Optimal time of day for hCG or Testosterone injections?

Hello! I could not find the answer, so sorry if this has been answered already buried in another post!

I am on the following schedule for months now and have pretty stable levels - better than when I started T shots once every 10 days (with T alone), then every 7 days, then finally to twice a week sub-Q (now) with hCG, which is the best/most stable so far:

Sunday - hCG shot 500 units (usually 1-7pm time range)
Monday - T Cypionate shot 70mg units (usually 1-7pm time range)
Wednesday - hCG shot 500 units (usually 1-7pm time range)
Friday - T Cypionate shot 70mg units (usually 2-3am time range)

With 4 injections a week, I've gotten a little sloppy with my timing and wondering how important it is to time these during the day?

QUESTION 1: Is there an optimal time of day for hCG and/or Testosterone injections? For example, right before going to bed, X hours before bed, first thing in the morning, etc?

QUESTION 2: How important is it to be consistent with time of day of injections? Am I throwing my body feedback loops off a bit by bouncing this around?

QUESTION 3: Should I really be doing T every 3.5 days - so if I do 1pm Monday (my morning time), I would be doing Friday 1am (right before my bedtime)?

A quirk in this is that for years I've slept 4am-12pm. Just eye-balling my "log", I seem to get ideal response when I inject 1-3pm (which is really my first 3 hours of awake time) - although I have never tried all my injections purposely at different times (bedtime, etc).

Also, I'm not against changing this around or trying something new to optimize things even more.

What you have outlined would work, but most of us here do every 3.5 days (Monday morning, Thursday evening, etc.) to keep it simple and inject HCH and test the same day. It is easy to overcomplicate things.
I wondered the same, and I've seen Jerry Brainum's video https://youtu.be/FBx-g0sQHL4, where he suggests that testosterone is best injected morning time, in the first hours after waking, when our body's T levels are typically peaking, and that our body responds to exogenous T during that window more like it was endogenous T, which may mitigate side effects and aid in boosting benefits.

I asked Dr Saya from Defy this question though when I spoke with him at my consultation recently, and he said that may be true for testosterone suspension, but because most guys are on an esterified T (cypionate, propionate, enenthate), the ester slows down the absorption and makes timing in morning less consequential.

A Mon/Thurs sort of routine would typically work fine, or Monday AM, Thursday PM if you want to space it more evenly. But beyond that, no need to micromanage it.

Also- have you seen Nelson's HCG video? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0uXoBb6mkys His method, for simplicity and ease of compliance, is to combine the injections into the same day and actually into the same syringe. So two dual injections per week.

Several other guys here do the same, and that might be worth considering if consistency and compliance is a concern.

Good luck finding what works for you Trinity!
This first month on HCG I've been injecting daily mixing with Sermorelin late at night. T has been Monday morning, Thursday evening no particular time, just after waking, on Monday and sometime after dinner on Thursday.
Why do you need a 6 hour range for your injections...is work, or life, that unpredictable for you? I would say that everyone that I can see follows a pretty routine schedule and what your stating has a lot of variance in it which isn't necessary. T (naturally) is peaking in the morning so I follow that logic with my injections. Using 500iu of HCG myself I combined T and HCG once, only once and never again...I was a hormonal basket case the rest of the day for no other cause or reason. I split those 12hrs apart typically butmy body rejected it all at once.
Point being you'll need to try some things and see what you're comfy with.
I also try to keep it simple, when I first started TRT I injected twice a week, both days morning. I now injected every 3 1/2 days to keep my levels even, along with HCG on the same day. By keeping my levels even, I think it causes less problms.
To the OP's question on HCG timing, Dr. Crisler has mentioned that evening/bedtime injection may be more natural (body normally engages in significant hormone production at night, hence highest levels in the morning). However, he also says that his patients report morning injections provide "a sense of well being" not experienced with evening injections.

I do everything in the morning, entirely for convenience and consistency.
I do Nelson's shoulder method 3 times a week on varying days. Never back to back days but never a set routine. 50 mg Test and 500 iu HCG. I feel pretty good on it right now.
Your 500 iu HCG dosage is on the high side for this peptide.

You would do just as well at 250 iu and save yourself a lot of money.

Give it a try.

Yes, I was wondering that also! I know in Dr. Crissler's book, he mentions starting his patients out at MUCH lower dosage than I'm on.

QUESTION: You think I would experience any side effects from dropping it quickly to 250 IU twice a week or I drop it more slowly over the course of several weeks to negate side effects? I'll mention to my doc and see what he says!

QUESTION: Are there any identifiable symptoms of too high HCG when on the TRT and the dosages I mentioned I could keep an eye on it?

I know adding HCG to my regimen upped my total Testosterone to high at 1200 range, so we dropped my dosages:
T from 80mg to 70mg
HCG from 650 IU to 500 IU

... and that put my T in about my ideal 900 range and T:E2 ratio is also in a great range.

Thanks, Gene!
ERO - thanks - I think I'll continue my Mon AM and THU PM (before bed) T shot timings.

