: 0.05 mIU/mL (0.57 - 12.1)
FSH: 0.05 mIU/mL (0.95 - 12)
SHBG: 10.1 nmol/L (13.5 - 71.4)
Prolactin: 30.6 ng/mL (3.5 - 20)
Total / Free T are about where I expected them to be at 150 mg/week. I choose this as a good average starting point, from what I've seen here. Apart from feeling better and symptom resolution, I would like to get as much physical/recovery benefits from TRT as possible, since I am training seriously and intensively and muscle/joint recovery due to low T has been a big problem for me for years now. For this reason I would like to get my levels to around 1000 - 1200 ng/dL. That would hopefully give me the recovery benefits and won't result in too much negative side effects, since it's still within the normal physiological range, or slightly above it. Obviously I will be monitoring all health factors closely, not to do any harm and will drop the dose once things start getting out of whack. I am planning to increase my dose to 200 mg/week now, to try to boost the levels a bit more.
I am not quite happy that E2 sits at 62, while Total T is just 745. That gives T/E2 ratio of 12. If I want to increase my T to 1000-1200, E2 will probably also rise to some degree and that might come with its downsides. Even now with 62, I am not quite sure if it affects my libido in a negative way to a degree. I am not a big fan of AI in general and I'm trying to avoid taking such if possible.
Also I am not sure why my Prolactin jumped from 20 to 30 ng/mL after started taking testosterone. I've measured it multiple times the months before starting TRT and it was always around 16 - 20. I did a lot of reading on the topic, but still couldn't figure it out. I know that it shouldn't be tumour related, since the level is too low for that. But also I'm not sure if it is an actual problem - the level is not that much above the recommended range, in absolute units. I've never had problems with ED and I don't have such now. I don't know if it could be suppressing my libido though.
O SHBG ainda está super baixo e até caiu 2 unidades a mais desde o início da testosterona. Não parece haver nenhuma maneira confiável de aumentá-lo significativamente, pelo que li. Estou tomando 850 mg de metformina por dia há alguns meses, para aumentar minha sensibilidade à insulina. Também tomo 400 mg de berberina por dia há um mês. Nada disso ajuda a aumentar meu SHBG. Ouvi dizer que a dieta baixa em carboidratos / Ceto pode ajudar, mas realmente odeio a ideia por vários motivos.
Então, como eu disse, a partir da semana que vem vou aumentar a dose para 200 mg/semana. Também estou planejando adicionar 200 mg/semana de Decanoato de Nandrolona por suas propriedades de cura das articulações e alguns benefícios adicionais de desempenho. Eu sei que a nandrolona não aromatiza tanto quanto a testosterona, então espero que não aumente tanto meu E2, considerando que já está no lado alto.
O que é que vocês acham?
@Vince @Nelson Vergel @Cataceous @madman @Systemlord @Jason Sypolt