Ordered from NuScience Peptides

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Where did you get the water to reconstitute? I usually inject 2mg of TB500 and have never felt any pain of any kind. The only time I felt pain injecting peptides was when I listened to someone and used 6% solution of Acetic Acid reconstitute IGF-1. Big mistake. I also had a bad experience using sterile water and not BW.
Where did you get the water to reconstitute? I usually inject 2mg of TB500 and have never felt any pain of any kind. The only time I felt pain injecting peptides was when I listened to someone and used 6% solution of Acetic Acid reconstitute IGF-1. Big mistake. I also had a bad experience using sterile water and not BW.
I got it from NuScience.
Just wanted to share an email that nuscience sent me recently. They apparently saw the comment I made on here about their bac water, and without me even reaching out to them about it they took it upon themselves to send me this email

I’ve never seen customer service like this before in my life. And the way they handled this is exactly what I would want to see from a company. Instead of making excuses, they simply stepped up, accepted that an issue existed, why it happened, what they’re going to do to rectify it, and even offered a compensation option, which I’m not going to take. Just having a reliable company to order products from with this level of customer service and leadership is more than enough to make up for a simple mistake of being short 1ml of bac water in each vial. At least for me.

I personally love helping out people and companies that care more about people around them/ people they're servicing, than profits and greed. So far I’m extremely impressed with this company, the people working there, and what this company seems to stand for. Which so far seems like supplying top quality products for amazing products, with amazing customer service on top of it all. If I were to run a company, I can’t see one thing that I would do differently compared to
what I’m seeing from nuscience so far, and I very very rarely feel that way, if ever. If only more people and companies were like these guys. The world would be a much better place lol
I had a great experience when talking to the guy as well.
Obv I’m an N of 1, but I reconstituted my ipa and CJC with their bac water, and I haven’t had one issue so far injecting them both twice per day. The CJC and ipa are also from nuscience
That is great. I never even thought it was the water that might be the issue. Ill take some more but I take imaporelin/semorelin from revive rx and hcg from revive. Never had a burn like this.
It’s not letting me upload a snapshot of the email rn for some reason. Here’s what they sent me

We are reaching out to customers who bought our BAC water. It has come to our attention that the factory has placed 2 ML per bottle as opposed to 3ML per bottle as described and sold. We are going to rectify it however the customer would prefer. Please let us know if we can send you out additional bottles to compensate for the shortage. We apologize for the error but we are being proactive to resolve this and it is not something we are trying to hide or deceive our customers with.

Please include your address and how many you bought so we can compensate for the shortage.

Thank you,

  • NuScience Peptides
That is great. I never even thought it was the water that might be the issue. Ill take some more but I take imaporelin/semorelin from revive rx and hcg from revive. Never had a burn like this.
Ya not sure what the issue for u is exactly. Just wanted to share my experience to show that their bac water isn’t personally giving me any type of reaction or anything
Everything is tested for purity and quantity. Some people have bad reactions like you stated. I for one cannot do HCG without being absolutely crippled and swollen. That's compounded and pharmaceutical it just destroys me.

And to reiterate I am not at all saying that there is anything impure or bad or wrong or anything with your product or trying to imply your product is anything other than what you say it is.

All I’m saying(perhaps inarticulately) is that these things will have different effects on different people and for some reason someone may have an allergic type reaction that can’t be predicted.

And to reiterate I am not at all saying that there is anything impure or bad or wrong or anything with your product or trying to imply your product is anything other than what you say it is.

All I’m saying(perhaps inarticulately) is that these things will have different effects on different people and for some reason someone may have an allergic type reaction that can’t be predicted.
Also let's not negate the fact that the guy from the labs said that the coas on Nuscience peptides were fishy and that he the one tor tb 500 was for semiglutide for SW peptides. I'm nit here to make trouble but if you are selling stuff that you know people, human beings might take have your coas correct.
I will say this again, I have probably more experience with peptides than any one on this board. I can't even imagine how many 100's of vials I have purchased and used since 2005. I have bought from the Chinese, bought from internet sites and a few times even off Ebay. NEVER have I purchased anything that was not good. I always got that kind of flushing feeling typical of most peptides.. BPC157 and TB500 do not do this. Never got anything that caused any reaction, except back when people thought AA was the only thing used to reconstitute IGF-1. I was one of the 1st that said BW worked better. That burn AA gives is cellular necrosis, not good in any book. I know from dealing with people who synthesize large amounts of this stuff that it is so cheap to make that it is just not worth trying to pass off crap. Even IGF-1. There is plenty of profit to be made selling good products and none to be made selling crap. I sourced peptides for a while, quit years ago and now I am a customer like the rest of you. I NEVER have problem with anything I buy from any source. With this so called shortage of BW I always ask where the BW came from. Lots of bad products out there that claim to be BW which is nothing but reverse osmosis purified water and .9% BA. You can make a gallon of it at home for very little money.

