Opinions on my regimen please


New Member
I am 63 and in very good shape. 170lb 5'10" 32" waist, 40" chest no big muscles but definitely still beach worthy.

In August 16 my MD, after an annual physical noted my testosterone was at 292 on a range of 300-598 for my age.

for 4 months she put me on 1ml/200mg of test cyp per month (yeh, I know). In Nov 16 just before 4th shot, blood was drawn, all my blood numbers (dozens of them) were within range but my T was 300. She doubled the dose to 2ml/400 mg once a month.this month I went in for blood work three weeks after my last 2ml shot, my blood work again was within range, but my T was 182. I decided it was time to be my own doctor.

since last week I've learnt that the ridiculous 1 a month routine caused my T level to crash (presumably becaus my body has slowed way down on Testosterne manufacture).After speaking with urology, her plan was to half the existing prescription, and have me take 1/ml 200mg every two weeks. I was not pleased.

By some freak occurrence my MD's certified medical assistant , or maybe Nurse practitioner, accidentally wrote a prescription for 2ml/400 mg every TWO weeks.

I was delighted with this error, and I intended to follow this regime. But after reading info on here, I have decided to inject 1ml/200 mg weekly. I believe my MD is not only clueless when it comes to frequency of injections, I think she has been over cautious in getting me up to my T goal which is about 450 (middle of the range for my age). Please give me your opinions on my plans, and also, if I get lazy and only pull a needle out every two weeks (2ml/400mg) are the spikes I will feel harmful to my health, or is it just an E Ticket ride? I actually enjoyed the rocket launch the other day, having T that was probably 140ish by the time I got my shot of 2ml.
wow there are so many things wrong with this its tragic and you're ideas aren't much better and are no good. A basic, starter protocol would be 50mg E3.5D, 100mg total, per week. You should be on HCG...I take it that that's a dead issue with your "Dr", has it been discussed, at all?
Nearpost, as Vince says the typical protocol is 2 shots a week or some do a shot E3D (every 3 days) Most TRT experts or successful TRT practitioners do it this way for many good reasons. Doing one shot a week or every 2nd week puts you on the so called roller coaster ride. Too big a shot and your E2 goes too high. In your case it looks like by the time you do bloods your test levels have dropped to the bottom again. Clearly no gain there. Lots of good articles here and Nelson has some great vids too. Time to find yourself a successful TRT practitioner, there are a few here on the board... perhaps Defy can get you sorted out.
Nearpost, welcome to EM. Glad you joined!! You can obviously see there's a wealth of information within this community, and many of us here also went through some form of botched protocol tribulation period to get where we are now.

As noted, there's other variables associated with this stuff, HCG, AI (if needed), and it's essential to understand and manage areas like the thyroid, adrenals, and any potential imbalances in CBC's or the metabolic profile. I know it might seem or sound a bit overwhelming at times, but knowledge can be attained relatively soon IF you invest some time into the matter.

Achieving some form of balance is the goal, which is why it's necessary to get familiar with how the hormonal pathway and conversion process works, and more importantly is having a physician that is actually a master at understanding it!! As you already know, 400mg/month has zero chance for balance, and again, there's other factors both upstream and downstream that are in play, and the body's quest for homeostasis continues ...
Welcome to the forum. I think it's time to get a new Doctor for TRT. So basically you were getting 400mg injection once per month?
Many thanks for the welcome, and thanks to the other gents for their input. I will look into HCG, and try to get my head around 2 jabs a week

Ideally you inject every 3 1/2 days which is exactly 2x per week. I do every Monday evening & Friday morning. Injecting sub-q makes it a snap. I get very good generic HCG from an Indian pharmacy for $15 2 month supply plus shipping. Cheaper than CVS. If you need any sources for meds or syringes, just PM me.

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