BBaller - thanks for the great info - especially from Dr. Saya. Yes, I saw Nelson's great video on the combining injections. While it would be simpler and seems to work for him and others, I was pretty sure I read in Dr. Crissler's book that it was good to do on different days for best effect (details are in that book).

Vince Carter - Yes, my 6 hour range was never that big previously, but yes work/life/3 young kids does make things more unpredictable. Also I think my mindset was "hey, I used to inject every 10 or 7 days, so what's a few hours going to screw things up" :). But I WILL move back to more consistent schedule. I keep a detailed daily journal spreadsheet for over a year (libido, sleep time/duration, mood, etc) and haven't seen much if any change in that 6 hour window, but again, I'll return to more consistency.

Vince - thanks. It sounds like several people take T and HCG on same day, I may approach my Dr. on that, even thought Dr. Crissler stated taking HCG a day ahead might be best - I'll have to re-read that part of his book.

Jk78 - Wow, injections six times a week - interesting. That would definitely keep things more consistent I would think! May be worth trying at least for a while maybe. Doing subq with insulin needs is pretty painless.

Thanks to everyone for your comments. I hope this thread helps others also get a good consensus of everyone's timing.

Again, not experiencing any noticeable issues, just wondered how much I could deviate from the 3.5 day injection schedule without many adverse effects.

Thanks all!
Yes, I was wondering that also! I know in Dr. Crissler's book, he mentions starting his patients out at MUCH lower dosage than I'm on.

QUESTION: You think I would experience any side effects from dropping it quickly to 250 IU twice a week or I drop it more slowly over the course of several weeks to negate side effects? I'll mention to my doc and see what he says!

No, you won't experience any negative side effects.

QUESTION: Are there any identifiable symptoms of too high HCG when on the TRT and the dosages I mentioned I could keep an eye on it?

Yes, elevated estrogen levels.

I know adding HCG to my regimen upped my total Testosterone to high at 1200 range, so we dropped my dosages:
T from 80mg to 70mg
HCG from 650 IU to 500 IU

... and that put my T in about my ideal 900 range and T:E2 ratio is also in a great range.

You'll be fine and you'll save money as well. HCG is best taken in smaller doses more frequently.

Thanks, Gene!

Bold above.
Hey Trinity- physiologically it makes sense to me that smaller more frequent dosages of both T and HCG would be preferable.

I think for Nelson the issue is compliance. Many guys just don't have the means or wherewithal to dose every day, even if it would more closely mimic natural patterns.

So the ongoing question is: what's the best protocol that maximizes benefits while remaining practical? On the one hand for injectables would be maybe test suspension every morning (and possibly evening) and on the other hand something like Sustanon every 2-3+ weeks. Many doctors recommend test cyp every two weeks, others test cyp every week, and many guys here do 2x/week.

I think it largely depends on what works for you; again, what produces the most benefit with the fewest side effects while still being practical enough to comply long term? You just have to figure it out individually and with your doc.

Good luck!
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Hey Trinity- physiologically it makes sense to me that smaller more frequent dosages of both T and HCG would be preferable.

I think for Nelson the issue is compliance. Many guys just don't have the means or wherewithal to dose every day, even if it would more closely mimic natural patterns.

So the ongoing question is: what's the best protocol that maximizes benefits while remaining practical? On the one hand for injectables would be maybe test suspension every morning (and possibly evening) and on the other hand something like Sustanon every 2-3+ weeks. Many doctors recommend test cyp every two weeks, others test cyp every week, and many guys here do 2x/week.

I think it largely depends on what works for you; again, what produces the most benefit with the fewest side effects while still being practical enough to comply long term? You just have to figure it out individually and with your doc.

Good luck!

Yes, thanks BBaller. You are exactly right, I had to find what worked best for me. I did start every 10 days, then 7 now 2 x week sub-q (after reading a lot about it all in these forums!), which even my Doctor (who is fairly experienced) was not familiar with. The sub-q twice a week definitely is the smoothest for me.

I added the hCG for penile sensitivity/libido type issues and it immediately helped as it has some other fellas here (a small % apparently as I've seen a lot of debate on that), but still it worked good for me. But I'd like to dose that down and make sure what I'm doing I can do long-term, so the least I can use of anything and still get optimal results is my goal.

Gene, just wanted to thank you (and others on this thread) again and post an update that moving to the smaller, more frequent hCG dosages is working great. If anything, libido and sensitivity has actually gone up and it was nothing to complain about before, so more is not necessarily better with hCG obviously. Guess each person has to find their own "zone".

As a reminder, I moved from 500IU twice a week to 250IU three times a week (so I just cut down total weekly hCG by 25% really) ...
This first month on HCG I've been injecting daily mixing with Sermorelin late at night. T has been Monday morning, Thursday evening no particular time, just after waking, on Monday and sometime after dinner on Thursday.

You mix hcg and sermorelin together and inject both? I wonder if that would cause any problems?

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