To be clear, I did not bring NuSciencePeptides to this board. He found his way here on his own. In fact, he had PM'd me to find out if I was the same BigTex that he knew of. I did vetted him as a sponsor on a board I am the administrator of and have 100% trust in his products. We have never had a complaint and only positives from those who have ordered from him. These are all very experienced users. I do know for a fact he is also been vetted on several boards and has the same positive comments. Don't know what his status is on this board, but I stand behind using NuSciencePeptides 100% and will be happy to recommend him to anyone who asks. I made it clear that his prices are very fair and his service is top notch. That combination is very hard to find anywhere.
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So I started 150mcg ipamorelin and 100mcg of CJC 1295 without DAC twice a day on 9-20-23, both from nuscience, and am noticing my hands sometimes going a little numb while sleeping, while sleeping in certain positions, which is exactly what would happen when I was using pharma Genotropin HGH. Obv doesn’t prove anything definitively, but it’s a sign that they most likely are legit, imo/ ime
No, the one for TB500 WAS from SW when we bought our initial inventory from them and there was no reason to retest. It was from them directly and with their permission it was posted.

My new batch of TB500, Tirz 10mg, and Ipamorelin are awaiting results from MZ Biolabs who are away until Oct. They will be posted the day they are finalized. We paid for testing directly.

I respect your research and being careful, however, with all the crooked people out there how do you trust ANYONE with research products, never mind actually taking a chance injecting them into your body?

Updated Test Results page for what is being tested and pending.

2 Current, removed the old and have 3 at the lab (closed until Oct)
Sending out the new BPC157 tomorrow for testing

Mid-Oct all 6 will be current, sorry for any delays, it takes 3-5 weeks for turn around on results and many times product moves faster than testing.
Hey I'm posting my experience and what the guy at MZ biomass told me. How can you blame me when I go researching and he tells me the CoAs are edited and what not. I felt betrayed in a sense. But if you are.correcting those things then that is great and I'm just giving my experience. Men keeping each other accountable is a good thing.

You refunded my money without me asking. I was going to bite the bullet because they may be good stuff and I may have a unique reaction. Thanks I just want guys to get the good stuff and good on you for providing the reassurance.
How's your imaporelin going?
ive taken growth hormone peptides before, and I don’t really notice anything significant from them, so it’s hard to say what they’re doing or not doing. I basically use them as like a background thing. Just gives me a piece of mind thinking they’re giving me benefits in the background basically. So far only thing I’ve noticed is that my fingers fall asleep a bit while im sleeping if I sleep in certain positions. And I notice my grip at the gym is very very slightly compromised. Nothing crazy. I notice the same thing when I take pharma HGH. It’s due to the increased water retention that puts pressure on the nerves in the wrist. Basically the same mechanism that causes guys to get carpal tunnel like symptoms when they use too high of dosages of HGH. This isn’t a negative in my mind about these peptides. In fact the opposite. To me, it’s just proving that they’re doing exactly what they’re supposed to be doing. Increasing growth hormone levels within my body. The symptoms that I’m experiencing are just common side effects of increased growth hormone levels. I also think I’m sensitive to experiencing them. I know guys using pretty high HGH dosages and don’t experience these symptoms. Meanwhile even when I used relatively low dosages of pharma HGH, I still experienced them. Dosages in the 1.8-2.7iu range.
ive taken growth hormone peptides before, and I don’t really notice anything significant from them, so it’s hard to say what they’re doing or not doing. I basically use them as like a background thing. Just gives me a piece of mind thinking they’re giving me benefits in the background basically. So far only thing I’ve noticed is that my fingers fall asleep a bit while im sleeping if I sleep in certain positions. And I notice my grip at the gym is very very slightly compromised. Nothing crazy. I notice the same thing when I take pharma HGH. It’s due to the increased water retention that puts pressure on the nerves in the wrist. Basically the same mechanism that causes guys to get carpal tunnel like symptoms when they use too high of dosages of HGH. This isn’t a negative in my mind about these peptides. In fact the opposite. To me, it’s just proving that they’re doing exactly what they’re supposed to be doing. Increasing growth hormone levels within my body. The symptoms that I’m experiencing are just common side effects of increased growth hormone levels. I also think I’m sensitive to experiencing them. I know guys using pretty high HGH dosages and don’t experience these symptoms. Meanwhile even when I used relatively low dosages of pharma HGH, I still experienced them. Dosages in the 1.8-2.7iu range.
Interesting, I definitely feel the deep dreaming. Before I would be in my dreams sure but now ita very lucid. More so than before.
Interesting, I definitely feel the deep dreaming. Before I would be in my dreams sure but now ita very lucid. More so than before.
U know what, I think I might be experiencing the same. I don’t remember my dreams all the time, but last night I remember two that were both pretty vivid. Can’t remember the details of them now, but when I woke up I remember thinking about how detailed they were and all the things I could remember from them as soon as I woke up
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