If it makes you feel any better....I have very similar reaction to AI.
I have not shared my experience until now after reading this thread.
If any one here reading this has read my other posts, I have REALLY high E2 (70+).
I was personally .125mg AI when I first started TRT and was instructed to only take it if I had symptoms.
Well after reading a bunch about folks crashing their E2, as well as all the other, long term side effects. I decided I did not ever want to mess with it.
Fast forward to 7-8 weeks ago and blood test showing I still have really high E2 after lowering my dose of T.
I decided to try the AI. The first dose I felt kinda “off”. The second dose I was waking up in the night and my chest felt kinda heavy and my heart was doing strange things.
Third dose....woke up the following night and felt I was having a heart attack.
I could not breath, anxiety off the chart, heart was racing, etc.
Literally felt like I was dying.
After I spoke with
Defy about it, they said no AI for me.
So I hope you get it worked out. Hang in there.