Business is booming and better then ever hehe. Glad I haven't watched TV for years. It's a damn shame that they let this happen but IIWII and I doubt it will ever get better. Re critical thinking you're spot on as well, its pretty much gone. Big pharma, dirty politicians and all the companies involved are clapping hands, laughing and swimming in absurd amounts of money when around one bad thing after another is happening. I'm in the UK and a PT from my gym recently told me the new stats from city I live in. Small city around 80k people and 77 people from 100 are overweight. 45 from 100 kids <18yo as well. It's absolutely bonkers as well and very sad and don't see myself living here long-term.@Belekas. You should spend a day watching American TV, it one big pharma drug commercial after another. We have become the sickest country in the world taking pills for everything. Critical thinking is something that doesn't exist much in society.
It has all become one big comedy horror show that you can watch everyday without even turning the TV on smh